Interface ILcdDAFIFSubTypeFilteringDecoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdDAFIFAirspaceDecoder, TLcdDAFIFSpecialUseAirspaceDecoder, TLcdDAFIFTAirspaceDecoder, TLcdDAFIFTSpecialUseAirspaceDecoder

public interface ILcdDAFIFSubTypeFilteringDecoder
Interface for DAFIF or DAFIFT decoders with the ability to filter domain objects based on their subtype. Subtypes are discriminated by the DAFIF 'TYPE' attribute value if available.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an array of enumerated values defining all subtypes of a given DAFIF feature type.
    Returns the array of indices that indicates which subtypes are decoded.
    setSubTypesToDecode(int[] aSubTypeIndices)
    Set an array of indices into the array of available subtypes that indicates which subtypes must be decoded.
  • Method Details

    • getAvailableSubTypes

      Object[] getAvailableSubTypes()
      Returns an array of enumerated values defining all subtypes of a given DAFIF feature type. Note : This array MUST NOT be modified. See setSubTypesToDecode(int[]).
      an array of enumerated values defining subtypes of a given DAFIF feature type.
    • setSubTypesToDecode

      void setSubTypesToDecode(int[] aSubTypeIndices)
      Set an array of indices into the array of available subtypes that indicates which subtypes must be decoded. If aSubTypeIndices is null, all available subtypes will be decoded.
      aSubTypeIndices - an array of indices into the array of available subtypes.
    • getSubTypesToDecode

      int[] getSubTypesToDecode()
      Returns the array of indices that indicates which subtypes are decoded. If no array is set, null is returned and all available subtypes are decoded.
      param the array of indices that indicates which subtypes are decoded, or null otherwise.