Class TLcdAtomEntry

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdAtomEntry extends TLcdDataObject
The content of an Atom feed. An entry has some metadata properties (such as a title) and one or more links to other content. For more information, see section 4.1.2 of the format spec.
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty BASE_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the base attribute. The possible values for this property are instances of URI.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty LANGUAGE_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the lang attribute. The possible values for this property are instances of String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty AUTHORS_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the author element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomPerson>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty CATEGORIES_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the category element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomCategory>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty CONTENT_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the content element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomContent>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty CONTRIBUTORS_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the contributor element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomPerson>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty IDS_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the id element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomId>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty PUBLISHED_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the published element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomDateTime>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty RIGHTS_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the rights element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomText>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SOURCES_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the source element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomText>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SUMMARY_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the summary element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomText>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty TITLES_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the title element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomText>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty UPDATED_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the updated element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAtomDateTime>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty ANY_PROPERTY
      Data any property. The possible values for this property are instances of List<Object>.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdAtomEntry

      public TLcdAtomEntry()
    • TLcdAtomEntry

      public TLcdAtomEntry(TLcdDataType aType)
  • Method Details

    • getBase

      public URI getBase()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the base attribute.

      the value of the BASE_PROPERTY property.
    • setBase

      public void setBase(URI aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the base attribute.

      aValue - the value to set for the BASE_PROPERTY property.
    • getLanguage

      public String getLanguage()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the lang attribute.

      the value of the LANGUAGE_PROPERTY property.
    • setLanguage

      public void setLanguage(String aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the lang attribute.

      aValue - the value to set for the LANGUAGE_PROPERTY property.
    • getAuthors

      public List<TLcdAtomPerson> getAuthors()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the author element.
      the value of the AUTHORS_PROPERTY property.
    • getCategories

      public List<TLcdAtomCategory> getCategories()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the category element.
      the value of the CATEGORIES_PROPERTY property.
    • getContent

      public List<TLcdAtomContent> getContent()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the content element.

      Contains or links to the complete content of the entry. Content must be provided if there is no alternate link, and should be provided if there is no summary.

      the value of the CONTENT_PROPERTY property.
    • getContributors

      public List<TLcdAtomPerson> getContributors()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the contributor element.
      the value of the CONTRIBUTORS_PROPERTY property.
    • getIds

      public List<TLcdAtomId> getIds()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the id element.
      the value of the IDS_PROPERTY property.
    • getLinks

      public List<TLcdAtomLink> getLinks()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the link element.

      Identifies a related Web page. The type of relation is defined by the rel attribute. An entry is limited to one alternate per type and hreflang. An entry must contain an alternate link if there is no content element.

      the value of the LINKS_PROPERTY property.
    • getPublished

      public List<TLcdAtomDateTime> getPublished()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the published element.
      the value of the PUBLISHED_PROPERTY property.
    • getRights

      public List<TLcdAtomText> getRights()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the rights element.
      the value of the RIGHTS_PROPERTY property.
    • getSources

      public List<TLcdAtomText> getSources()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the source element.
      the value of the SOURCES_PROPERTY property.
    • getSummary

      public List<TLcdAtomText> getSummary()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the summary element.
      the value of the SUMMARY_PROPERTY property.
    • getTitles

      public List<TLcdAtomText> getTitles()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the title element.
      the value of the TITLES_PROPERTY property.
    • getUpdated

      public List<TLcdAtomDateTime> getUpdated()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the updated element.

      Indicates the last time the entry was modified in a significant way. This value need not change after a typo is fixed, only after a substantial modification. Generally, different entries in a feed will have different updated timestamps.

      the value of the UPDATED_PROPERTY property.
    • getAny

      public List<Object> getAny()
      Returns the value of the any property.
      the value of the ANY_PROPERTY property.