Interface ILcdAIXMNDBFeature

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdAIXMNavaidFeature, ILcdNavaidFeature, ILcdNDBFeature

public interface ILcdAIXMNDBFeature extends ILcdNDBFeature, ILcdAIXMNavaidFeature
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdNDBFeature interface with AIXM specific features.

If a featured domain object contains a value for a feature, this value should comply with the terms specified in this interface.

This interface defines the features (properties) that can be requested through ILcdFeatured. A more preferred and generic way to access the properties of a domain object is through ILcdDataObject. The related class defining the available data object properties for an AIXM NDB is TLcdAIXMNDBDataProperties.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final String CLASSIFICATION
      The class of the NDB. The class is of the type TLcdNDBType.
      See Also:

      static final String POSITION
      A code indicating the position in a real or virtual ILS for Locators (low powered NDBs) situated at an aerodrome. The position is of type TLcdPositionType.
      See Also:

      static final String MAGNETIC_VARIATION
      The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North. The magnetic variation is of type String
      See Also:

      static final String MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE
      The year the magnetic variation was measured. The rate is of type String.
      See Also: