Interface ILcdProcedureLeg

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All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdFeaturedProcedureLeg, TLcdProcedureLeg

public interface ILcdProcedureLeg extends ILcdDataObject
An interface for a single leg of an ILcdProcedure.

Attributes and relationships in AIS domain objects can be required or optional. When unspecified, an attribute or relationship is optional. Note that most optional attributes are modeled using features.

In future releases of AIS, optional attributes or relationship may be added to this interface. When this would happen, existing implementations may just return a specified default value for these new attributes or relationships (for instance 'null'). This will require a minimal effort to update existing code to a new version of AIS.

  • Method Details

    • getSequenceNumber

      int getSequenceNumber()
      The sequence number of this leg.
    • getTransitionIdentifier

      String getTransitionIdentifier()
      Returns the transition identifier of this leg.
      the transition identifier of this leg.
    • getRouteType

      Returns the route type of this leg (e.g. in transition, common route, out transition, ...).
    • getType

      Returns the type of this leg.
    • getFix

      ILcdPoint getFix()
      The fix associated with this leg.
    • getFixOverflyType

      TLcdProcedureLegFixOverflyType getFixOverflyType()
      Specifies whether the this procedure leg ends with a fly-over or a fly-by.
    • getTurnDirectionType

      TLcdProcedureLegTurnDirectionType getTurnDirectionType()
      Specifies the direction in which the aircraft must turn while flying this procedure leg.
    • getArcCentreFix

      ILcdPoint getArcCentreFix()
      For RF legs only, returns the center of the turn arc.
    • getRecommendedNavaid

      ILcdPoint getRecommendedNavaid()
      An auxiliary navaid for AF, CD, CR legs.
    • getRho

      double getRho()
      The distance between the leg terminator and the recommended navaid. (Not used).
      a distance in meters.
    • getTheta

      double getTheta()
      The radial from the recommended navaid to the leg terminator, for AF and CR leg types. The radial must be a true bearing, not a magnetic one.
      a radial in degrees.
    • getCourse

      double getCourse()
      The course to be flown during this leg, if applicable. The course must be a true bearing, not a magnetic one.
      a course in degrees.
    • getDistance

      double getDistance()
      Specifies the distance for which this leg is to be flown, if applicable.
      a distance in meters.
    • getDuration

      double getDuration()
      Specifies the amount of time this leg is to be flown, if applicable.
      a duration in seconds.
    • getAltitudeDescription

      TLcdProcedureLegAltitudeDescription getAltitudeDescription()
      Specifies how the upper and lower altitudes of this leg are to be interpreted.
    • getAltitudeUpper

      double getAltitudeUpper()
      Specifies the maximal altitude to be flown during this leg. The actual altitude that will be calculated depends on the return value of getAltitudeDescription()
      an altitude in meters.
    • getAltitudeLower

      double getAltitudeLower()
      Specifies the minimal altitude to be flown during this leg. The actual altitude that will be calculated depends on the return value of getAltitudeDescription()
      an altitude in meters.
    • getIAPFixRole

      Returns the role of a fix in initial approach procedures (IAP).
      the IAP fix role, which will be null in SID en STAR procedures, and can also be null in IAPs.
    • getOriginalAltitudeUpper

      default ILcdISO19103Measure getOriginalAltitudeUpper()
      Specifies the maximal altitude to be flown during this leg. The actual altitude that will be calculated depends on the return value of getAltitudeDescription().

      This method is similar to getAltitudeUpper(), since they both return the upper altitude. The difference is that getAltitudeUpper() always returns the altitude in meters, while this method returns the value and unit of measure of the altitude as it was stored in the source file.

      a ILcdISO19103Measure which contains the value and unit of measure
    • getOriginalAltitudeLower

      default ILcdISO19103Measure getOriginalAltitudeLower()
      Specifies the minimal altitude to be flown during this leg. The actual altitude that will be calculated depends on the return value of getAltitudeDescription().

      This method is similar to getAltitudeLower(), since they both return the lower altitude. The difference is that getAltitudeLower() always returns the altitude in meters, while this method returns the value and unit of measure of the altitude as it was stored in the source file.

      a ILcdISO19103Measure which contains the value and unit of measure