Interface ILcdARINCDMEFeature

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdARINCNavaidFeature, ILcdDMEFeature, ILcdNavaidFeature

public interface ILcdARINCDMEFeature extends ILcdDMEFeature, ILcdARINCNavaidFeature
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdDMEFeature interface with ARINC specific features.

If a featured domain object contains a value for a feature, this value should comply with the terms specified in this interface.

This interface defines the features (properties) that can be requested through ILcdFeatured. A more preferred and generic way to access the properties of a domain object is through ILcdDataObject. The related class defining the available data object properties for an ARINC DME is TLcdARINCDMEDataProperties.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final String DME_CLASS
      See Also:

      static final String FREQUENCY
      The value of the frequency. The frequency is of the type Float.
      See Also:

      static final String FREQUENCY_UNIT
      The unit of measurement of the frequency. The frequency unit is of the type TLcdFrequencyUnit.
      See Also:

      static final String FREQUENCY_PROTECTION
      The distance in nautical miles to the next nearest navaid on the same frequency. The frequency protection is of the type String.
      See Also:

      static final String FIGURE_OF_MERIT
      An indication of the usable ranges of the navaid. The figure of Merit is of the type TLcdFigureOfMerit.
      See Also:

      static final String ILS_DME_BIAS
      A 2-digit bias term used to specify the DME offset.

      The ILS/DME Bias field is intended only for DMEs in an ILS installation.

      The ILS/DME bias is of the type Float.

      See Also:

      static final String ILS_DME_BIAS_UNIT
      The unit of measurement of the ILS/DME bias.

      The ILS/DME Bias Unit field is intended only for DMEs in an ILS installation.

      The ILS/DME bias unit is of the type TLcdDistanceUnit.

      See Also:

      static final String STATION_DECLINATION
      The value of the station declination, which contains the angular difference between true north and the zero degree radial of the NAVAID at the time the NAVAID was last site checked. The station declination is of the type Float.
      See Also:

      static final String STATION_DECLINATION_TYPE
      The type of the station declination, which contains the angular difference between true north and the zero degree radial of the NAVAID at the time the NAVAID was last site checked. The station declination type is of the type TLcdStationDeclinationType.
      See Also: