Interface ILcdASDIMessageFilter

public interface ILcdASDIMessageFilter

Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface. It is supplied for backwards compatibility. It is recommended to use the new ILcdDataObject instead to retrieve information on the properties of all ASDI elements. For more information on ILcdDataObject, refer to the developer's guide or TLcdASDIDataTypes.

An interface that defines a filter for messages based on the ILcdDataObject interface.

An ASDI message can be parsed into an ILcdDataObject, using the TLcdASDIMessageInputStream class. This filter allows to filter ASDI messages based on the data types and properties found in TLcdASDIMessageDataTypes.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns whether to accept the message with features aMessageFeatured.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      boolean accept(ILcdDataObject aMessage)
      Returns whether to accept the message with features aMessageFeatured.
      aMessage - the ILcdDataObject containing the properties of the message.
      Returns true if the message described by the specified parameters is accepted, or false otherwise.