Interface ILcdEditableRunwayDirection

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdDataObject, ILcdRunwayDirection
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdFeaturedRunwayDirection, TLcdRunwayDirection

public interface ILcdEditableRunwayDirection extends ILcdRunwayDirection
This interface is an extension of the ILcdRunwayDirection interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of a runway direction.

Attributes and relationships in AIS domain objects can be required or optional. When unspecified, an attribute or relationship is optional. Note that most optional attributes are modeled using features.

In future releases of AIS, optional attributes or relationship may be added to this interface. When this would happen, existing implementations may just return a specified default value for these new attributes or relationships (for instance 'null'). This will require a minimal effort to update existing code to a new version of AIS.

  • Method Details

    • setHasDisplacedThresholdPoint

      void setHasDisplacedThresholdPoint(boolean aHasDisplacedThresholdPoint)
      Specifies whether this runway direction has a displaced threshold or not.
      aHasDisplacedThresholdPoint - a boolean indicating whether this runway direction has a displaced threshold or not
    • setDisplacedThresholdPoint

      void setDisplacedThresholdPoint(ILcdPoint aThresholdPoint)
      Specifies the threshold point of this runway direction.
      aThresholdPoint - the threshold point of this runway direction
    • setHasArrestingGear

      void setHasArrestingGear(boolean aHasArrestingGear)
      Specifies whether this runway direction has an arresting gear or not.
      aHasArrestingGear - a boolean indicating whether this runway direction has a arresting gear or not
    • setArrestingGear

      void setArrestingGear(ILcdArrestingGear aArrestingGear)
      Specifies the arresting gear of this runway direction.
      aArrestingGear - an ILcdArrestingGear object for the runway direction
    • setILS

      void setILS(ILcdILS aILS)
      Specifies an ILS for this runway direction.
      aILS - an ILcdILS object for the runway direction
    • setRunway

      void setRunway(ILcdRunway aRunway)
      Specifies the runway to which this direction belongs.

      This is a required attribute.

      aRunway - the runway to which this direction belongs