Interface ILcdMagneticNorthMap

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdIGRFMagneticNorthMap, TLcdWMMMagneticNorthMap

public interface ILcdMagneticNorthMap
This method specifies how a calculator for the magnetic north should operate. Several properties of the magnetic north vector can be calculated.
  • Declination: the angle (degrees) between the magnetic north and the true north (the fault a compass would make). The declination is considered positive when the angle measured is east of true north and negative when west. In short: true bearing = magnetic bearing + declination.
  • Inclination: the angle (degrees) between the magnetic north vector and a horizontal plane in the given point. This is an angle inwards or outwards the earth.
  • Total intensity: the total intensity of the magnetic field at the given point. Unit is nanoTesla (nT)
Typically, a calculator can only perform calculations for a limited time interval. This time interval can be queried.
  • Method Details

    • getModelName

      String getModelName()
      Returns the name of the model.
      the name of the model
    • getShortModelName

      String getShortModelName()
      Returns the abbreviated model name.
      the abbreviated model name
    • retrieveDeclinationAt

      float retrieveDeclinationAt(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Given a point (and implicitly a time value via setDate()), this method calculates the declination of the magnetic north vector.
      aPoint - The point on the globe, the reference is World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84)
      the declination in degrees at the given point
    • retrieveInclinationAt

      float retrieveInclinationAt(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Given a point (and implicitly a time value via setDate()), this method calculates the inclination of the magnetic north vector.
      aPoint - The point on the globe, the reference is World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84)
      the inclination in degrees at the given point
    • retrieveTotalIntensityAt

      float retrieveTotalIntensityAt(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Given a point (and implicitly a time value via setDate()), this method calculates the total intensity of the magnetic north vector.
      aPoint - The point on the globe, the reference is World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84)
      the total intensity in nanoTesla (nT) at the given point
    • isValidDate

      boolean isValidDate(Calendar aDate)
      Checks whether the given date is a valid date for this map.
      aDate - the date to check the validity for.
      true if getBeginValidDate() <= aDate <= getEndValidDate(), false otherwise.
    • getBeginValidDate

      Calendar getBeginValidDate()
      Return the first date value for which this map can retrieve magnetic north.
      the first date value for which this map can retrieve magnetic north
    • getEndValidDate

      Calendar getEndValidDate()
      Return the last date value for which this map can retrieve magnetic north.
      the last date value for which this map can retrieve magnetic north
    • setDate

      void setDate(Calendar aDate)
      Sets the date to retrieve the magnetic north at.
      aDate - The date, isValidDate(aDate) must be true.
      See Also:
    • getDate

      Calendar getDate()
      Returns the current date set to this map.
      The current date set to this map.
      See Also:
    • clone
