Interface ILcdEditableAssociationBasedAirspace

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdAssociationBasedAirspace, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDataObject, ILcdGenericAirspace, ILcdShape, ILcdShapeList, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdAssociationBasedAirspace, TLcdFeaturedAssociationBasedAirspace

public interface ILcdEditableAssociationBasedAirspace extends ILcdAssociationBasedAirspace
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes, relationships and geometry of an ILcdAssociationBasedAirspace.

Attributes and relationships in AIS domain objects can be required or optional. When unspecified, an attribute or relationship is optional. Note that most optional attributes are modeled using features.

In future releases of AIS, optional attributes or relationship may be added to this interface. When this would happen, existing implementations may just return a specified default value for these new attributes or relationships (for instance 'null'). This will require a minimal effort to update existing code to a new version of AIS.

  • Method Details

    • addAirspaceAssociation

      void addAirspaceAssociation(ILcdAirspaceAssociation aAirspaceAssociation)
      Adds an ILcdAirspaceAssociation object to the ILcdAssociationBasedAirspace object. Note that there is no explicit check for null associations, which leave the airspace in an invalid state.
      aAirspaceAssociation - An ILcdAirspaceAssociation object for the ILcdAssociationBasedAirspace object
    • removeAirspaceAssociation

      void removeAirspaceAssociation(ILcdAirspaceAssociation aAirspaceAssociation)
      Removes an ILcdAirspaceAssociation object from the ILcdAssociationBasedAirspace object. If this airspace does not contain the association or if null is supplied, it is unchanged. If the association is found and removed, subsequent associations are shifted to the left.
      aAirspaceAssociation - the ILcdAirspaceAssociation object to be removed.
    • removeAirspaceAssociationAt

      void removeAirspaceAssociationAt(int aIndex)
      Removes the ILcdAirspaceAssociation object on the specified index from the ILcdAssociationBasedAirspace. Subsequent associations are shifted to the left after the removal.
      aIndex - the index in the ILcdEditableAssociationBasedAirspace where the ILcdAirspaceAssociation object must be removed.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= getAirspaceAssociationCount()).