Interface ILcdDME

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDataObject, ILcdNavaid, ILcdPoint, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdDME, TLcdFeaturedDME

public interface ILcdDME extends ILcdNavaid
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a DME (Distance Measuring Equipment). A DME is an electronic equipment that permits the pilot to accurately determine the aircraft's distance from a ground station. This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a DME. A DME is considered to be a point.

Attributes and relationships in AIS domain objects can be required or optional. When unspecified, an attribute or relationship is optional. Note that most optional attributes are modeled using features.

In future releases of AIS, optional attributes or relationship may be added to this interface. When this would happen, existing implementations may just return a specified default value for these new attributes or relationships (for instance 'null'). This will require a minimal effort to update existing code to a new version of AIS.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getCollocatedVOR

      ILcdVOR getCollocatedVOR()
      Returns the VOR collocated with this ILcdDME object. If no VOR is collocated, null will be returned.

      This is an optional relationship.

      the VOR collocated with this ILcdDME object
    • getCollocatedNDB

      ILcdNDB getCollocatedNDB()
      Returns the NDB collocated with this ILcdDME object. If no NDB is collocated, null will be returned.

      This is an optional relationship.

      the NDB collocated with this ILcdDME object