All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract implementation of the interface ILcd2DBinaryTopology.
Abstract implementation of the interface ILcd2DBinaryTopology to handle multiple combinations of shapes.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd2DEditableBounds interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd2DEditablePolypoint interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd2DEditablePolyline interface, where the polyline is a simple line with two vertices.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd2DEditablePoint interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd2DEditablePolypoint interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd2DEditableShape interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd3DEditableBounds interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd2DEditablePolypoint interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd3DEditablePolyline interface, where the polyline is a simple line with two vertices.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd3DEditablePoint interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd3DEditablePolypoint interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcd3DEditableShape interface.
An abstract implementation of an ILcdAction, that provides set and get methods for properties common to all actions and support for notifying listeners of changes to those properties.
Abstract decorator class for an ILcdAction.
Factory that is capable of creating new shapes for AIS domain objects.
Abstract super class for all codes in AIXM 5.1.
Convenience class for implementing animations, including ILcdView based animations.
Implementations of this interface transform the relative progress of the animation (between 0 and 1 with respect to the animation's duration).
A global manager for animation playback.
Abstract implementation of ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2 that contains the logic for creating new APP-6A objects on an ILcdGXYView.
Base class for both ASDI decoders: TLcdASDIModelDecoder and TLcdASDILiveDecoder.
Base class for all ILcdModelDescriptor classes of all ILcdModel classes containing ASDI data.
Base class for all classes that represent an ASTERIX category.
Base class for both ASTERIX decoders: TLcdASTERIXLiveDecoder and TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder.
Base class for all ILcdModelDescriptors that are used to represent data of some type.
Provides the model references for ASTERIX categories which are not decoded as WGS84 lon/lat coordinates.
Provider for scaling factors for some data items of some ASTERIX categories.
Provides the transformations needed to convert ASTERIX coordinates to WGS_84 lon/lat coordinates.
This class represents a User Application Profile (UAP) defined in an ASTERIX specification.
ALcdAzimuthal projections are ILcdProjection objects that have a central point of zero distortion.
An ALcdBalloonDescriptor contains all information to describe a balloon.
An abstract class for all balloon managers.
Semantics for a color band in an image.
The type of a band.
Semantics for an image band with measurement values.
Represents the semantics of a band in an ALcdBasicImage.
An enumeration that defines the type of a band.
A basic image is a an ALcdImage consisting of a uniform matrix of pixels.
Describes the configuration of an ALcdBasicImage.
Builder for ALcdBasicImage.Configuration objects.
Use a UI builder (e.g.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcdBounds interface.
This class is a wrapper around a TLcdLayerTreeNodeCellRenderer, adding support for displaying a busy icon to the renderer.
Factory that creates InputStream instances that can access a data source without requiring a persistent connection to the data or that access happens linearly.
A color lookup table.
This class implements the compass (usually the upper part) of the navigation controls.
Abstract class defining a composite viewshed.
A ALcdConic is a ILcdProjection that is derived by projection of geodetic points on a cone which is then unrolled.
ALcdCrossCountryHeightProviderDistanceFunction is an abstract class which can be used to implement distance functions that are based on an ILcdHeightProvider and compute values using only the height values along the line between start and end point.
Describes the mode in which the distances should be computed.
ALcdCrossCountryRasterDistanceFunction is an abstract class which can be used to implement distance functions that are based on an ILcdRaster and compute values using only the raster values along the line between start and end point.
Describes the mode in which the distances should be computed.
Adds default values to ILcdCSWCapabilitiesProvider.
Creates and configures an ALcdOGCCommandDispatcher for a CSW server.
Abstract handler for OGC Filter based catalog record queries.
An ALcdCylindrical is an ILcdProjection that is obtained by wrapping a cylinder around the earth globe such that it touches the equator.
This extension of the ALcdDAFIFSingleModelDecoder class provides read methods to retrieve data from a aerodrome or heliport data file.
This extension of the ALcdDAFIFSingleModelDecoder defines the skeleton of the decode algorithm used to decode DAFIF airspaces and special use airspaces.
This abstract implementation of the ILcdDAFIFDecoder interface defines the most primitive methods used when decoding a DAFIF file.
This abstract extension of the ALcdDAFIFDecoder class defines the skeleton of the decode algorithm used to decode DAFIF data files.
This abstract extension of the ALcdDAFIFDecoder class defines the skeleton of the decode algorithm used to decode DAFIF data files.
This abstract implementation of the ILcdModelDecoder interface defines the most primitive methods used when decoding a DAFIFT file.
Abstract definition of an expression language that enables the definition and evaluation of expressions over ILcdDataObject instances.
This abstract class implements ILcdAltitudeProvider.
This abstract class represents a DGN attribute.
This class describes a DGN level filter.
A base class for discretized GeoPaths.
Convenience filter that provides the implementation for change support: listener and change event handling.
A base class for ILcdParameterizedIcons that paint a 2-dimensional vector.
A 2-dimensional vector parameterization.
A tileset that only has the coverages of its delegate tileset that are accepted by the filter.
A base class for painting ILcdEarthTileSets in an ILcdGXYView.
Abstract implementation of ILcdParameterizedIcon.
Provides elevation data.
Base class for tiles produced by an ILcdEarthTileSet.
Base class for ILcdEarthTileCombiner implementations.
Abstract base class for ILcdEarthTileSet implementations.
Base class for wrappers around an ILcdEarthTileSet.
Base class for ILcdEarthTileSplitter implementations.
ALcdGeneralPerspective are ILcdProjection objects that have a central point of zero distortion.
Implementation of ILcdSegmentScanner that is based on a geodetic reference.
Base class for geo reference implementations.
Provides access to an OpenGL binding.
This class has been deprecated.
Annotation that can be added to a data type.
This annotation can be added to data types and data properties.
This annotation can be added to data models, data types and data properties.
This annotation can be added to a TLcdDataProperty.
Maps and transforms a source data type to a given (GML) target data type.
If this annotation is present on a data type, TLcdGMLTransformer will map and transform that type to and from the given target type using the given transformation.
The NetCDF decoder should be used to decode GRIB data.
The NetCDF decoder should be used to decode GRIB data.
Provides OUTLINED, FILLED and OUTLINED_FILLED modes to paint objects which cover an area.
An abstract manager for automatically assigning ILcdGXYAsynchronousPaintQueue instances to asynchronously painted layers which do not yet have a paint queue.
ILcdGXYChainableController that implements startInteraction, terminateInteraction and paint to call a corresponding implementation ( see ALcdGXYChainableController.startInteractionImpl(com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYView), ALcdGXYChainableController.terminateInteractionImpl(com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYView) and ALcdGXYChainableController.paintImpl(java.awt.Graphics) ) and then call the same method in the next controller.
Extension of ALcdGXYTouchChainableController confining the range of handled touch points based on a minimum and maximum.
Convenience class to wrap an ILcdGXYContext: one only has to overwrite those methods that are required.
A base class of ILcdGXYController that interacts with one view at a time.
This is a BeanInfo for the abstract ALcdGXYController class.
This abstract class implements an abstract algorithm that can be used to compute label placements.
This wrapper can be used to create a labeling algorithm wrapper based on the ALcdGXYDiscretePlacementsLabelingAlgorithm abstract algorithm.
ALcdGXYEditor is an abstract class that can be used for implementing the ILcdGXYEditor interface.
An ALcdGXYInteractiveLabelProvider can provide a java.awt.Component that can be shown to the user so he can modify the properties of the object.
This listener can be used to be notified when interaction is started, stopped or cancelled.
This class implements some of the functionality common to most ILcdGXYLabelPainter2s.
An ALcdGXYLabelStamp is an object that performs the actual painting of a label.
This abstract class can be used as a basis for creating an implementation of ILcdGXYNewControllerModel.
Contains the logic for creating objects on an ILcdGXYView.
A description of the creation status an object is in, used to make decisions on whether a certain input event should trigger editing or other operations.
Object representing all needed information about a snap target.
ALcdGXYPainter is an abstract class that can be used for implementing the ILcdGXYPainter interface.
BeanInfo class for ALcdGXYPainter.
Provides default implementations for some of the ILcdGXYPen methods.
Indicates the rendering quality of the pen.
Abstract ILcdGXYController that adds panning and/or zooming behavior during sub-class specific mouse interactions.
Extension of ALcdGXYChainableController for TLcdTouchEvent instances.
Represents a geographically bounded pixel-oriented data source.
Describes the configuration of an ALcdImage.
Builder for ALcdImage.Configuration objects.
A mosaic is a grid of ALcdBasicImages.
Describes the configuration of an ALcdImageMosaic.
Builder for ALcdImageMosaic.Configuration objects.
Represents an image processing operator.
Data type builder for ALcdImageOperators.
Combines a number of image operators into a single function which requires only the input image to be supplied by the user.
Builder for creating ALcdImageOperatorChain instances.
Provides methods for reading pixel values out of an ALcdBasicImage.
Describes the capabilities and execution environment of an ALcdImagingEngine.
Base class for all codes.
Abstract implementation of a code list.
An abstract class that defines a common interface for fit-to-object actions in KML 2.2
ALcdLabelLocations is the central place where information is kept about the position of labels and whether or not they were drawn.
Iterator to iterate over label locations.
This abstract class contains common properties of LIDAR point cloud formats.
This class represents the model descriptor of an ILcdMagneticNorthModel.
This class makes it possible to retrieve measured values at a given model point.
The parameters using which measures are retrieved.
Builder to create Parameter objects.
A skeleton implementation of ILcdModel to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
A terrain elevation provider that gets its terrain elevation data from a list of models.
This abstract class provides a method to create an ILcdHeightProvider when an ILcdModel is given.
Abstract implementation of ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2 that contains the logic for creating new MIL-STD 2525b objects on an ILcdGXYView.
Extension of ILcdModelProvider that provides support for multi-dimensional requests.
An abstract Format that splits up formatting an ILcdMultilevelGridCoordinate into formatting the levels of the multilevel grid coordinate.
A multilevel image is a collection of ALcdBasicImages which cover the same geographic area and have same ALcdBandSemantics but which can have different resolutions, different sampling modes and/or represent different data.
Describes the configuration of an ALcdMultilevelImage.
A multilevel image mosaic is a collection of ALcdImageMosaics which cover the same geographic area but which can have different resolutions, different sampling modes and/or represent different data.
Describes the configuration of an ALcdMultilevelImageMosaic.
ALcdNodeDistanceFunction is an abstract class which can be used to implement distance functions that take only nodes into account, not edges preceding or succeeding the start- and/or endpoint.
ALcdNodeValueFunction is an abstract class which can be used to implement edge functions that associate values with nodes.
Action that works on the current map selection.
Simple implementation of ILcdObjectTransformation for invertible transformations that implements the inverse transformation by delegation to the ALcdObjectTransformation.invert(Object, Map) method.
An ALcdObliqueCylindrical is an ILcdProjection that is obtained by wrapping a cylinder around the globe.
Abstract base class for OGC command dispatchers.
All Styled Layer Descriptor support is now available via ALcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcherFactory (since 2017.0).
This factory class creates a command dispatcher following the OGC WCS specification.
This factory class creates a command dispatcher following the OGC WFS specification.
This class contains information about the capabilities of a Web Map Service.
This factory class creates a command dispatcher following the OGC WMS specification.
Represents a dimensional parameter available for a WMS layer or a group of layers.
This class contains general information about a Web Map Service.
Abstract base class for traversing OpenFlight scene graphs.
Base class for OpenFlight scenegraph visitors.
Encapsulates a single-threaded execution and rendering service, similar to the Event Dispatch Thread.
This class implements the pan component of the navigation panel.
ALcdPerspective are ILcdProjection objects that have a central point of zero distortion.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcdPoint interface.
This abstract class can be used to implement an ILcdProjection.
Base class for ILcdRaster implementations.
This class provides the common interface and methods of both the legacy TLcdRasterModelHeightProviderFactory and the new TLcdImageModelHeightProviderFactory
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcdRasterPainter interface.
A terrain elevation provider which adds raster value checking.
A class to represent a request context when handling a service request.
An icon displaying the map scale.
Enumeration of possible map scale representations.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcdShape interface.
This abstract class provides a basis for implementing the ILcdShapeList interface.
ALcdSimpleEdgeValueFunction is an abstract class which can be used to implement edge functions that associate values with edges, without taking any other information (like the route preceding this edge) into account.
Abstract convenience implementation of ILcdSimulatorModel that handles all properties and their property change events.
Abstract class that contains the information to implement a painter for objects that should be rendered according to a feature type style.
This class adapts the ILcdSLDGraphicsProvider to allow for the ILcdGXYContext to be passed to the setup and rollback methods.
Factory to create painters for feature type styles, rules and symbolizers.
Represents a layer (named or user-defined) in a Styled Layer Descriptor.
Represents a layer style (named or user-defined) for a layer in a Styled Layer Descriptor.
Abstract class that contains the information to implement a painter for objects that comply to a rule.
Grouping class for all symbolizer types.
A convenience class that enables grouping of symbolizer painters.
Abstract implementation of ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory that adds SLD support.
This is the abstract superclass for TLcdSVGUnStyledShapeWriter.
Provides terrain elevation data.
This class is an abstract basis for implementing ILcdTileDecoder.
This API is only here to support deprecated formats.
Implementation of ILcdSimulatorModel whose time complexity for changing the date is generally related to the amount of changes that are required, not to the total amount of data.
A model representing transformed data of an original model.
A ALcdTransverseCylindrical is a ILcdProjection for which a cylinder is wrapped around the globe.
ALcdTurnValueFunction is an abstract class which can be used to implement edge functions that associate values with turns involving only two edges.
Abstract implementation that implements all methods of ILcdUndoable, except ILcdUndoable.undo() and ILcdUndoable.redo().
Prints the contents of a given Component containing a view component.
Abstract class that represents a viewshed observer.
This class provides the default implementation of a ILcdVVModel.
This class is an abstract implementation of the ILcdVVXAxisRenderer.
A decoder for WCS GetCoverage responses which decodes a response as an ILcdModel which contains a single ALcdBasicImage, ALcdMultilevelImage, ALcdImageMosaic or ALcdMultilevelImageMosaic.
An ILcdChangeListener implementation which only keeps a WeakReference to the object it wants to update when change events are received.
An ILcdLayeredListener implementation which only keeps a WeakReference to the object it wants to update when layered events are received.
An ILcdModelListener implementation which only keeps a WeakReference to the object it wants to update when model changes are received.
A PropertyChangeListener implementation which only keeps a WeakReference to the object it wants to update when property changes are received.
A ILcdSelectionListener implementation which only keeps a WeakReference to the object it wants to update when selection changes are received.
An ILcdStatusListener implementation which only keeps a WeakReference to the object it wants to update when change events are received.
A base class for locks.
An enumeration that corresponds to the 'LockAction' attribute of 'GetFeaturesWithLock' and 'LockFeatures' requests.
An interface for handling WFS-T transactions.
Defines a particular authority.
Represents the capabilities of a WMS.
Abstract capabilities provider.
Abstract class for a command dispatcher implementation.
Abstract class for factory implementations to create ALcdWMSCommandDispatcher objects.
Extension of ILcdWMSDescribeLayerRequestEncoder that is capable of sending a DescribeLayer response that uses the default content type application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml defined for WMS 1.1.0 and later, and that complies to the WMS_DescribeLayerResponse DTD defined by the OGC 02-70 SLD specification.
Represents a dimensional parameter for a layer or a group of layers.
Represents a layer of a WMS.
Defines a WMS layer style.
A named layer is a layer being published by a Web Map Server (WMS).
A style object for a named layer.
An ALcdWMSProxy is an object that acts as a proxy towards a Web Map Service (WMS).
Contains information about service meta data.
The use of this class has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
ILcdModelDecoder that provides additional infrastructure to decode XML schema based documents.
This abstract class provides additional methods for a ILcdModelEncoder to encode models into XML schema based documents.
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Do not use this class.
This class implements the zoom component of the navigation panel.
Abstract implementation of ILcyActionBar.
Default implementation of ILcyActiveSettable for convenience.
An ALcyAddOn is the basic block in Lucy for contributing functionality.
Support class for writing an add-on that has an application pane.
Facade that allows writing code that can transparently work with both asynchronously and synchronously painted layers.
Abstract class for applying and un-applying a tracking camera for the Camera Tracking addon.
This class is used to create a ALcyCameraLinker for a map component, given a type, objects and their models.
Abstract implementation of a composite filter according to composite design pattern.
Abstract base class to create and add layers onto an ILcyGenericMapComponent.
Abstract implementation of ILcyCustomizerPanel that provides default implementations for most methods of the interface.
Abstract implementation of ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory that uses a ILcdFilter to decide if this factory can be used for a given object.
Abstract base class for data property value customizer panels.
Handler for any type of data source.
Use ALcyAddOn instead and move the logic provided by ILcyAddOnDecoder to the plugInto method
An abstract extension of ALcyLayerSelectionTransferHandler which adds support to copy domain objects between models of the same format and optionally to import shapes from another format.
Factory to create ILcdModelDescriptors.
Abstract class which groups methods to create adapter objects for domain objects, and to convert domain objects to new domain objects for the same or another model.
Abstract class that facilitates the implementation of ILcyCustomizerPanel for domain objects.
Groups all functionality related to a specific domain object, in order to easily allow adding new domain objects to the drawing addon.
This class provides access to the drawing settings of a drawing layer.
Abstract base class to create the default tool bar for editing a drawing model.
Extension of ALcyGeneralFormat that assumes working with files on disk.
Descriptor that provides more information about the file types a certain ILcdModelEncoder/ILcdModelDecoder/ALcyDataSourceHandler can handle.
Object which associates an ALcyFileTypeDescriptor to an instance of T.
This class provides the basic support facilities for adding another data format to Lucy.
Extension of ALcyPreferencesAddOn that is also equipped with an ALcyFormat.
(Swing) component that can be displayed to manipulate a layer of a given format.
Factory to create ALcyFormatBars.
Convenience class to wrap an ALcyFormat: one only has to overwrite those methods that are required.
Extension of ALcyFormat that works on general data formats (not necessarily files on disk), but provides some nice extras: it adds workspace support for models and domain objects. it adds an asynchronous hint paint provider.
Abstract factory for the creation of a GUI panel.
Abstract base class to create an extension of TLcyGXYSetControllerActiveSettable for a new controller.
An implementation of ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2 that has a currentLayer property.
A help manager is responsible for offering the possibility to context sensitive help.
Abstract class that facilitates the implementation of ILcyCustomizerPanel for layers.
An ALcyLayerSelectionTransferHandler is responsible for exporting a selection from a source layer to various other representations.
Implementation of ALcyLspCameraLinker, specifically meant to be used in combination with 2D Lightspeed views.
Implementation of ALcyLspCameraLinker, specifically meant to be used in combination with 3D Lightspeed views.
Extension of ALspCreateControllerModel which has a currentLayer property.
Lightspeed counterpart of ALcyDomainObjectSupplier.
This class provides the basic support facilities for adding Lightspeed visualization for some data format to Lucy.
Extension of ALcyPreferencesAddOn that is also equipped with an ALcyLspFormat.
Convenience class to wrap an ALcyLspFormat: one only has to overwrite those methods that are required.
Extension of ALcyLspFormat that works with a properties object holding the configuration of the format.
Provides the shapes specific functionality to a TLcyLspSLDDomainObjectSupplier.
This ALcyLspFormat is designed for layers where the layer style is stored into a style file.
This ALcyLspFormat implementation is designed for layers styled using SLD or for layers using an ILspCustomizableStyler.
This object is used to create Lightspeed related application-wide style settings.
Factory for the creation of ILcyMapComponent instances.
Abstract class that facilitates the implementation of ILcyCustomizerPanel for ILcdModel objects.
ALcyAddOn that is equipped with a TLcyPreferencesTool to read its preferences from the set configuration file.
Implementation of ALcyWorkspacePropertyConverter that retrieves the ALcyWorkspaceCodec from the TLcyPreferencesTool when it is encoding its workspace properties.
Extensions of this abstract class create the gui for the preview addon.
Factory for the creation of a printable component for some ILcyMapComponent.
Creates an AWT component meant for printing the contents of a map.
Represents all that is needed to print, preview, modify, ... a component which can be printed to one or more pages.
Creates the content of the print preview dialog.
This abstract class represents a key-value pair collection.
Convenience class to wrap an ALcyProperties in that one only has to overwrite those methods that are required.
Provides an ALcyShapeSupplier with a codec which is used to implement undo/redo in the customizers, to clone shapes and to implement shape conversion during drag and drop.
Abstract class that facilitates the implementation of ILcyCustomizerPanel for shapes.
Provides the shape specific functionality to a TLcySLDDomainObjectSupplier.
ALcyShapeSupplier that delegates to another shape supplier.
Provides back-end functionality for a TEA add-on.
Abstract class that represents a piece of functionality that assists in achieving a specific task.
Extensions of the factory create the vertical view panel for the vertical view addon.
The ALcyWorkspaceCodec is responsible for encoding/decoding a workspace.
An ALcyWorkspaceCodecDelegate is responsible for encoding/decoding a part of the workspace.
An ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec is responsible for encoding/decoding a specific type of object.
ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec wrapper that - in addition to what the wrapped codec writes - can encode and decode some additional information.
Abstract base class that can use the ALcyWorkspaceCodec to encode paths and reference to Objects.
An abstraction of an asset, providing its up to date metadata.
A representation of an asset.
A part of an asset, requiring a location and a bounding box.
An abstract builder for asset parts.
Abstract builder for asset metadata.
Entry point for storing and retrieving metadata by id.
An opaque handle to the execution environment for LuciadFusion clients.
Provides the description of the coverage and also functionality to put, get and delete individual tiles of the coverage.
A representation of a coverage.
A reference to an asset with an associated status.
Abstract builder for coverage metadata.
This class represents the engine of LuciadFusion, which is responsible for processing (=fusing) the source data so it can be served later on to clients.
An opaque handle to the execution environment for LuciadFusion engine clients.
An opaque handle to the execution environment for LuciadFusion.
This abstract class bundles all functionality specific to the data format to allow the fusion engine to fuse data sets.
An abstract superclass for resources: assets, coverages and themes.
An abstract representation of a resource.
Abstract builder for resource metadata.
A visitor for resource metadata.
This class represents a theme.
The main entry point for accessing a LuciadFusion Tile Store.
The commit policy determines when new tiles will be visible.
The final result of a read operation ("get").
The result of an operation on a Tile Store.
An enumeration of result codes, similar to HTTP response codes.
The final result of a write operation ("put", "delete").
A Tile Store model logically groups a number of coverages into a single model.
A provider that can provide a Tile Store based on a URI.
This class facilitates the writing of tile store decorators.
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms.
Manages an OpenGL 2D texture object.
A mesh consisting of vertices and primitives.
An abstract class for a 3D primitive contained in an ALsp3DMesh.
Convenience handle class that separates the handling of AWT events into 3 steps.
Base class for a controller that triggers instances of ILcdAction when receiving certain input events.
Abstract base class for implementations of ILspAWTView.
Abstract super class for objects that return information about objects interacting with view bounds.
Constraint for a view world transformation.
This class represents a complex stroke pattern, for example a dash or an arrow.
Used to build arc strokes.
Used to build arrow strokes.
The arrow type.
Used to build icon strokes.
Used to build line strokes.
Used to build parallel line strokes.
Used to build polyline strokes.
Used to build rectangle strokes.
Used to build text strokes.
Used to build triangle strokes.
Used to build wave strokes.
Extension of ALspTouchController confining the number of handled touch points based on a minimum and maximum.
A base class of ILspController that interacts with one view at a time.
Controller model used by the TLspCreateController for the retrieval of the layer on which an object should be created as well as the object that is to be created.
An abstract class that can be used by editors to create a new (sub-)shape.
Base class for handles that are used to create and initialize new domain objects.
Abstract base class for implementations of ILspCustomizableStyler.
A style which describes density plots.
Builder used to create density styles.
Base class for directional light sources.
This abstract class implements an abstract algorithm that can be used to compute label placements.
This class can be used to create a labeling algorithm wrapper based on the ALspDiscreteLabelingAlgorithm abstract algorithm.
A create handle that dynamically adds handles.
An editable extension of ALsp3DMesh.
An edit handle is a widget that manipulates a domain object or some part of that object.
Represents the result of an edit handle when it has processed an incoming user interaction event.
Abstract base class for implementations of ILspEditor.
Any kind of OpenGL resource such as a texture object or frame buffer object, that is destroyable.
Describes a global graphics effect applicable to an ILspView.
The base class for all handles related to editing.
A hypsometry shader that depends on a 2D reference direction.
Builder for hypsometric shaders based on a 2D reference direction.
A hypsometry shader that depends on a 3D reference direction.
Builder for hypsometric shaders based on a 3D reference direction.
Base class for the hypsometric shaders.
Builder for hypsometric shaders.
An ALspInteractiveLabelProvider can provide a java.awt.Component that can be shown to the user so he can modify the properties of the object.
Class that can be used to filter labels from being edited.
Instances of this class contain the location information about a specific label.
This abstract class is used to provide a fixed number of locations for a label.
ALspLabelLocations is the central place where information is kept about the position of labels and whether or not they are visible.
Encapsulates a label and its location and visibility.
This class is used in combination with an ILspStyler to define the label location details of a group of objects, in addition to styling.
A wrapper for a label style collector to allow easy creation of wrappers that will even remain compatible if additional abstract methods are added to ALspLabelStyleCollector.
Abstract base class for label styler implementations.
This style provides a method to retrieve the text to use for a label.
Builder for text provider styles.
Base class for implementations of ILspLayer.
Base class for various layer builders.
Base class for light sources.
An abstract base class for handles that can work on a collection of objects.
Implementation of a handle that is activated when an object is touched.
Base implementation of a handle that allows resizing or scaling of domain objects by dragging their outline.
Base class for paint queries.
This class describes a measurement created with the ruler controller.
An info object containing information about a certain segment in a ALspRulerMeasurement.
This is the base class for selection view input.
Convenience class for implementing layer factories with a one-one mapping between layers and models.
An ALspDensityStyle which allows variable width (in pixels or world reference size) and hardness.
Builder used to create soft density styles.
This label location calculates the position and rotation of a label.
This object describes the exact location of the anchor point and the rotation of a label:
This class provides methods to retrieve label locations based on stamp label location.
Base class for style objects, containing common properties that are applicable to all domain objects.
Builder for styles.
This class is used in combination with an ILspStyler to define the style of a group of objects.
A wrapper for a style collector to allow easy creation of wrappers that will even remain compatible if additional abstract methods are added to ALspStyleCollector.
Abstract base class for ILspStyler implementations.
This abstract class is used by ILspStyler implementations that want to convert an object into a list of targets to which the styles should be applied.
This enum has no functional meaning.
Styler that can use Swing components as label content.
Manages an OpenGL texture object.
Styler wrapper that delegates to one of two stylers.
Extension of ALspController for TLcdTouchEvent instances.
Abstract super class for objects that return information about how/where an object was touched.
Base class for tracking a series of points for a camera.
Empty implementation of ILspViewListener.
This implementation of ALspBoundsInfo offers information about a representation (geometry) in view space.
This implementation of ALspTouchInfo offers information about how and where a representation in view space of an object was touched.
This class defines a transformation between world coordinates and view coordinates.
Enumeration of modes supported by viewPoint2WorldSFCT() and toolkitPoint2WorldSFCT().
Enumeration of devices to which a view can be rendered.
This implementation of ALspBoundsInfo offers information about a representation (geometry) in world space.
This implementation of ALspTouchInfo offers information about how and where a representation (geometry) in world space of an object was touched.
Defines the supported APP-6 symbology standards.
Enumeration over the different styles (coverages) provided by BingMaps.
Status of the items included in the result set.
This enumeration defines the possible dimension values stored in an intersection matrix.
This enumeration defines the different regions for a shape: its interior, its boundary, and its exterior.
Enumeration of the supported GeoPackage specifications.
If a bounding shape is not provided for a feature collection, explain why.
CurveInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an application schema.
List of codes that identifies the file structure model for records stored in files.
The enumeration value here indicates the incrementation order to be used on the first 2 axes, i.e.
Defines allowed values for the knots` type.
List of codes (adopted from ISO 19123 Annex C) that identifies the rule for traversing a grid to correspond with the sequence of members of the rangeSet.
Utility type used in various places - e.g.
SurfaceInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an application schema.
This enumerated data type specifies values for indeterminate positions.
These directions are necessarily approximate, giving direction with a precision of 22.5°.
gml:CurveInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an application schema.
This enumeration type specifies values for the knots' type (see ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.25).
gml:SignType is a convenience type with values "+" (plus) and "-" (minus).
gml:SurfaceInterpolationType is a list of codes that may be used to identify the interpolation mechanisms specified by an application schema.
These values are interpreted as follows: - "unknown" indicates that no specific value for temporal position is provided.
Enumeration describing a horizontal alignment, e.g. for text.
Sampling mode of the image.
Interpolation type.
High-level geospatial data thematic classification to assist in the grouping and search of available geospatial datasets
Enumeration for the different content types that can be part of a KML model.
Defines the status of a resource.
Describes the relationship between images in a multilevel composite (ALcdMultilevelImage or ALcdMultilevelImageMosaic).
Defines the supported MIL-STD 2525 symbology standards.
Enumeration describing the NITF image band representations
Fill pattern enumeration.
Font Style enumeration (normal or italic).
Weight enumeration (normal or bold).
Horizontal alignment enumeration (center, right or left).
Line pattern enumeration.
Vertical alignment enumeration (middle, top or bottom).
Defines the supported point cloud compression algorithms for encoding point cloud data as OGC 3D Tiles:

Supported values:

ELcdOGC3DTilesPointCloudCompressionType.NONE ELcdOGC3DTilesPointCloudCompressionType.DRACO
Used in LuciadFusion to preprocess point clouds.
Enumeration for the S-52 area boundary symbol types.
Enumeration for the S-52 color schemes.
Enumeration for the S-52 display category types.
Enumeration for the S-52 point boundary symbol types.
Enumeration for the S-52 radar category type.
Enumeration modeling the S-57 product types supported out-of-the-box by the Maritime Standards component.
Describes the degree of turbulence in a SIGWX clear air turbulence region.
Describes the degree of airframe icing in a SIGWX cloud.
Describes the cloud distribution of a SIGWX cloud.
Describes the degree of in-cloud turbulence in a SIGWX cloud.
Describes the type of a SIGWX cloud.
Constants that represent the height ranges used for SIGWX forecasts.
Describes the origin center for BUFR SIGWX data.
Describes the type of SIGWX storm.
Describes the type of a SIGWX tropopause height Data object TLcdSIGWXDataTypes.SIGWX_TROPOPAUSE_TYPE_PROPERTY property values are of this type.
3D mesh simplification strategies.
A paint strategy for WMS data.
Enumeration indicating the data density or detail of the data in a coverage.
Defines the data types for coverages and assets.
Enumeration for the resource types.
Enumeration describing the different states of a Fusion engine.
Enumeration of the different creation behaviors of point lists.
Indicates the state of the object being edited after an interaction performed through a handle.
Enumeration of quality hints, which indicate a user preference towards either high performance (ELspQualityHint.FASTEST) or correctness/visual quality (ELspQualityHint.NICEST) for data painted in an ILspView.
This interface allows to compute binary topology relations on ILcdShapes based on a dimensionally extended nine intersection matrix (DE-9IM).
This interface defines binary topology relations on ILcdShapes.
An ILcdModel whose elements can be retrieved via a spatial index, using 2D rectangular bounds.
An interface for objects whose contents can be spatially queried.
Do not use this interface.
An ILcd2DEditableArc object is an ILcdArc that can be changed in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditableArcBand object is an ILcdArcBand that can be changed in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditableBounds object is an ILcdBounds object that can be changed in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditableCircle object is an ILcdCircle that can be changed in two dimensions.
A circle-by-3-points whose defining parameters can be edited.
A circular arc-by-3-points whose defining parameters can be edited.
A circular arc-by-bulge whose defining parameters can be edited.
A circular arc-by-centerpoint whose defining parameters can be edited.
Do not use this interface.
An ILcd2DEditableEllipse object is an ILcdEllipse that can be changed in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditableBuffer object is an ILcdGeoBuffer that can be changed in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditablePoint is an ILcdPoint that can be moved in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditablePointList is an ILcdPointList in which points can be inserted, removed, and moved in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditablePolygon object is an ILcdPolygon that can be changed in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditablePolyline object is an ILcdPolyline that can be changed in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditablePolypoint object is an ILcdPolypoint that can be changed in two dimensions.
An ILcd2DEditableShape is an ILcdShape that can be moved in two dimensions.
An ILcdText whose content, anchor and character dimensions can be changed.
An ILcd2DEditableVariableGeoBuffer object is an ILcdVariableGeoBuffer that can be changed in two dimensions.
This interface hes been deprecated.
This interface extends the interface ILcd2DBinaryTopology with an ellipsoid property and two properties that are more specific for the approximate calculations on that ellipsoid: absoluteTolerance and relativeTolerance.
This interface defines 2D outline intersection relations on ILcdShapes.
An ILcd3DArcBand is an ILcdShape that represents a subvolume of a sphere.
An ILcd3DEditableArcBand is an ILcd3DArcBand which defining parameters can be changed.
An ILcd3DEditableBounds object is an ILcdBounds object that can be changed in all three dimensions.
An ILcd3DEditableDome object is an ILcdDome whose center point and radius can be changed.
An ILcd3DEditablePoint is an ILcdPoint that can be moved in all three dimensions.
An ILcd3DEditablePointList is an ILcdPointList in which points can be inserted, removed, and moved in three dimensions.
An ILcd3DEditablePolygon object is an ILcdPolygon that can be changed in 3 dimensions.
An ILcd3DEditablePolyline object is an ILcdPolyline that can be changed in 3 dimensions.
An ILcd3DEditablePolypoint object is an ILcdPolypoint that can be changed in 3 dimensions.
An ILcd3DEditableShape is an ILcdShape that can be moved in all three dimensions.
An ILcd3DEditableSphere object is an ILcdSphere whose center point and radius can be changed.
An ILcd3DEditableVariableGeoBuffer object is an ILcdVariableGeoBuffer that can be changed in three dimensions.
An ILcd3DMesh represents a 3D geometric object.
Describes a node in a hierarchical tree of 3D meshes.
An interface that represents the visual aspects of an ILcdStyled3DMesh.
Describes an object with an editable orientation in three dimensions.
Describes an object that has an orientation in three dimensions.
An interface for a 3D primitive contained in an ILcd3DMesh.
An interface for an individual element of an ILcd3DPrimitive.
An interface that can map 3D tiles metadata to another 3D tiles metadata data model.
This interface defines a command pattern The pattern is used for implementing actions launched from the GUI.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an aerodrome.
This interface defines general applicable features for an aerodrome.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an airspace.
This interface describes the relationships of an airspace association.
This interface represents an airspace corridor and provides methods for retrieving its geometry and relationships.
This interface defines general applicable features for an airspace.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an airspace segment.
A ILcdAISGeodeticDatumProvider is used to retrieve ILcdGeodeticDatum instances by a given identification.
A time slice provider implements a strategy for deriving a time slice from a given AIXM 5.1 feature that can be assumed to describe the state of the feature that is most relevant for the application.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdAerodromeFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdAirspaceFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdATSRouteFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdDMEFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
A support class for accumulating error messages.
This interface defines AIXM specific features for a geoborder.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdGlidePathFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
General interface for handling AIXM documents.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdILSFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdLocalizerFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdMarkerFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
A filter to be used while decoding AIXM data.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdNavaidFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdNDBFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdProcedureFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable procedure leg features defined in the ILcdProcedureLegFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdATSRouteSegmentFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRunwayClinePointFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRunwayDirectionFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRunwayFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdTACANFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdVORFeature interface with AIXM specific features.
This interface defines features for a waypoint in AIXM.
An ILcdAltitudeBounded object is an object that is bounded in its altitude.
Represents a referenced matrix view containing altitude values.
Provides altitude data.
An icon that provides a point within the icon that maps to the object it represents or decorates.
An interface for an animation that can be played back using ALcdAnimationManager.
An annotated element is an entity to which annotations can be attached.
The common interface implemented by all annotations.
General interface for objects from one of the supported APP-6 standards.
Tagging interface for models that contain objects of type ILcdAPP6ACoded.
An ILcdAPP6AShape is a ILcdAPP6ACoded extension that contains geometric information about the symbol.
Do not implement this interface, it is subject to changes.
This interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdStyledMilitarySymbol, which can be used to provide both APP-6 and MIL-STD-2525 objects a per object style.
An ILcdArc is an ILcdShape that represents a general elliptical arc in the 2D space.
An ILcdArcBand is an ILcdShape that represents a circular arc with a width, in the 2D space.
Defines a minimum altitude for an area.
This class defines a list of possible features for a minimum altitude area.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdARINCCommunicationFeature interface with aerodrome specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdAerodromeFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdAirspace interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdATSRouteSegmentFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdServiceFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This ILcdModelDecoder extension specifies the interface for ARINC data source decoders.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdDMEFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdARINCCommunicationFeature interface with enroute specific features.
A support class for accumulating error messages.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdGlidePathFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
An ILcdARINCHandler expects Arinc data record per record.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdHoldingFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdILSFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdLocalizerFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdMarkerFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in ILcdMinimumSectorAltitudeFeature with features specific for ARINC.
A ILcdARINCModelDescriptorSupport is a model descriptor support that can contain additional information about the corresponding ARINC model.
A filter to be used while decoding ARINC data.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdNavaidFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdNDBFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdProcedureFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRunwayDirectionFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRunwayFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdTACANFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdVORFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdWayPointFeature interface with ARINC specific features.
An arresting gear is a safety device consisting of two major components: engaging or catching devices energy absorption devices for the purpose of arresting both tail hook and non-tail hook equipped aircraft.
This interface defines general applicable features for an arresting gear.
Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface.
Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface.
Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface.
Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface.
Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface.
Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface.
Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface.
This interface defines methods for managing and using a single key-value association.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an association-based airspace.
This interface defines methods for managing and using a non-ordered set of key-value associations.
This interface defines a filter for ASTERIX records.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an ATS route.
This interface defines generally applicable features for an ATS route.
This interface defines generally applicable features for an ATS route segment.
An Enumeration that is AutoCloseable.
The listener interface that can handle a AWTEvent, the super class of all standard and not standard ( eg TLcdTouchEvent ) input events.
This interface allows users to add AWTListeners to its implementations.
ILcdAWTPath is an interface defining a path in AWT coordinates.
ILcdAzimuthals are ILcdProjection objects that have a central point of zero distortion.
This interface provides a method that can return contents for a balloon.
Use a UI builder (e.g.
Use a UI builder (e.g.
Instances of this class are notified with updated copyright information by copyright providers.
Marker interface for all bing related data sources.
A List interface that is optimized for booleans.
An object implements ILcdBounded if its geometry is spatially bounded.
An ILcdBounds object is an ILcdShape representing a 3D axis-aligned box.
An ILcdBuffer defines methods to manage a buffer of bytes.
An ILcdBufferSegment defines a segment of an ILcdBuffer.
A List interface that is optimized for bytes.
This interface defines methods for classes that can contain cache information.
Defines an object which listens for ChangeEvents.
A source of TLcdChangeEvents to which you can attach ILcdChangeListeners.
A List interface that is optimized for chars.
Describes an object that may support different character set encodings.
Loader for a chunk of data.
An ILcdCircle is an ILcdShape that represents a circle in the 2D space.
A circle that is defined by 3 points (start, first intermediate and second intermediate).
An ILcdCircularArc is an ILcdCurve that represents a general circular arc in the 2D space.
A circular arc that is defined by a start point, end point, and a third point on the arc.
A circular arc that is defined by a start point, end point and a bulge factor.
A circular arc that is defined by a center point, radius, start angle and arc angle.
This interface describes the content of a object container by means of the classes of the objects contained.
Classifies objects by assigning every object a String value.
This interface specifies that an object is able to clone itself.
Defines the ILcdShape which will be used to represent the cluster on the map.
Interface that makes it possible to specify dependencies between TLcdCollectedLabelInfo objects.
An extension of the Java Collection which fires a TLcdCollectionEvent for every element that is added to or removed from the collection.
The ILcdFeatured interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdDataObject and TLcdDataModel.
The listener interface for TLcdCollectionEvents.
A color filter.
An ILcdColorModelFactory can create a ColorModel.
An edge value function providing access to the sequences of edges that have a special edge value (that is, a sequence of edges for which the traversal cost is not equal to the sum of the edge values of the individual edges).
An ILcdComplexPolygon is an ILcdShape that is described by a list of ILcdPolygon objects.
A curve that is a connected sequence of other curves.
This interface has been deprecated.
An ILcdConic is an ILcdProjection that is derived by projection of geodetic points on a cone which is then unrolled.
This interface allows boolean operations and convex hull calculation of shapes.
use ILcdClassContentDescriptor.
Use ILcdValuedPolygon in the package com.luciad.shape.
Builder to create shapes from the result of a TLcdPolylineContourFinder, or TLcdComplexPolygonContourFinder.
Use ILcdContourFactory in the package com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.
This interface represents a WCS coverage offering.
This interface complements ILcdCoverageOffering with more specific information about the coverage domain and the operations the WCS can perform with the coverage data.
A ILcdCrossCountryDistanceFunction calculates distances between two given points.
Configures the CSW server's capabilities.
Marker interface for CSW profiles.
Validates and executes CSW record queries on an underlying metadata repository.
A curve is a continuous, one-dimensional shape whose points can be retrieved using a single parameter.
Ensures connectivity of curves, for example in a composite curve.
Provides a curve editor with an ILcdCurveConnector to connect a given ILcdCurve instance to another ILcdCurve instance.
Use a UI builder (e.g.
An ILcdCylindrical is an ILcdProjection that is obtained by wrapping a cylinder around the earth globe such that it touches the equator.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdAerodromeFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdAirspaceFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdArrestingGearFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdATSRouteFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdATSRouteSegmentFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdServiceFeature interface with DAFIF specific features for airport and heliport communications.
This extension of the ILcdModelDecoder interface defines the methods necessary for decoding a DAFIF data file.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdDMEFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdGlidePathFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdHelipadFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdHoldingFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
Interface for listeners on an TLcdDAFIFLoader.
Interface for an adapter that keeps the TLcdDAFIFLoader in sync with a view.
Interface for a factory to create new instances of the ILcdDAFIFLoaderViewAdapter interface for a given TLcdDAFIFLoader and ILcdGXYView.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdLocalizerFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdMarkerFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdMilitaryTrainingRouteFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdMilitaryTrainingRoutePointFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdMilitaryTrainingRouteSegmentFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in ILcdMinimumSectorAltitudeFeature with features specific for DAFIF.
A ILcdDAFIFModelDescriptorSupport is a model descriptor support that can contain additional information about the corresponding DAFIF model.
A filter to be used while decoding DAFIF data.
This interface defines the methods specific for decoders that produce so-called "multi" models.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdNavaidFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdNDBFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdOrtcaFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdParachuteJumpAreaFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in ILcdFinalApproachPathFeature with features specific for DAFIF.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdProcedureFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRefuelingAirspaceFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRefuelingTrack interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRefuelingTrackPointFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRunwayDirectionFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdRunwayFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in ILcdSectorFeature with specific features for DAFIF.
Interface for DAFIF or DAFIFT decoders with the ability to filter domain objects based on their subtype.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdTACANFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface defines a generic filter for DAFIFT records.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdVFRRouteFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdVFRRoutePointFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdVORFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface extends the more general applicable features defined in the ILcdWayPointFeature interface with DAFIF specific features.
This interface specifies methods to do uncached queries on a database or a set of data files, based on query strings, bounds, and keys.
This interface specifies methods to do uncached queries on a database or a set of data files, based on bounds.
This interface specifies methods to perform uncached updates on a database or a set of data files, based on query keys.
This interface specifies methods to perform uncached updates on a database or a set of data files, based on query keys.
This interface specifies a set of methods that create a basis for accessing a spatial database.
This ILcdModelDescriptor specifically describes database models.
ILcdModelDescriptor that describes models of which the elements are based on ILcdDataObject.
Object that provides display names for data models, data types and data properties.
A data object is a representation of some structured data.
An optimized representation of an expression.
Interface that provides a mechanism to control the creation of new instances for types of a certain data model.
An ILcdModel whose elements can be retrieved efficiently via expression-based indices.
An identifier for an index in an ILcdDataObjectIndexedModel.
Transformation that is capable of transforming the value of a single property of a source object to a target object.
General representation of a data source.
Use ILcdModelDecoder instead
Extension of ILcdModelDescriptor, that also offers the ILcdDataSource that was used to decode the model (if available).
Interface allowing to make deep clones of objects.
This interface allows that the value of a feature of a ILcdFeatured object is part of its display name.
This interface represents a linked list of element attributes that are present in DGN files.
This interface represents a ILcdDGNAttributes element that refers to a database.
This interface specifies how a given ILcdDGNShape is painted.
This interface specifies how a Stroke can be retrieved
This interface provides common methods for decoders of the DGN file format.
This class represents the shape elements that are present in DGN files.
This interface represents a DGN tag, as specified inside a DGN file.
This class represents the MicroStation tags that are present in DGN files.
This class represents a user attribute.
This functionality is present in the JDK.
This interface defines the possible values or intervals in which data is defined.
An ILcdDispatchableEvent is an event that can send itself to listeners.
Interface allowing to dispose of an object, and letting it release any system resources that it is holding.
A ILcdDistanceFunction calculates distances between two given nodes.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a DME (Distance Measuring Equipment).
This interface defines general applicable features for a DME facility.
An ILcdDome is an ILcdShape that represents a half-sphere in 3D space.
A List interface that is optimized for doubles.
This interface provides common methods for decoders of the DWG file format.
This class represents the shape elements that are present in DWG files.
Filter that notifies listeners when its behavior changes.
This data source represents the point cloud data contained in a E57 file.
This data source represents the panoramic imagery contained in a E57 file.
Represents a single item of source data for use with the 3D terrain preprocessor.
An ILcdEarthModelDescriptor which uses a model with ILcdEarthAsset objects to describe the contents of the ILcdEarthTileSets.
Interface for a class that can encode and decode ILcdEarthAsset objects, thus supporting persistency for 3D terrain metadata.
An ILcdEarthTileSet which represents its tiles as a collection that can be both queried and edited.
A strategy to select the proper Level Of Detail for a tileset.
An ILcdEarthTileSet that allows iteration over its tiles.
A factory to create model decoders.
Model descriptor for Luciad Earth models.
An abstraction of a value provider for multi-valued data.
A factory for multi-valued providers.
An ILcdEarthRasterTileSetCoverage with multi-valued values.
A factory that maps file format names (strings) to model decoders and vice versa.
A listener that receives progress notifications from TLcdEarthTileRepositoryPreprocessor.
An ILcdEarthAsset that represents raster data.
An ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage with properties specific to raster data.
Combines four tiles on level N into a new tile on level N-1.
Encodes and decodes tile data.
Important notice: the package com.luciad.imaging presents a new API for the modeling of raster data.
A callback interface used by ILcdEarthTileSet.
An interface for a single data coverage available from an ILcdEarthTileSet.
An enumeration of possible data types.
Encodes and decodes ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage instances in a TLcdEarthTileRepository.
Splits a tile into subtiles.
An extension of ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage for coverages that contain vector data.
An enumeration of possible shape types in an ILcdEarthVectorTileSetCoverage.
An ILcdEdgeValueFunction is a general function which returns values associated with edges in a graph.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdAerodrome.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes, relationships and geometry of an ILcdAirspace.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an airspace association.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes, relationships and geometry of an ILcdAirspaceCorridor.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdAirspaceSegment.
This interface represents an ILcdAPP6ACoded that can be edited.
An editable extension of ILcdEditableAPP6AShape that allows to configure the geometric properties of the symbol.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdAreaMinimumAltitude interface that allows to change its attributes and geometry.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdArrestingGear interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of an arresting gear.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes, relationships and geometry of an ILcdAssociationBasedAirspace.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdATSRoute interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of an ATS route.
An ILcdEditableComplexPolygon is an ILcdComplexPolygon whose contents can be modified.
A composite curve that can be edited: ILcdCompositeCurve.getCurves() returns an editable list, allowing to insert, remove, and replace curve elements.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdDME.
This interface represents extruded shapes whose base shape and Z values can be changed.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdFinalApproachPath interface that allows to change its attributes and geometry.
An editable extension of ILcdGeoPath.
An editable extension of ILcdGeoPathLeg.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdGlidePath.
An ILcdEditableGraph is a graph to which nodes and edges can be added or removed.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes, relationships and geometry of an ILcdHelipad.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdHolding interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of a holding pattern.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdILS.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdLocalizer.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdLocationBasedService.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdMarker.
An ILcdEditableMatrixView is an ILcdMatrixView of which the values and associated points can be set.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdMilitaryTrainingRoute interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of a military training route.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdMilitaryTrainingRoutePoint interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of a military training route point.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdMinimumSectorAltitude interface that allows to change its attributes and geometry.
This interface represents an ILcdMS2525bCoded that can be edited.
An editable extension of ILcdEditableMS2525bShape that allows to configure the geometric properties of the symbol.
A multilevel grid coordinate which can be modified to designate another area on the ILcdMultilevelGrid with regard to which it is defined.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdNavaid.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdNDB.
This extension of the ILcdEditableObstacle interface allows users to change the geodetic datum of an obstacle.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdOrtca interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of an ORTCA.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdParachuteJumpArea interface that allows to change the attributes, relationships and geometry of a parachute jump area.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdParachuteJumpAreaSegment.
An ILcdEditablePolarMatrixView is an ILcdPolarMatrixView of which the values and associated points can be set.
This interface represents the shape elements that can be present in POL files.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes, relationships and geometry of an ILcdProcedure.
An editable extension of ILcdProcedureLeg.
An ILcdEditableReferencedMatrixView is an ILcdReferencedMatrixView of which the values and associated points can be set.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdRefuelingAirspace interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of an airspace.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdRefuelingTrack interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of an refueling track.
An editable extension of ILcdRefuelingTrackPoint.
Interface for editing restricted length point lists.
Interface for editing restricted length point lists.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdRoute interface that allows to change the attributes, relationships and geometry of a route.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdRoutePoint interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of a route point.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdRouteSegment interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of a route segment.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdRunway interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of a runway.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdRunwayClinePoint.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdRunwayDirection interface that allows to change the attributes and relationships of a runway direction.
This interface is an extension of the ILcdSector interface that allows to change its attributes and geometry.
An ILcdEditableShapeList is an ILcdShapeList whose contents can be modified.
Editable extension of the ILcdShortestRouteDistanceTableProvider interface.
A surface that can be edited: the exterior ring can be changed, and ILcdEditableSurface.getInteriorRings() returns an editable list, allowing to insert, remove, and replace interior elements.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdTACAN.
An ILcdEditableTimeBounds object is an ILcdTimeBounds object that can be changed.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdVFRRoute.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdVFRRoutePoint.
Represents a referenced editable matrix view containing visibility values.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdVOR.
This interface defines operations to edit the attributes and relationships of an ILcdWayPoint.
An ILcdEllipse is an ILcdShape that represents a general ellipse in the 2D space.
Interface that defines all ellipsoids.
An ILcdEllipsoidFactory is an object to create ILcdEllipsoid objects (Factory pattern).
There is no need to implement this interface yourself, or to use this interface directly.
Evaluating a filter is done by creating a TLcdOGCFilterEvaluator instance.
There is no need to implement this interface yourself, or to use this interface directly.
Evaluating a filter is done by creating a TLcdOGCFilterEvaluator instance.
This interface represents the logic to evaluate an extension of the standard filtering functionality.
An ILcdEventMulticaster can send out events to listeners.
Handler for exceptions.
This interface describes an expression.
Represents the input and result of a line-of-sight computation.
This interface provides access to meta-data associated with a model reference.
An ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility extension to support multiple model references for the input points and rasters.
This interfaces represents an extruded 2D shape.
This interface allows to register all feature names for an entity together with their feature Class objects.
The ILcdFeatured interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdDataObject and TLcdDataModel.
The ILcdFeatured interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdDataObject and TLcdDataModel.
The ILcdFeatured interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdDataObject and TLcdDataModel.
The ILcdFeatured interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdDataObject and TLcdDataModel.
The ILcdFeatured interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdDataObject and TLcdDataModel.
This interface defines a filter for objects of the type T.
Represents a final approach path.
This interface defines a list of possible features for a final approach path.
This interface specifies a method that is executed at the end of a TLcdFinalizedEnumeration.
This interface defines the different modes for sending out events.
A List interface that is optimized for floats.
This interface defines a method for converting an Object to a String.
The interface ILcdFunction defines a single generic method.
This interface provides a method that can return contents for a balloon.
Represents a GDF area feature.
Describes a GDF Attribute.
This class represents the different directions that can be associated with an attribute.
Represents a GDF complex feature.
This interface describes general properties of a GDF Feature.
This interface maps feature classes on feature themes.
Represents a GDF line feature.
Represents a GDF point feature.
Represents a GDF relationship.
This interface represents a source description, as defined in the GDF specification.
Represents a GDF text record.
Represents a GDF time domain, as defined in the GDF specification.
ILcdGeneralPath is an interface defining a general path in world coordinates.
ILcdGeneralPerspective are ILcdProjection objects that have a central point of zero distortion.
This interface represents an airspace.
A marker interface to enable grouping of objects that can be evaluated to produce a value.
This interface represents a geographical border.
This interface defines general applicable features for a geoborder.
An ILcdGeoBuffer shape defines a buffer or corridor around a given shape, adding a fixed width to the shape.
An ILcdGeocentricReference is an ILcdGeoReference.
An ILcdGeodeticDatum is comprised of an ellipsoid which is fixed to the physical earth in some manner.
An ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory is an object to create ILcdGeodeticDatum objects (Factory pattern).
Tag interface for geodetic references.
Use the new vertical datum support in com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdGeodeticDatum as this allows to use geoids for geodetic datums and ILcdGeoReference instances such as com.luciad.reference.ILcdGridReference.
An encoder for encoding shapes to GeoJSON.
An ILcdGeoPath is a shape consisting of multiple ILcdGeoPathLegs.
An ILcdGeoPathLeg is a geometric shape defined by a point and, depending on the type of the leg, a number of other parameters.
This is an interface for all classes defining the nature of the geographical Objects contained in an ILcdModel.
Interface for listening to log messages.
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
Represents the capabilities and framebuffer layout of an ILcdGLDrawable.
Interface for a class that chooses an ILcdGLCapabilities to use from the list of capabilities supported by the underlying graphics hardware.
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
Interface for an OpenGL context that applications can draw into.
Factory for creating ILcdGLDrawable instances.
Listener for events that applications can respond to by drawing into an ILcdGLDrawable.
Represents an ILcdGLDrawable which is associated with an externally created OpenGL context.
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a glide path transmitter.
This interface defines general applicable features for a glide path.
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
ILcdGLDrawable that works on an offscreen image rather than a visible GUI component.
Runnable that can be scheduled on an ILcdGLDrawable to be executed when the drawable's OpenGL context is current.
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
Provides access to the OpenGL Utility (GLU) library.
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This class has been deprecated.
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This class has been deprecated.
This class has been deprecated.
This class has been deprecated.
An ILcdGraph represents a general graph, which can contain nodes, connected by edges.
An interface to allow the graphics to be setup outside a class.
Interface for listeners attached to graphs.
The NetCDF decoder should be used to decode GRIB data.
The NetCDF decoder should be used to decode GRIB data.
GRIB constants are typically read from GRIB parameter tables.
The NetCDF decoder should be used to decode GRIB data.
The NetCDF decoder should be used to decode GRIB data.
An ILcdGridReference is an ILcdGeoReference that contains the relation between (longitude,latitude, height) coordinates and cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates.
Use a dedicated UI framework instead.
A layer runnable encapsulates a piece of code that allows to change and access an asynchronously painted layer in a safe way.
Interface for layers that paint themselves asynchronously.
Provider for asynchronous paint hints.
Interface for classes that wish to be informed of asynchronous painting events.
This interface defines a queue for layer paint requests, executing them asynchronously if necessary.
This controller is designed to be an element in a controller chain, passing along events and method calls.
ILcdGXYContext defines the context to be used by an ILcdGXYPainter (respectively an ILcdGXYEditor) for drawing (editing) on an ILcdGXYView an Object belonging to an ILcdModel.
Interprets user interaction on an ILcdGXYView.
This extension of ILcdGXYLayer adds extra methods to allow querying and changing what labels get painted and where the labels are placed.
Handles editing of an object through interactions with the objects representations in an ILcdGXYView.
Provides an ILcdGXYLayer with an ILcdGXYEditor to edit the objects in the layers model.
Interface that models a label editor allowing the user to move the labels on the map, for example graphically by using his mouse.
This is the interface for all classes that define how to get a valid ILcdGXYLabelEditor for editing the labels of an Object.
This interface can be used to compute placements for labels.
This interface provides methods to return paths that can be used during labeling.
This interface defines a method to retrieve a labeling algorithm for a label.
Provider of TLcdGXYLabelObstacles: locations where label placement should be avoided.
A label painter allows to paint and query the view bounds of a domain object's label representation.
Extension of ILcdGXYMultiLabelPainter that allows free label placement next to the discrete label placement offered by the super interface.
This is the interface for all classes that define how to get a valid ILcdGXYLabelPainter for painting the labels of an Object.
A provider of label priorities.
Provides the combined representation in an ILcdGXYView of all objects in an ILcdModel.
Interface for objects describing changes in the state of a layer.
Interface for retrieving and applying layer modifications.
This interface models a decoder for ILcdGXYLayer objects.
This interface models an encoder for ILcdGXYLayer objects.
Creates an ILcdGXYLayer for representing an ILcdModel on an ILcdGXYView.
label algorithm providers offer more flexibility for labeling layers
Use ILcdLayerTreeNode instead
A layer subset list defines a set of domain objects that are present in one or more layers.
Lightspeed integration in GXY views is no longer supported.
A ILcdGXYMultiLabelPainter can paint multiple labels per object.
A provider of label priorities that is able to distinguish between an object's labels and sublabels.
Implementation of this interface is required by the TLcdGXYNewController for the following: to delegate the choice of an ILcdGXYLayer where to add a new Object, to delegate the creation of this new Object to be edited/initialized by interacting with the Mouse on an ILcdGXYView, to delegate the insertion of this Object in the ILcdModel that the chosen ILcdGXYLayer refers to.
Locates and paints the representation of an object on an ILcdGXYView.
Provides an ILcdGXYLayer with an ILcdGXYPainter to represent the objects in the layers model.
An ILcdGXYPainterStyle tells an ILcdGXYPainter how to set up the drawing properties of a Graphics (e.g. Color, Stroke, etc) before painting an Object in a given mode and ILcdGXYContext.
Painter that can discretize shapes into ILcdAWTPath and ILcdGeneralPath instances, enabling them to be used in more complex shapes.
Provides low-level operations for painting and editing on an ILcdGXYView.
See ALcdGXYPen.create(com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReference) for default factory methods.
Retrieves scale levels for a point in the view.
A scale level object.
Customizes the way a TLcdGXYSelectController performs selection on an ILcdGXYView.
as of version 3.0.
An ILcdView to visualize two-dimensional object geometry, based on AWT Graphics and organized in ILcdGXYLayer objects.
This interface specifies methods to write given ILcdGXYView to a OutputStream.
ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer offers more powerful and flexible decluttering functionality
This interface defines methods for placing labels in an ILcdGXYView.
A callback interface used by ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer.
This interface defines all transformations between model coordinates and AWT view coordinates.
This interface defines all transformations between world coordinates and AWT view coordinates.
Provides a valid ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation for an ILcdGXYView.
This interface provides height values for 2D points inside known bounds.
A helipad is an area used for take-off and landing of helicopters.
This interface defines general applicable features for a helipad.
Factory to create help actions for buttons etc.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a holding pattern.
This interface defines general applicable features for a holding.
This interface provides a factory method for creating multilevel hypsometric rasters based on multilevel elevation rasters.
This interface specifies a method to compute normals based on matrices containing elevation data.
This interface provides a factory method for creating hypsometric rasters based on elevation rasters.
This interface provides a factory method for creating hypsometric tiles based on elevation rasters.
This interface specifies a method to compute hypsometric values based on elevation information.
A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an Instrument Landing System (ILS).
This interface defines general applicable features for an ILS.
Model descriptor for image models.
An interface for a named parameter list, used to supply initialization parameters to the command dispatcher factory when the servlet is loaded.
This provider allows to insert layers directly in their most desired index in a ILcdLayerTreeNode when no index is explicitly specified.
An ILcdInputStreamFactory creates an InputStream from a given source.
Interface allowing to configure an ILcdInputStreamFactory.
An ILcdModel whose elements can be retrieved via an integer-based index.
This interface defines a dimensionally extended nine intersection matrix (DE-9IM).
This interface defines a topological relationship between two shapes by imposing conditions on the intersection matrix of the two shapes.
This interface defines an one-dimensional interval with a name.
A List interface that is optimized for ints.
Interface providing a generic mechanism for invalidating a composite object when one or more of its compositing values has changed.
Member of a code list.
An interface for ISO code lists as defined in ISO19103:
Provides code lists based on a name or a Code.
A measure is the result from performing the act or process of ascertaining the value of a characteristic of some entity.
A record as defined by the ISO 19103 standard: a Record is a list of logically related elements as (name, value) pairs.
A quantity adopted as a standard of measurement for other quantities of the same kind.
A common interface for region filters
A resource listener is notified of changes to a resource.
This interface defines methods to check if adding label placements causes conflicts, depending on other label placement, label obstacles and the view.
This class represents a conflict.
Interface that makes it possible to specify dependencies between labels.
This interface defines listeners that can be notified of changes in the label location information.
This interface defines listeners that can be notified of changes when the painted status in the label location is modified.
Interface that allows to evaluate a placement for a label.
Placement result for a label.
Provides the combined representation in an ILcdView of the objects in an ILcdModel.
ILcdLayered is a list of zero or more ILcdLayers.
ILcdLayeredListener is the listener interface for TLcdLayeredEvent.
This interface provides a method to create a height provider from a layer and a view.
This interface provides a method to create a measure provider from a layer and a view.
An ILcdLayerTreeNode is an ILcdLayer which can also have child layers.
An ILcdLimitedEditablePartitionedGraph is a partitioned graph with editable internal boundaries, and to which partitions can be added (or removed).
Represents the result of line-of-sight computations.
An extension of the Java List which fires a TLcdCollectionEvent and TLcdListEvent for every element that is added to or removed from the list.
The listener interface for TLcdListEvents.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a localizer.
This interface defines general applicable features for a localizer.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a location-based service object.
Exposes lock dependencies to ensure that TLcdLockUtil locks all needed objects in the correct order.
Logging interface for LuciadLightspeed.
Allows plugging in a logging framework into LuciadLightspeed.
- new code should use the standard Java logging.
A List interface that is optimized for longs.
This interface defines methods for formatting longitude/latitude coordinates as strings.
Defines a circular area around a center point, used as input for line-of-sight computations.
Combines ILcdEditablePolarMatrixView and ILcdLOSCoverage to represent the input and the results of a line-of-sight computation.
Computes values along a given azimuth and stores the result in an ILcdLOSCoverageMatrix.
Extension of the interface ILcdLOSPropagationFunction representing a radar line-of-sight propagation function.
This method specifies how a calculator for the magnetic north should operate.
A representation of a chart containing magnetic north lines.
An extension of the Java Map which fires an TLcdMapEvent for every entry that is added to or removed from the map.
The listener interface for TLcdMapEvents.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a marker beacon.
This interface defines general applicable features for a marker.
Use ILcdMatrixView in com.luciad.shape.
Defines the requirements for an object that maps double matrix values to short raster values.
An ILcdMatrixView represents a regular 2D data structure where values can be accessed through rows and columns.
This interface defines the ability to decode TLcdISO19115Metadata from a source name.
A TLcdISO19115Metadata paired with the metadata source file(s) from which the metadata was decoded.
This class represents the shape elements that are present in MIF files.
This interface represents a MIF symbol resource.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a military training route.
This interface defines generally applicable features for a military training route.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a military training route point.
This interface defines generally applicable features for military training route points.
This interface defines generally applicable features for military training route segments.
Represents a Minimum Sector Altitude object, defining the lowest altitudes to be used for one or more sectors.
This interface defines a list of possible features for a Minimum Sector Altitude.
A container for domain objects.
A query to be used with ILcdModel.query(Query).
ILcdModelContainer is an ILcdModelProducerListener containing a zero or more ILcdModel objects.
ILcdModelContainerListener is the listener interface for TLcdModelContainerEvents.
Decodes ILcdModel instances from files or from other data sources.
Interface defining the method to create a new ILcdModelDecoder for a given source.
Provides more information about an ILcdModel.
Creates a ILcdModelDescriptor for a given ILcdModel.
Writes models to files or other types of storage.
Factory to create ILcdModel instances for a given ILcdModelDescriptor and ILcdModelReference.
This interface provides a method to create a height provider from a model.
The listener interface for receiving model change events.
Factory that allows retrieving measured values for a particular model.
An ILcdModelModelTransformation defines the transformation between model data in a source reference and model data in another model reference.
A producer of ILcdModel objects.
ILcdModelProducerListener is the listener interface for TLcdModelProducerEvents.
Interface defining implementations that can provide models corresponding to some source name.
Root interface for all classes defining the coordinate system in which the geometry of elements in an ILcdModel is expressed.
Decodes the ILcdModelReference that is associated with a data source.
A model reference paired with the source file from which it was decoded.
Encodes the ILcdModelReference that is associated with a data source.
A formatter for converting ILcdModelReference objects into string representations.
A parser for converting string representations of model references into the corresponding ILcdModelReference instance.
An ILcdModelTreeNode is an ILcdModel which can also have child models.
An ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation defines the transformation between model data and world data in a XY coordinate plane, which is also denoted as a world point or world coordinate.
An ILcdModelXYZWorldTransformation defines the transformation between model data and world data in XYZ coordinate plane.
Describes a transformation from model z values to world z values.
This interface specifies a method that transforms a given object and returns the result.
General interface for objects from one of the supported MIL-STD-2525 standards.
Tagging interface for models that contain objects of type ILcdMS2525bCoded.
An ILcdMS2525bShape is a ILcdMS2525bCoded extension that contains geometric information about the symbol.
Do not implement this interface, it is subject to changes.
This interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdStyledMilitarySymbol, which can be used to provide both APP-6 and MIL-STD-2525 objects a per object style.
A multi-dimensional represents an object that can vary over multiple dimensions like time or height.
Models that support dimensional filtering, such as NetCDF, NVG and some LuciadFusion models, should implement this interface.
Multi-key cache used by the view to cache data.
Interface for a map that uses multiple keys per stored value.
Describes a rectangular, axis aligned, uniform, multilevel grid.
A multilevel grid coordinate corresponds to an area of the ILcdMultilevelGrid with regard to which it is defined.
Important notice: the package com.luciad.imaging presents a new API for the modeling of raster data.
This interface provides a method to draw icons for multi-dimensional integer values.
This interface represents a bounded raster of multi-dimensional values.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a navaid.
This interface defines general applicable features for a navaid.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a Non-Directional Beacon (NDB).
This interface defines general applicable features for a NDB facility.
Marker interface indicating a layer whose labels should not be deconflicted by ILcdView implementations.
Callback interface for reporting the mappings between graphs and numeric graphs.
Interface exposing the functionality of NVG objects to be nested in anchors or groups (i.e. to have a parent).
An ILcdObjectIconProvider provides an ILcdIcon for objects passed to it.
Transformation that is responsible for transforming a given object into another object.
An ILcdObliqueCylindrical is an ILcdProjection that is obtained by wrapping a cylinder around the globe.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an obstacle.
This class defines a list of possible features for an obstacle.
An interface for command dispatcher factories.
This interface is the marker for all the filter elements that represents a condition.
This interface represents the <ogc:expression> element.
Interface for classes that can return the feature ID of a given object.
This is the common interface for all implementations able to evaluate or interpret an OGC filter (see TLcdOGCFilter).
Interface defining the method to create a new ILcdModelDecoder for a given source.
Interface defining implementations that can provide models corresponding to some source name.
This is a marker interface, you should always use TLcdOGCSortBy.
use JOptionPane or another GUI toolkit equivalent instead
This interface defines a single method to apply a function to an ILcdPoint.
Interface for a generic scene graph node.
Describes an object with an editable orientation.
Describes an object that has an orientation.
This interface describes the geometry of an ORTCA.
This interface defines general applicable features for an ORTCA.
An ILcdOutputStreamFactory creates an OutputStream for a given destination.
Interface allowing to configure an ILcdOutputStreamFactory.
A request to an OpenGIS Web Service (OWS).
A transport layer to access OpenGIS Web Services.
Represents a coverage between two points.
Computes the intervisibility between two points.
Allows to report exceptions during painting.
A panorama is a series of one or more panoramic images, together representing a continuous scene.
Tagging interface that indicates that model elements will implement ILcdPanorama.
A panoramic image is a part of a ILcdPanorama.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a parachute jump area.
This interface defines general applicable features for a parachute jump area.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an parachute jump area segment.
This interface describes an expression whose result can vary at any time without changing the expression.
An icon that is based on a set of parameters.
This interface defines a parametric representation of a path.
This interface defines a method for creating an Object based on a String.
An ILcdPartitionedGraph is an ILcdGraph which is composed of partitions.
Interface for listeners attached to partitioned graphs.
ILcdPartitioningAlgorithm provides a general interface for algorithms that create partitions of graphs.
This interface provides methods for retrieving a user and a password.
ILcdPerspective are ILcdProjection objects that have a central point of zero distortion.
An ILcdPoint is an ILcdShape representing a 3D point.
Represents the input and result of a visibility computation between two points.
This interface presents an indexed list of ILcdPoint objects.
All methods that used to be part of this interface have been moved to the ILcdPointList interface.
An ILcdPolarMatrixView is an ILcdMatrixView which represents a polar 2D data structure where the values and associated points can be accessed through an azimuth and a radius.
An interface to retrieve POL specific attributes from arbitrary objects.
A table that contains the colors to display POL elements.
This interface represents the shape elements that can be present in POL files.
This interface defines the types of geometry data that can be stored in the pol-file.
An ILcdPolygon is an ILcdShape that represents a closed polygon.
An ILcdPolyline is an ILcdShape that represents a polyline.
An ILcdPolypoint is an ILcdShape that represents a set of points.
This interface represents a procedure (SID, STAR or IAP).
This interface defines general applicable features for a procedure.
Interface for a class that handles a procedure's geometry.
An interface for a single leg of an ILcdProcedure.
This interface would define generally applicable features for a procedure if there were any.
A ILcdProfileView is profile or side-view, for example of a terrain.
An ILcdProjection is a map projection.
A source of PropertyChangeEvents to which you can attach PropertyChangeListeners.
Use a UI builder (e.g.
Use a UI builder (e.g.
This interface allows to abstract the way a property is obtained from a given object.
This interface allows to abstract the way an OGC XPath expression can reference a property of a given object.
Use a UI builder (e.g.
This interface defines a set of methods for implementing a queue.
Important notice: the package com.luciad.imaging presents a new API for the modeling of raster data.
An ILcdRasterPainter provides additional common methods over ILcdGXYPainter, that are typically useful for painting rasters.
This interface represents a reference for a raster, consisting of the model reference and the raster bounds.
This interface defines a method to reference rasters based on tie points.
This interface makes it possible to convert between raster and data values.
An ILcdProjection that uses pairs of tie points to map from one coordinate system to another.
Adds a reference to the matrix view interface.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of an airspace.
This interface defines general applicable features for a refueling track or anchor airspace.
This interface describes the relationships of a refueling track or refueling anchor.
This interface defines general applicable features for a refueling track or anchor.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a refueling track point.
This interface defines general applicable features for a refueling track or anchor route point.
Decoder for user-defined layers.
Interface defining the method to create a new ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoder for a given user-defined layer.
Interface defining implementations that can provide models corresponding to some user-defined layer.
An interface for web server requests.
An interface for request handlers.
ILcdResizeableIcon extends ILcdIcon, allowing to set the width and the height of the icon.
Generic resource metadata object.
An interface for server responses.
A point list which has a minimum number of points.
A point list which has a minimum number of points.
A ring is a closed curve, hence the start and end points are the same.
An interface for objects that can be rotated.
Use ILcdRotationCapableGXYView as this interface only applied to ILcdGXYView instances.
An ILcdGXYView that supports rotation, adding it as an extra parameter (next to the scale and origin mapping) to the view-world transformation.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a route.
An ILcdRoute describes a route in a graph, i.e. a sequence of connected edges in a graph.
This interface defines generally applicable features for a route.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a route point.
This interface defines generally applicable features for a route point.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a route segment.
This interface defines generally applicable features for a route segment.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a runway.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a runway cline point.
This interface defines general applicable features for a runway cline point.
This interface describes the relationships of a runway direction.
This interface defines general applicable features for a runway direction.
This interface defines general applicable features for a runway.
Interface for classes that retrieve the color for a given code.
This interface defines the mariner's settings of the S-52 conditional symbology procedures.
Style for filling S-57 objects according to the S-52 standard.
Interface for classes that retrieve the pattern icon for a given code.
Interface for classes that retrieve the icon for a given code.
Style for outlining S-57 objects according to the S-52 standard.
Interface for classes that retrieve the line style icon for a given code.
Interface containing all the methods to set and retrieve the representation of an S-57 object according to the S-52 standard.
Interface for classes that retrieve the ILcdS52Style for a given ILcdS57Identifier.
This interface collects all style providers of the S-52 symbology.
An S-52 icon that represents a text.
This class represents an S-57 attribute.
Provides a mapping of attribute acronyms and values to (language dependent) textual descriptions of these attributes and their values.
This interface maps S-57 attribute codes to numerical identifiers.
Interface providing access to properties of edges that are part of a DEPARE/DRGARE area object.
An S-57 feature object.
This interface defines the link between S52 and S57.
A handler for exceptions during the decoding of an S-57 cell.
An S-57 feature object that has a geometry associated with it.
Provides a mapping of object class acronyms to (language dependent) textual descriptions of these object classes.
This interface maps S-57 object class codes to numerical identifiers.
A bidirectional relationship between two S-57 feature objects.
Interface for S57 sounding representations.
Represents a sector with a sector number and altitude.
This interface defines a list of possible features for a Sector.
Interface for a class to discretize a given line segment by generating points on the segment.
Supports the selection of objects.
An ILcdSelectionListener can be notified of selection changes in an ILcdSelection.
The ILcdFeatured interface has been deprecated in favor of ILcdDataObject and TLcdDataModel.
This interface describes the relationships of a service object.
This interface defines general applicable features for a service object.
An interface for a servlet context configuration.
An ILcdShape is a representation of a bounded 3D geometry.
An ILcdShapeList is an ILcdShape that consists of other ILcdShape objects (Composite pattern [Gamma et al.]).
ILcdShortestRouteAlgorithm is an interface for algorithms that find the shortest routes from a source node to a destination node.
A table containing the shortest route distance between any pair two given nodes within a set of nodes.
A ILcdShortestRouteDistanceTableProvider provides graph distance tables to algorithms that make use of them.
A List interface that is optimized for shorts.
Interface for Object's representing a ESRI SHP geometry having a measure value.
Interface for Object's representing a ESRI SHP geometry having a measure value for each point of the geometry.
An ILcdSimulatorModel defines the simulated data to be displayed by a TLcdSimulator in real or fast time onto different ILcdGXYViews.
Sets up and restore Graphics objects.
A factory for creating ILcdGXYLayer instances of models, to be used for display of these models on an ILcdGXYView according to one or more given SLD feature type styles.
This interface allows to customize the location of an online resource.
Creates ALcdSLDSymbolizerPainter for a given ALcdSLDSymbolizer in a given TLcdSLDContext.
Implement ILcdEvaluatorFunction to support your own OGC functions.
An ILcdSphere is an ILcdShape that represents a sphere in 3D space.
An ILcdStatusListener can be notified of status changes.
A source of status events.
Use a dedicated UI framework instead.
Interface that defines a translator for text.
An extension of ILcd3DMesh that can provide an ILcd3DMeshStyle for every primitive.
Interface that provides access to a TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle.
This interface defines an ILcdTile which is further subdivided into subtiles.
A surface is a continuous, two-dimensional shape whose exterior boundary (separating it from infinite space) is defined by a single ILcdRing.
Constants used to decode/encode SVG files.
Tag descriptor for ILcdModel objects created from SVG files.
Interface that provides a new way to create ModelDescriptors using xml attributes.
This interface represents a factory for ILcdShape used in the TLcdSVGContentHandler.
interface to create a ILcdSVGShapeFactory.
This interface is used by the TLcdSVGModelEncoder.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN).
This interface defines general applicable features for a TACAN facility.
An ILcdShape representing a text string at a given position and with the given dimensions.
The text size is expressed in model units, for example 500 meters wide.
Important notice: the package com.luciad.imaging presents a new API for the modeling of raster data.
This interface contains methods to decode a sub-tile from a whole tile (image) contained in a file or URL.
Creates ILcd2DBoundsInteractable tiles from files or other data sources.
This interface provides information about an ILcdTile: size, type, color model, and data.
This API is only here to support deprecated formats.
An object implements ILcdTimeBounded if the object is bounded in time.
An ILcdTimeBounds object is an object representing a time interval.
Describes the boundedness of an object: BOUNDED denotes that the object is bounded: it has a time setting; UNBOUNDED denotes that the object is unbounded: it has always existed, or it will always exist; UNDEFINED denotes that the object is undefined: it has no time setting, or it is not (yet) initialized.
A topocentric earth fixed cartesian coordinate system is a right-handed cartesian coordinate system defined with respect to an ellipsoid and a point on the ellipsoid.
An ILcdTopocentricReference is an ILcdGeoReference that is defined by a geodetic datum and a lon-lat-height point that defines the origin of the topocentric coordinate system of this reference.
ILcdTracingAlgorithm is an interface for algorithms that find the trace that starts from or leads to a given edge or node.
ILcdTracingResultHandler defines a handler interface which is called from within the tracing algorithm, once for each node for which a trace is found.
A transport service based on a request-response protocol.
Factory to create an ILcdTransport, encapsulating network transport functionality.
An ILcdTransverseCylindrical is an ILcdProjection for which a cylinder is wrapped around the globe.
An extension of ILcdLayered, to access a flat list of layers as a hierarchical structure.
Interface allowing to create a support class for facilitating the creation of concrete ILcdTreeLayered implementations based on an ILcdLayered instance.
This interface describes objects that implement undo and redo behavior.
A listener that is informed when an undoable event has happened, represented by ILcdUndoable objects.
This interface describes objects that generate ILcdUndoables.
ILcdValuedPolygon is the representation of a contour line.
An ILcdVariableGeoBuffer shape defines a buffer or corridor around a given (3D) polyline, adding a width and height to the shape that is defined for every polyline point.
Use the new vertical datum support in com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdGeodeticDatum as this allows to use geoids for geodetic datums and ILcdGeoReference instances such as com.luciad.reference.ILcdGridReference.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a VFR route.
This interface defines general applicable features for a VFR route.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a VFR route point.
This interface defines general applicable features for a VFR route point.
An ILcdView displays zero or more ILcdModel objects.
Listener for ILcdView invalidation events.
The base interface for all viewsheds.
This interface defines a factory that is capable creating viewsheds for specific domain objects.
Interface which defines a strategy for compositing visibility values from different viewsheds.
Represents a referenced matrix view containing visibility values.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a VHF Omnidirectional Radio range (VOR).
This interface defines general applicable features for a VOR facility.
As of V7.2, this class should no longer be used.
Represents a DIGEST FACC feature (typically is a real world object), having a feature code that describes the type of the feature, and an ordered set of attributes describing the properties of the feature.
Represents a VPF feature (typically representing a real world object), having a FACC feature code and attributes, and associated with a VPF feature class.
Provides styling information for creating VPF layers.
Defines a listener that will be informed of changes made to the Cursor on the Vertical View.
This class collects the methods that are useful when doing free-form drawing on the TLcdVVJPanel.
Provides information on the vertical view grid.
Renders grid lines and ordinate labels (i.e.
A vertical view model.
The TLcdVVJPanel will delegate all the drawing on the Graphics to its ILcdVVRenderer.
Renders decorations (e.g.
This interface describes the geometry and the relationships of a waypoint.
This interface defines general applicable features for a waypoint.
Provides the WCS capabilities, or parts of it.
Extend ALcdWCSCoverageDecoder instead.
implement a regular ILcdModelEncoder instead
A factory for model encoders to be used by WCS.
Since 2017.0 Please make use of ILcdWCSCapabilitiesProvider.
Provides the WFS capabilities, or parts of it.
A model encoder factory for WFS server-to-client transfers.
Interface for classes that represent a WFS feature type.
Since 2017.0 Please make use of ILcdWFSCapabilitiesProvider.
Since 2017.0 Please make use of ILcdWFSCapabilitiesProvider.
A factory that creates filtered models.
A factory class which can be used to create locks for a WFS-T server.
An interface for model encoders that can integrate a lock id in the encoded model.
Creates ILcdModels from WFS data sources.
A WFS model encoder extends a model encoder with a content type (MIME type) which will be used for WFS GetFeature responses.
This interface is no longer used - instead, ILcdDataObject is used to create new domain object instances.
Interface for classes that handle DescribeFeatureType requests in the WFS.
A model encoder factory for WFS server-side transactions.
Since 2017.0 Please make use of ILcdWFSCapabilitiesProvider.
A factory class which can be used to create ALcdWFSTransactionHandler instances.
Creates ALcdWMSCapabilities object.
Provides the WMS capabilities, or parts of it.
Starting from version 2017.0, the preferred way of working is to use the ILcdWMSCapabilitiesProvider.
This interface specifies methods to encode the result of a DescribeLayer request.
The type of encoding is defined by the actual implementations.
Each ILcdWMSDescribeLayerEncoder has a contenttype that identifies the type of data encoded by the implementation.
Since 2017.0 Please make use of the interface ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder.
This interface specifies methods to write given the features of the TLcdGXYLayerSubsetList of ILcdGXYView to a OutputStream.
This interface specifies methods to encode the result of a GetLegendGraphic request.
The type of encoding is defined by the actual implementations.
Each ILcdWMSLegendGraphicRequestEncoder has a content type that identifies the type of data encoded by the implementation.
This is the interface for all classes that can create a ILcdGXYLayer for representing a ILcdModel on a ILcdGXYView.
Provider for online resources (typically URLs) that are used in some standardized responses defined by the WMS specification, like a GetCapabilities response or a Service Exception Report response.
Interface defining implementations that can provide server-side SLD feature type styles.
Provides a TLcdWMTSClient.
Creates and encodes legend graphics to a specific content type.
Creates GXY layers for data requested through a WMTS service.
Expression that resolves an xlink after the document has been decoded.
Enumeration that indicates when the expression should be resolved.
XLink provides access to the XLink evaluation environment and expressions.
Converts instances of a Java class to lexical representations of their corresponding XML value of the XML Schema datatype for which this formatter was written.
Converts lexical representations of XML values of the XML Schema datatype for which this parser was written to corresponding Java class instances representing these values.
Interface for XML decoder libraries, responsible for configuring a TLcdXMLDecoder so that it can be used for unmarshalling XML documents to Java object graphs.
Interface for accessing the context of an XML document being decoded.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
A type-safe enumeration, representing all possible scopes to be used in XML document contexts.
A type-safe enumeration, representing all possible scopes to be used in XML document contexts.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Contains XML-related information specific to a single XML element.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Interface for XML encoder libraries, responsible for configuring a TLcdXMLEncoder so that it can be used for marshalling Java object graphs to XML documents.
Interface for XML mapping libraries, responsible for configuring a TLcdXMLMapping.
An ILcdXMLMarshaller is responsible for marshalling (serializing) Java object graphs into XML data.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Interface for object factories that can create objects for a specific XML Schema type or element.
It separates the creation of objects from the XML parsing and object initialization.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated.
Interface for retrieval of XML namespace to prefix mappings and vice versa.
Interface for XML Schema based decoder libraries, responsible for configuring a TLcdXMLDecoder so that it can be used for unmarshalling XML documents to Java object graphs.
Interface for XML Schema based encoder libraries, responsible for configuring a TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder so that it can be used for marshalling Java object graphs to XML documents.
Interface for XML Schema mapping libraries, responsible for configuring a TLcdXMLSchemaBasedMapping.
Interface for handlers of XML Schemas.
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated.
Interface that maps XML schema types on TLcdDataType instances.
Interface for the simpleLink attribute group.
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated.
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated.
An ILcdXMLTypeMarshaller is responsible for marshalling (serializing) Java object graphs into XML data.
An ILcdXMLTypeUnmarshaller is responsible for unmarshalling (deserializing) XML data into newly created Java content trees.
An ILcdXMLUnmarshaller is responsible for unmarshalling (deserializing) XML data into newly created Java content trees.
ILcdXYWorldReference is a marker interface for all XY world references.
A ILcdXYWorldReferenceFormatter is used to format the ILcdXYWorldReference as a string.
A ILcdXYWorldReferenceParser is used to parse the ILcdXYWorldReference that is formatted as a string.
An ILcdXYWorldXYWorldTransformation defines the transformation between two world reference systems.
An ILcdXYZRotation is a cartesian 3D rotation defined by three Eulerian angles (a, b, g).
This is a marker interface for all XYZ world references.
This interface has been deprecated.
Represents a container for actions and active settables that have a gui representation.
This listener can be used to listen to changes in an ILcyActionBar.
Represents a listener that can be notified of changes in the active contexts in the TLcyActionBarManager.
Interface that specifies an object that has a state 'active'.
Listener that listens to changes in an addon container.
Implementations of this interface are panes to put the java.awt.Components of the application in.
The factory that creates ILcyApplicationPane's.
Implementations of this listener can be notified of additions and removals of application panes.
Represents the owner of an application pane.
Provider for asynchronous paint hints.
Interface that describes a composite implementation of ILcyCustomizerPanel.
Extension of ILcdAction that allows to customize the component that represents it (typically a JButton).
Extension of ILcyActiveSettable that allows to customize the component that represents it (typically a JToggleButton).
A more powerful ILcyCustomizerPanel framework has been introduced aside of this functionality.
This interface represents a panel containing a user interface to customize some object.
Factory to creates instances of ILcyCustomizerPanel.
Listener that can be informed when data sources are being handled.
Listener that can be attached to a TLcyDrawingStyleRepository.
An ILcyGenericMapComponent is a visual component that contains an ILcdView (a map).
Listener that can be attached to a TLcyGenericMapManager.
Provider for label placement hints.
Manages the layer ordering in a gxy view.
Interface containing all possible layer types.
Provider for layer types.
Represents a layer's style.
This interface models a codec (encoder/decoder) for ILcyLayerStyle objects.
Provides operations to retrieve and copy a layer's style.
This is an interface for defining a list of one or more ILcdLayer subset(s).
Lightspeed implementation of ILcyGenericMapComponent.
This is the central backend of Lucy where all add-ons are registered, to which add-ons can add functionality and from which already added functionality can be retrieved.
Listener for changes in a ILcyLucyEnv.
An ILcyMapComponent is an ILcyGenericMapComponent for ILcdGXYView (a flat map).
Interface describing a layer control for a map.
GXY implementation of ILcyGeneralMapLayerControlFactory
Manager of the ILcyMapComponents that currently exist.
Listener that can be attached to a ILcyMapManager.
A menu bar.
Interface containing all possible ILcyModelContentTypes.
Provider for model content types.
A more powerful ILcyCustomizerPanel framework has been introduced aside of this functionality.
A more powerful ILcyCustomizerPanel framework has been introduced aside of this functionality.
A popup menu.
Interface defining a listener which can be attached to the TLcyPreviewAddOn, and which will be informed when the state of that preview add-on is changed.
Creates new or popuplates existing ALcyProperties from files or other data sources.
Writes ALcyProperties to files or other types of storage.
The concept of a ILcyPropertyConverter allows to make some modifications to an ALcyProperties object just before they are stored, and just after they are read.
The preferred mechanism to work with real time data is to let your ILcdModel implementation implement ILcdMultiDimensionalModel as well, and expose a TLcdDimensionAxis with a Date type (for example TLcdDimensionAxis.TIME_AXIS).
Interface for layers that allow snapping.
Extension of ILcyActionBar that represents a tool bar.
This is an interface for classes that are able to return tool tip (dynamic display) info for objects.
A tool tip style is an object that is able to extract tool tips for a given object.
Listens for changes in a TLcyVerticalViewManager.
Provider for the properties used by the calculation of the visibility between two shapes.
Container for the properties used in the visibility calculations
Listener that will be informed about changes in a TLcyWorkspaceManager.
Interface to be implemented by objects interested in the result of an (asynchronously) executed task.
Factory to create ILcdModelDecoder instances
A handler for asynchronous tile deletion operations.
The session groups the information needed to drive the fusion engine.
A handler for asynchronously exporting a coverage.
A base handler to handle failures and interrupts which are common to all asynchronous operations.
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms.
A handler for asynchronous tile retrieval operations.
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms.
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms.
A handler for asynchronously imported a coverage.
An extension of a callback which can report intermediate progress for long-running operations.
A handler for asynchronous tile addition operations.
A handler for the results of a Tile Store query.
Handler for non-fatal errors that occur during a raster fusion session.
Describes the context in which a failure occurred.
An extension of the general ILfnCallback which adds a specific callback for when content is found.
A resolver which can resolve a resource ID to its resource metadata.
A base handler to handle service failures, in addition to those already defined by the superinterface.
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms.
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms.
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms.
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms.
Describes the context in which a failure occurred, in as much detail as available.
Interface for a 3D icon that can be rendered to an ILcdGLDrawable.
Defines an ILspView which is represented on screen by an AWT or Swing component.
Interprets user interaction on an ILspView.
An extension of ILspStyler which uses a limited set of customizable styles to define the styling of objects.
This interface is used by layers that have an ILspStyler and allow editing of this styler.
Interface for painters that support the use and editing of an ILspStyler.
Listener interface to receive notifications of changes in the current editing state.
An editor is responsible for creating edit handles, and applying edit operations created by those handles on domain objects.
Interface for styles that include hints regarding the use of ALspGraphicsEffect.
Interface for builders of ILspEffectsHintStyle.
Defines hints regarding the application of graphics effects to certain objects.
Represents the array of indices that are used to describe the elements of an indexed vertex array.
Cache that stores OpenGL resource objects.
Listener that can be registered with an ILspGLResourceCache to be notified when resources are added, used, or removed.
An ILspGLState sets up the OpenGL state of a ILcdGLDrawable.
Interface for layers that can project images onto the 3D terrain in an ILspView.
Defines a projector used by an ILspImageProjectionLayer.
A vertex array which is indexed by one or more element buffers.
This listener can be used to be notified when interaction is started, stopped or cancelled.
Extension of ILspPaintableLayer that paints the contents of its model using an ILspPainter.
This interface defines methods to check if adding label placements causes conflicts, depending on other label placement, obstacles and the view.
This class represents a conflict.
Interface that makes it possible to specify dependencies between labels.
This interface can be used to compute placements for labels.
This object as passed to placeLabels and can be used to retrieve and store 'context' information.
This interface defines a method to retrieve a labeling algorithm for a label.
This interface defines listeners that can be notified of changes in the label location information.
Provider of TLspLabelObstacle objects: locations where labels should not be placed.
This ILspPainter paints and locates a label for an object in a view.
Interface that allows to evaluate a placement for a label.
Placement result for a label.
This interface defines methods to retrieve and manipulate label locations.
A provider of priorities for labels.
Root interface for all layers in an ILspView.
Provides hints about the type of a given ILspLayer.
A factory that can create one or more ILspLayers for an ILcdModel.
Listener for state changes in an ILspLayer.
Domain object for grid lines used in a lon-lat grid model created by TLspLonLatGridLayerBuilder.
A category defining the grid line.
A listener for map scale change events in an ILspMapScaleProvider.
An ILspMapScaleProvider provides the map scale of a view and can keep listening objects updated of any changes to the map scale.
Represents a vertex array for which the data is subject to change.
A vertex array which is defined by a single primitive type.
Interface for a layer that can paint itself into an ILspView.
Paints a visual representation of an object in a view.
Listener to receive notifications of changes in the paint groups.
Callback to indicate when the changes for an event are ready to be committed.
A set of paint groups.
Determines the order in which layers and their various painters are invoked in an ILspView.
Identifies a painting step consisting of an ILspLayer and a TLspPaintRepresentationState.
This label painter adds support for TLspPathLabelLocations.
An abstraction of a framebuffer into which rendering output can be directed.
This interface provides a method to retrieve scale levels for a point in the view.
A scale level object.
Handles exactly which objects change their selection from a list of potential selection candidates.
Interface for a class that can discretize geometric shapes into a format that is easier to use for painters.
Determines whether the implementing object can be snapped to during edit operations.
Interface that defines snapping behavior for an ILspEditor.
Interface which allows to customize snapping behavior.
This interface facilitates visualizing a snapping operation.
ILspLabelPainter extension that adds support for ALspStampLabelLocations.
A listener for change events in an ILspStyler.
This interface is used by layers that have an ILspStyler.
This interface can specify styling information for objects or labels that are being visualized.
Interface for a class that can schedule and execute tasks.
Handles task events from an ILspTaskExecutor.
Listener to receive notifications of changes in the terrain of a view.
Adds 3D terrain support to an ILspView.
Defines a style which includes a texture map.
Builder for textured styles.
Mode that indicates how the texture should be mapped on the object being styled.
Interface describing a vertex array.
A centralized manager for vertex array rendering.
Interface describing a vertex attribute as stored in a vertex array.
Describes the semantics of a vertex attribute.
Describes the primitive type used to store vertex attribute values.
An ILcdView to visualize geospatial data in 2D or 3D, based on OpenGL.
View type enumeration that distinguishes between 2D and 3D views.
Listener that can be added to an ILspView to be informed of initialization, dispose and render events.
Interface for styles that paint objects in world coordinates at a specific elevation.
A builder interface for style builders that support elevation modes.
The elevationMode property is a styling property that determines how objects should be positioned relative to the terrain.
Indicates that the annotated class should be listed into the META-INF/services/CONTRACTNAME.
An implementation of ILcd2DBoundsIndexedModel that is also an ILcdIntegerIndexedModel.
A TLcdModelList that also implements ILcd2DBoundsIndexedModel.
An implementation of ILcdModelTreeNode based on a TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModel.
This class provides an implementation of an ILcd2DEditablePoint and ILcdFeatured.
This class provides an implementation of ILcd2DEditablePointList.
This class provides an implementation of ILcd2DEditablePointList.
This class provides an implementation of ILcd2DEditablePointList.
Curve connector for ILcd2DEditablePointList.
This API is only here to support deprecated formats.
This class provides an implementation of ILcd3DEditablePointList.
Representation for a 3*3 matrix.
A builder class for creating 3D meshes corresponding to a set of common shapes, namely: arrow: a 3D arrow, composed by a conic tip and a cylindrical stick box: a parallelepiped shape cone: a conic frustum shape (a cylinder is obtainable as a sub-case) cross: a set of three axis-aligned segments ellipsoid: an ellipsoidal shape pyramid: a pyramidal frustum shape with squared base
Enum representing the possible orientations of the axis of symmetry of a mesh.
Default implementation of ILcd3DMeshStyle.
A builder class for creating mesh styles.
A viewshed factory that supports the creation of viewsheds for ILcd3DMesh instances.
A type-safe enumeration of the valid primitive types that can be used inside an ILcd3DMesh.
A builder to run the 3D Tiles Processing Engine, to convert a collection of 3D mesh input data into an OGC 3D Tileset which is optimized for visualization on a map.
The data types used for metadata processing in TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder.
Extension of ActionEvent which specifies a location where the action occurred.
This ILcdGXYController serves the purpose of performing measurements on an ILcdGXYView.
Interface for listeners that want to be informed when the measurement changes.
The default implementation of an aerodrome without additional properties.
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the type of aerodrome address.
This class defines a feature class mapper for aerodromes.
A model descriptor for models containing ILcdAerodrome objects.
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the type of aerodrome operation.
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the type of aerodrome
Type safe enumeration class, indicating an aircraft classification based on 1.3 times stall speed in landing configuration at maximum certified landing mass: Category A: - less than 169 km/h (91 kt) IAS Category B: - 169 km/h (91 kt) or more but less than 224 km/h (121 kt) IAS Category C: - 224 km/h (121 kt) or more but less than 261 km/h (141 kt) IAS Category D: - 261 km/h (141 kt) or more but less than 307 km/h (166 kt) IAS Category E: - 307 km/h (166 kt) or more but less than 391 km/h (211 kt) IAS Category H: - helicopter (the stall speed method of calculating aircraft category does not apply) (IAS = indicated air speed)
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the class of aircraft that may use a route.
This class defines the default settings used to paint procedures.
Represents the current state of the aircraft flying a procedure.
The default implementation of an airspace with default properties.
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the primary activity taking place in the airspace or the reason for its establishment.
A default implementation of ILcdEditableAirspaceAssociation.
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the different airspace association types.
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the airspaces classes.
The default implementation of an airspace corridor with default properties.
This class defines a feature class mapper for airspaces.
A model descriptor for models containing ILcdGenericAirspace objects.
The default implementation of an airspace segment without features.
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the type of airspace structure.
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the type of airspace.
An generic arc band class that delegates to another ILcd2DEditableArcBand instance.
This class defines a factory for creating AIS domain objects.
This class provides access to the data model and the types of AIS.
This symbol provider has only one symbol, a thunderbolt.
This annotation indicates which of the type's properties are key properties.
An implementation of ALcdAISGeometryFactory that creates objects with geodetic (lon/lat/height) coordinates.
Use TLcdAISDataObjectFactory
An generic point class that delegates to another ILcd3DEditablePoint instance.
A polygon that delegates to an internal polygon.
A polyline that delegates to an internal polyline.
An implementation of ALcdAISObjectFactory that creates objects with grid coordinates.
An abstract class that represents an airport ground service.
An abstract class that represents a protection area.
A general representation of an AIXM 5.1 feature.
This derives from gml:DynamicFeatureType, as all AIXM features are expected to have temporal properties modeled using the Timeslice model.
Represents an AIXM 5.1 message.
This class represents an AIXM 5.1 AbstractAIXMMessageBase.
Base type for AIXM complex types that are NOT features.
It provides a basis for deriving AIXM feature/object properties.
Represents an AIXM 5.1 timeslice.
Base type of AIXM Timeslices.
An abstract class that represents an approach leg.
A direct flight (DCT) between two significant points, outside the existing route network.
This class represents an AIXM 5.1 AbstractExtension.
An abstract class that represents a ground light system.
An class that represents a marking.
An abstract class that represents a navaid equipment.
An abstract class that represents a navigation system checkpoint.
An abstract class that represents a procedure.
This class is used for all properties that have values that have a fixed dependency on the time.
An abstract class that represents a radar equipment.
An abstract class that represents a segment leg.
Indicates a point associated with a defined segment.
An class that represents a service.
Presence or removal of hazardous conditions on movement areas due to snow, ice, slush, water.
An abstract class that represents a surveillance radar.
An abstract class that represents a traffic separation service.
A rule governing the usage of an Airport/Heliport or of one of its surfaces.
A prescribed pattern, established by air refuelling points, along which air-to-air refuelling of aircraft is performed.
A geographic position or radio navigation fix along an air refuelling anchor pattern or air refuelling track.
A procedure used by the military to transfer fuel from one aircraft to another during flight.
A sequence of points that define the trajectory to be flown during an aerial refuelling operation.
A light specifically provided as an aid to air navigation, with the exception of obstacle lights and lights forming part of surface or approach lighting systems
A specific aircraft type, such as airplane, balloon, helicopter, etc., and/or having specific equipment (certification), such as RNAV or RVSM.
A kind of maintenance, support or supply service provided to aircraft at the ground.
The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc.
A designated area on an apron intended to be used for parking an aircraft.
A kind of service that provides clearance capabilities for airport surfaces.
Information about the operational status of the airport/heliport.
Two aerodromes/heliports may be co-located sharing some or all of their ground facilities.
The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc.
Characterises the role of the organisation or authority which is responsible for the AirportHeliport
A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft/helicopters.
A rule governing the usage of an AirportHeliport.
A location on aerodrome movement area with a history or potential risk of collision or runway incursion, and where heightened attention by pilots/drivers is necessary.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the edge of the landing protection area.
A kind of service that provides supplies (fuel, oil, oxygen, etc.) to aircraft.
Information about the operational status of the airspace.
A type of traffic flow condition element which consist of crossing the common border between two adjacent airspace, when flying directly from one airspace into the other airspace.
The role of the component in the airspace geometry.
A TLcdGXYStampLabelPainter which draws an 'ICAO Annex 4'-compliant label for AIXM 5.1 Airspace features.
The portion of airspace between two specified vertical levels.
The airspace class for an airspace level block.
Time slice for AIXM airspaces.
Class representing an AIXM 5.1 airspace volume.
An association class that defines the dependency between the geometry of an AirspaceVolume and the geometry of another (parent) Airspace.
A kind of service that provides control and separation services to aircraft in the air.
A kind of service that provides flight planning and flow management operations.
Information about the operational status of an Altimeter Source.
An instrument that measures and indicates the elevation at which an object, such as an airplane, is located
Operational factors applied to obstacle clearance altitudes to produce the safest usable altitude.
An angular reference from a navaid or with reference to a designated point.
Indicates the role of the AngleIndication in the PointReference (for example, along track versus intersecting).
Other altitudes (not defined by a segment) that are to be depicted on the profile view, such as HAT for ILS CAT II approaches.
The final approach condition that must be met to use the set of minima.
Other distances (not defined by a segment) that are to be depicted on the profile view, such as HAT for ILS CAT II approaches.
An airport lighting facility which provides visual guidance to landing aircraft by radiating light beams in a directional pattern by which the pilot aligns the aircraft with the final approach path for landing.
Table of timings usually between final approach fix and the missed approach point.
Information about the operational status of an element situated in the apron area.
A rule governing the usage of an element situated in the apron area.
The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc.
Parts of a defined apron area.
The lighting system provided for an apron.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the apron.
A defined area, on a land aerodrome/heliport, intended to accommodate aircraft/helicopters for purposes of loading and unloading passengers, mail or cargo, and for fuelling, parking or maintenance.
A series of devices, namely engaging or catching devices and energy absorption devices used to stop an aircraft by absorbing its momentum in a routine, emergency landing or aborted take-off.
A type of SegmentLeg designed in accordance with the rules for arrival feeder segments having the properties specific to a arrival feeder approach segment.
A portion of an arrival procedure (STAR) as defined by two consecutive significant points.
Class that models an association between two entities.
Provides details about the kind of authority that the Organisation has over the Aerial Refuelling route.
The responsibility that one organisation has for an airspace.
Provides details about the level of responsibility of an OrganisationAuthority for a Navaid Equipment.
Provides details about the level of responsibility of an OrganisationAuthority for a Special Navigation System Station.
Provides details about the level of responsibility of an OrganisationAuthority for a Special Navigation System.
A component of an MLS consisting of an SHF transmitter and associated equipment, radiating signals in a volume of airspace served by the MLS, thereby furnishing azimuth indications to aircraft approaching the runway or back azimuth indications to aircraft departing from the runway or performing a missed approach procedure.
Information about the operational identifier by which the provider of the service is called and the language used.
The distance from the start of the route portion to the position where change over occurs for VOR defined routes.
A point established to test the Inertial Navigation System in the aircraft.
A VOR test transmits a test signal used to determine the accuracy of a VOR receiver on the ground or airborne.
A group of properties that help describe a 3D pattern based on start angle, stop angle, inner distance, outer distance and upper/lower altitude.
[FAA 8260.3] The area in which aircraft circle to land under visual conditions after completing an instrument landing approach.
Describes a (sub)sector used to restrict flight within a circling area.
A city or location that may be served by an airport/heliport.
A code indicating the type of aerial refuelling pattern.
Defines the usage type of an aerial refuelling point.
A prefix for the designator of the Aerial Refuelling route.
A code indicating the type of an aircraft
Classification of aircraft based on 1.3 times stall speed in landing configuration at maximum certified landing mass.
A code indicating the type of aircraft engine (for example, jet, piston, turbo).
A coded indication for the number of engines of an aircraft.
A code indicating a type of service provided to aircraft on the ground.
A code indicating the type of stand.
A grouping of airplanes based on wingspan.
A code specifying whether a particular entity occurrence is an Aerodrome or a Heliport.
A code indicating the extent of collocation between two airports/heliports.
A code indicating a reason for caution in airport operations.
A coded list of values that indicates a type of airspace.
A code indicating the primary activity taking place in the airspace or the reason for its establishment.
An 'operator' in coded form according to which two 'operands' will be 'associated' in order to produce a result.
A coded list of values that which determines the operating rules, flight requirements, and services provided in an airspace.
A code indicating the extent of dependency relation between an AirspaceVolume and another Airspace.
A code indicating the location of a significant point in relation to airspace.
A code indicating the type of association between a significant point and an airspace.
A code indicating the type of adjustment used to produce a usable altitude.
A code indicating, in situations where both an upper and a lower altitude may be specified, how the altitude information should be interpreted.
A code describing the type of instrument approach procedure.
A code indicating the additional equipment needed to fly the procedure not listed in approachType
Degree to which navigation aids provide accurate approach guidance.
A regional or organisation specific classification of the Runway approach lighting system equipment.
Classification of the approach lighting system using as criteria the ICAO Annex 14 standards and recommended practices.
Code indicating the prefix used in support of current approach procedure naming conventions
Indicates an approval code
A code indicating the type of Apron.
A code indicating a location on the surface of an apron.
A code indicating the direction of an arc (clockwise or counterclockwise).
The type of energy absorber (for example: a rotary brake) by which the arresting gear system rapidly dissipates the kinetic energy of a moving aircraft that engages the arresting system, bringing the aircraft to a stop.
A code indicating the type of device (for example: a hook) that is used to engage an aircraft upon landing in order to immediately stop it.
A code indicating the type of position report required by an ATC Unit.
A code indicating the type of responsibility that one organisation/authority has for an aeronautical feature (for example, an airspace).
A code indicating the role of the OrganisationAuthority for the aeronautical feature.
A code indicating the standard referred to by a list of values, in case where different aviation authorities use different categorisation criteria.
A code indicating the type of angle: magnetic, bearing, VOR radial.
Code indicating the type of Buoy
An angle expressed as compass directions.
The position of the checkpoint; airborne or ground
A code indicating a colour.
A codified value that indicates a pair of frequencies or a band used for radio communications.
A coded indicator for the directionality of a communication channel.
A coded indicator for the type of communication channel.
A list of comparison operators.
An enumeration of substance types, which can contaminate airport/heliport movement areas.
A code indicating the type of course to be observed.
A coded value indicating the signal quality of the ILS course structure based on the location the precision signal is usable to, according to ICAO Annex 10, Volume I, Chapter 3.
A code indicating a particular day.
A code indicating the type of conventional declared distance for a runway.
A code indicating a specific type of designated point, in direct relation with the designator allocated to that point.
A code indicating the rules used to design and evaluate terminal procedures
A code indicating a 1-dimensional direction, for example, forward or backward.
A code indicating a direction with regard to a reference point, e.g.
A code indicating the direction of a turn.
Coding indicating the type of distance indication.
A code indicating the type of UHF distance measuring equipment.
A code indicating the channel of a DME.
The type of emission band
A coded list if values indicating the aircraft equipment with an anti-collision system.
A code to indicate the type of unavailable equipment
The order of priority of a facility, within a range of similar facilities.
Codes describing the guidance used on the final approach segment of an instrument approach procedure.
A code indicating the category of the fire fighting service provided at the aerodrome/heliport.
A code indicating the type of a flight.
A coded list of values that designate the intentions of a flight in relation with a location, such as arrival, departure or over-flight.
A coded list of values indicating the source of a flight (local, national, international, etc.)
A coded list of values indicating the nature of a flight (scheduled, non-scheduled, private, etc.)
A code indicating if the restriction is an interdiction or a mandatory routing.
Flight rules to be observed by aircraft.
A code indicating status of a flight.
A coded value used to indicate a type of operation combining an elementary flow condition or a previously defined combination of flow conditions with another elementary flow condition or previously defined combination.
Code classifying entry and exit points for free flight zones.
An enumeration of equipment types used to determine the friction coefficient on an airport/heliport movement area.
An enumeration of qualitative estimates of the friction on a movement area.
A code indicating the category of fuel available at an aerodrome/heliport.
The type of geographical border.
A list of coded values that indicate the placement of an element at a different height from another element.
A code indicating a type of aeronautical ground light.
A code indicating the type of guidance line.
A code indicating the reference surface for a height value, especially for approach procedures related heights.
A code indicating the performance class of a helicopter.
A coded list of values that indicates the type of precision approach for which that holding position is designed.
A code indicating the type of holding procedure.
A code to identify the holding is used by a segment
A code indicating the usability of the localizer signal in the back-course sector.
A coded value indicating the quality which relates to the trust which can be placed in the correctness of the information supplied by the ILS facility, according to ICAO Annex 10, Volume I, Attachment C.
Enumeration to indicate the intensity level of the lighting when not in use.
A code indicating the level: upper airspace, lower airspace or both.
A series of predefined levels.
A code identifying the table of discreet cruising levels.
A coded list of light signs provided for a taxiway holding position.
Classification of the approach lighting system using as criteria JAR-OPS 1 - Subpart E, Appendix 1 to 1.430]
A code indicating the intensity level of a light source.
A code indicating a type of light source, such as strobe or flood.
An coded list of values that indicate types of passenger loading bridges.
A code qualifying a location (such as an airspace, aerodrome, point, etc.) in relation with a flight or with its availability.
A boolean operator.
A code indicating the class of a radio marker.
A coded list of values that indicate the status of the painted surface marking elements.
A coded list of values indicating styles of painted lines.
A code indicating whether the meteorological conditions allow visual or instrumental operations.
A code indicating in terms of civil or military, the type of operations.
A code indicating the usage of a point on a military training route.
A code distinguishing between military and civil status.
A code indicating the type of flying on a military training route.
Code indicating final approach path type for establishing valid set of minima on a procedure.
A code classifying altitudes for approach procedure minima.
A code classifying heights for approach procedure minima.
Types of missed approach.
A code indicating the type of azimuth equipment: normal or backward.
A code indicating the channel of an MLS.
A coded list of values indicating the intended usage of a navaid (enroute or airport)
Types of Navaid Services.
code indicating the type of navigation area
Indicates the type of restricted area that aircraft should avoid
A coded list if values indicating the aircraft capability to use a certain ground based, satellite based or on-board system for aerial navigation.
A coded list of values that indicate a set of aircraft and flight crew requirements needed to support performance-based navigation operations within a defined airspace.
A code indicating the class of an NDB.
A code describing the type of nitrogen supplies for aviation usage.
A code indicating the type of the North reference used.
A code list of values that indicate the goal with which a free text Note is provided.
A code indicating the type of obstacle coverage area, according to ICAO Annex 15.
A code indicating the type of surface assessment.
Specifies zones within obstruction identification surfaces (OIS)
A code indicating the category of oil available at an aerodrome/heliport.
A coded identifier indicating an operation executed by an aircraft in relation with an airport/heliport.
A coded list of values that indicates a type of activity on an airport/heliport manoeuvring area element.
A code indicating the type of an Organisation/Authority.
The values indicating the type of association between two organisations/authorities.
A code describing the type of oxygen supplies for aviation usage.
Type of Precision Approach Radar equipment.
A code indicating a type of service provided to passengers at the airport.
A code indicating the method used in the evaluation of a PCN number.
A code indicating the pavement behaviour (rigid or flexible) used for the ACN determination.
A code indicating the sub-grade strength category related to a PCN number.
A code indicating the maximum allowable tyre pressure category related to a PCN number.
A list to indicate the standard with which the pilot controlled lighting service complies.
A code indicating a position in the ILS system.
Type of Radar System (not to be confused with the component list)
A code indicating the availability of a procedure for use.
Code indicating the standard used to encode the approach procedure.
Indicates the distance and altitude type associated with an approach procedure.
A code indicating the role of a fix within an instrument approach procedure.
A code indicating a phase of a SID, STAR or IAP.
A code indicating the location of the Protect Area lighting.
A list of service types for Radar Systems.
A code indicating the type of emission, as defined at the 1979 ITU World Administrative Radio Conference.
A code indicating the type of radio navigation aid limitation.
A coded indicator for the type of information transmitted by a navaid or other radio emission source.
A list describing the valid Point Reference makeups for use by navigation receivers.
Type of Reflector associated to the PAR.
A coded list of values indicating a relative position, in relation with a reference point situated along a given trajectory.
A code indicating the type of a road.
The route classification as ATS route or North Atlantic Tracks.
A code indicating the route segment availability.
(ICAO) A one character designator for the route.
(ICAO) A prefix for route designators.
(ICAO) A suffix for the route designator.
The type of the route from the navigation point of view.
Code indicating if a route is international or domestic.
A code indicating the type of segment path.
An open coded list of values indicating the purpose of a rule or procedure.
An open list of values indicating a general heading by which a rule or procedure is usually identified in the Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP) or similar/related documents.
A code that makes a distinction between runways for airplanes and FATO for helicopters.
A code indicating the type of Runway or Taxiway element.
Type of runway marking related to landing categories such as precision, non-precision and basic.
Role of the Runway Centreline Point.
A code indicating the type of protection area for a runway For example, clearway, obstacle free zone, ILS protection area, etc..
A code indicating the position of an item on a surface of a runway.
A code indicating the position where the RVR reading is reported.
A code indicating that reduced vertical separation minima is applied in the column or not.
A code indicating that the point has a specific role in the RVSM context.
A code indicating the type of altitude used, MSA or ESA.
A code that defines a specific type of flight path and a specific type of termination of that flight path.
A code indicating the end point of a terminal procedure segment leg.
A list of codes used to designate flight separation and ground control services.
A list of codes used to designate flight planning and air traffic flow management services.
A code indicating the type of ground traffic control service.
A list of codes used to designate information provision services.
A list of codes used to designate services in relation with search and rescue.
A code describing a position, relative to an axis.
A coded value indicating the signal performance level in space corresponding to the precision of an ILS or MLS system according to ICAO Annex 10, Volume I, Chapter 3.
A code indicating the type of a special date, such as 'holiday', 'busy Friday', etc.
A code indicating the type of service provided by a station in a special navigation system chain, depending on the type of the system.
A code indicating a type of special navigation system.
A code indicating the reference system for a speed value.
Type of power used when the radar is required to operate on standby.
A coded list of values that indicates the availability of an airport/heliport facility for specific flight operations.
A coded list of values indicating the activation status of an Airspace.
A code indicating the status of the construction of a Vertical Structure.
The operational status of a Navaid or NavaidEquipment
Code indicating operational status.
A coded list of values that indicate the operational capability of a service.
A code indicating the composition of a surface.
A code indicating the condition of a surface, such as a runway, taxiway, the marking of a threshold, etc..
A code indicating the preparation technique for a surface area.
A code indicating the activation / deactivation of a system following a specific comand.
Indicates one of the three area types of the Terminal Arrival Area.
A code indicating the channel of a TACAN.
A code indicating a type of taxiway.
A code list of values indicating a component of the taxiway surface.
A code indicating the position of an item on the surface of a taxiway.
Codelist containing the Telecom Networks that can be used to address an organisation.
A code indicating an event occurrence during any day.
A code indicating which event in a list of events in time should be given precedence over the others.
A coded indication of a time reference system - UTC or local.
A code indicating the position of an item on the surface of a Touch Down and Lift-off Area.
A code classifying the trajectory of a segment path.
A code indicating a transponder mode.
A unit providing particular ATS services.
A list of coded values that indicate the kind of dependency between a Unit and a RelatedUnit.
Letters of the Latin alphabet.
A code indicating whether a limitation is of type permission, interdiction or exclusive usage.
A code indicating how a value needs to be interpreted when used as a filter or condition.
A code indicating a type of visual approach slope indicator system.
List of vertical datums.
A code indicating the reference for a vertical distance.
A code indicating the type of vertical structure.
A code indicating the type and pattern of markings on a vertical structure.
A coded list of values indicating the type(s) of material that could compose the load-bearing structure and/or exterior facing of a vertical construction.
A coded list of values that indicate types of systems used at aircraft stands in order to help the pilot align and position the aircraft.
A code indicating the type of path to the next point.
A coded indication of the wake turbulence category of the aircraft.
A code indicating the type of work performed in the work area.
A code for a logical value: Yes or No.
A set of filter criteria used to determine the subset of flights, environmental conditions and times for which the usage is specified.
Information required to enable contact with the responsible person and/or organisation.
A class that represents an AIXM 5.1 curve.
This class provides access to the data model and the types of
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of a Deicing Area
An area comprising an inner area for the parking of an aircraft to receive de-icing treatment and an outer area for the manoeuvring of two or more mobile de-icing equipment.
A condition which is established for a departure or an arrival
A portion of an departure procedure as defined by two consecutive significant points.
A geographical location not marked by the site of a radio navigation aid, used in defining an ATS route, the flight path of an aircraft or for other navigation or ATS purposes.
A category of direct flights (DCT), having some particular characteristics, such as a minimum length.
A direct flight (DCT) between two specified significant points.
An electronic device used to determine the position of a radio source by means of directional antennas, which receives the strongest radio signal when it is pointing directly at the transmitter.
A distance reference from a navaid or with reference to a designated point.
Ultra High Frequency (UHF) ground equipment that is used in conjunction with airborne equipment to determine distance between the airborne and ground equipment.
A class that represents an AIXM 5.1 elevated curve.
A class that represents an AIXM 5.1 elevated point.
A class that represents an AIXM 5.1 elevated surface.
A component of an MLS consisting of an SHF transmitter, and associated equipment radiating signals within a volume of airspace served by the MLS, thereby furnishing elevation information as an angular value to aircraft approaching the runway.
Indicates a point associated with a defined EnRoute segment.
Used to describe adjustments to minimums when equipment is not available
Adjustments that need to be applied in case equipment is inoperative.
Final Approach Segment Data Block.
Model class for AIXM51 features.
Association from one feature to another.
This class represents an AIXM 5.1 FeatureMetadataProperty.
This class represents an AIXM 5.1 FeatureTimeSliceMetadataProperty.
A type of SegmentLeg designed in accordance with the rules for final segments having the properties specific to a final approach segment..
The profile view of a final segment defined for an approach procedure.
A kind of airport service that provides rescue and fire fighting capabilities for aircraft in emergency at and around the airport.
A specific flight type, such as IFR/VFR, national/international, OAT/GAT, etc.
Circumstance related to the elementary condition (such as departing from an aerodrome), which is used to further refine the selection of flights being affected by the restriction.
A combination of conditions involving: 1) an operator such as \"AND\", \"OR\", \"AND NOT\", \"SEQUENCE\", \"NONE\" and 2) one or more operands, each of these being either a condition element or another combination of conditions.
An operand in a flight condition combination.
A single level or a level band associated with a flight restriction, either condition or routing element.
A sequence of routing elements (points, route portions or airspace) that must/must not appear in the specified order in the flight plan of an aircraft fulfilling the conditions of the related Flight Restriction (according to its type attribute).
A rule meant to regulate the use of the route network, by identifying a set of flights which fulfil a combination of elementary flow conditions and either forbidding them on a particular routing or obliging them to follow one routing out of a set of mandatory alternatives.
An airspace, route or point that is concerned by a specified flight restriction.
Floating facility which can serve as a mooring place for vessels or as a floating dry dock
Fuel types used for aircraft/helicopters.
A physical or political border.
A component of an ILS consisting of a UHF transmitter radiating signals and providing a straight line descent path in the vertical plane containing the centre line of the runway served by the ILS, and thereby furnishing descent information down to the lowest authorized decision height or to the surface of a runway, depending on the Facility Performance Category of the ILS.
Information about the operational status of a ground light.
A kind of service that provides control and separation services, to aircraft at the airport.
The lighting system for the centreline guidance line.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed as the guidance line.
A line used to guide aircraft on and between airport movement areas.
The default layer factory for AIXM 5.1 models.
A provider of ILcdGXYEditor, ILcdGXYPainter, ILcdGXYLabelPainter and ILcdGXYLabelEditorProvider instances for AIXM 5.1 features.
The geometry of surfaces that define altitude levels and the structure of an area used to evaluate obstacles for determining holding patterns.
Representation of the span for a holding pattern that is defined using a distance
Representation of the span for a holding pattern that is defined using a time
Time slice for AIXM holding patterns.
Describes how the holding pattern is used on a segment.
A kind of service that consists in the provision of aeronautical, meteorological, traffic and related information to aircraft crew and other actors involved in flight operations, in flight or on the ground.
A type of segmentleg designed in accordance with the rules for initial segments having the properties specific to a initial approach segment.
A series of predetermined manoeuvres by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable , from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or en route obstacle clearance criteria apply.
A type of SegmentLeg designed in accordance with the rules for intermediate segments having the properties specific to an intermediate approach segment..
A labeling algorithm that can compute label positions for AIXM 5.1.
The grouping of Landing Areas or Takeoff Areas serviced by the procedure.
The result and the intensity of the lighting system when activated by the pilot.
An elementary light source, part of a lighting system.
The description of the operational status of the LightElement.
The note content expressed in a specific language.
Models a link from one AIXM object to another.
Implementation of ILcdXLinkExpressionFactory used for AIXM 5.1 decoding that is able to resolve links between AIXM 5.1 features.
A component of an ILS consisting of a VHF transmitter, radiating signals in the direction served by the ILS, to provide a straight line descent path in the vertical plane containing the centre line of the runway.
Information about the operational status of the manoeuvring area elements (runway, taxiway, TLOF, etc.)
A rule governing the usage of the manoeuvring area element.
A marker beacon serving to identify a particular location in space by means of a 75MHz transmitter which transmits a directional signal to be received by aircraft flying overhead.
Floating marker which is moored to the bottom at a specific known location, which is used as an aid to navigation or for other special purpose
A symbol displayed on an aerodrome or heliport surface.
This class provides access to the data model and the types of
This class represents an AIXM 5.1 MessageMetadataProperty.
This class contains various utility methods to process AIXM 5.1 messages.
A specific set of meteorological conditions.
Vertical and horizontal visual minimums for a procedure segment conditions such as aircraft category, navigation equipment usage, procedure type, altimeter, etc.
Properties of the Missed Approach
A type of SegmentLeg designed in accordance with the rules for missed approach segments having the properties specific to a missed approach segment..
This model decoder decodes AIXM 5.1 data into ILcdModel objects.
Model descriptor for AIXM 5.1 models.
This ILcdModelEncoder creates AIXM 5.1 files from an ILcdModel object of type TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMMessage that represents a collection of AIXM 5.1 features, or an ILcdModel object of type ILcdModelTreeNode, containing child models of type TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMMessage, or an TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMFeature object that represents a stand-alone AIXM 5.1 feature.
Indicates navigation use of a NavaidEquipment as a component of the navigation service provided by a Navaid.
Captures the distances between various Runway Centreline Points and Navaid Equipment.
Navaid equipment monitoring information.
A TLcdGXYStampLabelPainter that draws an 'ICAO Annex 4'-compliant label for AIXM 5.1 Navaid features.
Navaid operational status information.
A service providing guidance information or position data for the efficient and safe operation of aircraft supported by one or more radio navigation aids.
Areas that are restricted from use for a procedure.
Subdivision of a sector to allow for different altitudes or gradients.
An area specified by sectors with altitude or procedure descent gradient limitations for omnidirectional departures or Pilot navigation area.
A Non-directional radio beacon.
NITROGEN supplies in aviation.
Area where aircraft cannot be seen by a control tower and therefore are restricted to move
A general text note for a feature or for one of its properties.
An area defined by ICAO for the purpose of collecting obstacle data in electronic format, as necessary to satisfy requirements of air navigation systems or functions.
The geometry of surfaces used to define the altitude the length of a segment, holding pattern, etc., in function of the obstructions located in the area.
Provides the location relative to
[FAA 8260.3] The highest airspace, obstacle or terrain relative to a prescribed plane within a specified area.
Oil types used for aircraft/helicopters.
On-line or Network information that can be used to contact the individual or organisation, including eMail address and web site page.
An optional is a ILcdDataObject with a value property and an optional nil reason property to explain why the value is not filled in.
This entity type serves to realise the different 'two-way associations' which may exist between 'organisations/authorities' of the same and/or different types.
A feature used to model various Organisations and Authorities.
Oxygen supplies used in aviation.
Bridge for loading/unloading access to airplanes for passengers and crew.
Passenger services and facilities available at an aerodrome/heliport (like medical facilities) or in the surrounding area (hotels in city etc.).
Service providing airborne control of lights by keying the aircraft's microphone.
A class that represents an AIXM 5.1 Point.
Defines the location of a designated point using a combination of angles and distances based on the guidance service.
Physical address at which the organization or individual may be contacted.
Primary radar equipment used to determine the position of an aircraft during final approach, in terms of lateral and vertical deviations relative to a nominal approach path, and in range relative to touchdown.
Primary Surveillance Radar is a radar system which detects the position of all the objects within its coverage that can reflect its transmitted radio signals.
Information about the status of the procedure for flight planning/operations.
DME facilities that are used for a particular segments for DME/DME navigation.
A group of consecutive segments that are part of a branch on an approach procedure, SID or STAR.
Characterises a SegmentLeg which is part of a Procedure Transition
Concrete implementation of TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMProperty with a single property containing the object this property is referring to.
Indicates radar use of a RadarEquipment as a component of the radar service provided by a RadarSystem.
One or more Radar Equipment providing radar services.
A radio frequency band of sufficient width and associated identification data used for one- or two-way communication from or to a transmitter on the ground or in the air.
Radio communication channel operational status information.
A limitation, such as coverage, usability, etc., of a navaid equipment or service frequency
Describes the various reflectors used with Precision Approach Radars.
Describes ridges of deposited material (such as a snow-bank) to the left or right of the runway (relative to the runway direction with the lowest designation number).
An established surface route on the aerodrome meant for the exclusive use of authorized vehicles and personnel.
Information about the operational availability of a route.
DME facilities that are used for a particular route for DME/DME navigation.
A group of two or more consecutive segments of the same route, which have the usage and/or the same flight restrictions.
A portion of a route to be flown usually without an intermediate stop, as defined by two consecutive significant points.
A specified route designed for channelling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services, from the end of the take-off and initial climb phase to the commencement of the approach and landing phase.
The definition of an instruction or regulation that needs to be considered by personnel involved in flight operations in relation with an airport/heliport or an airspace.
Specially prepared surface placed adjacent to the end of a runway to eliminate the erosive affect of the high wind forces produced by airplanes at the beginning of their takeoff rolls.
An operationally significant position on the centre line of a runway direction.
The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc.
A conventional operational distance declared for a runway direction.
The value of a conventional operational distance declared for a runway direction.
The lighting system provided for a landing and take-off direction, including the stopway lights.
One of the two landing and take-off directions of a runway for which attributes like TORA, TODA, LDA, etc.
Runway element may consist of one ore more polygons not defined as other portions of the runway class.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the runway.
The lighting for the runway project area.
An area situated in the vicinity of a runway or provided to protect aircraft during manoeuvring, take-off and landing operations.
The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc.
A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome/heliport prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft.
A meteorological equipment providing information about the distance over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.
Subdivision of the MSA to allow for lower altitudes.
A set of Minimum Sector Altitudes which completely describe an area centred on a significant point, usually contained within a sector of 46km (25NM) radius.
Simplified Directional Facility (SDF) provides a final approach course similar to that of the ILS localizer although is not as precise as Localizer.
Area specifically designated for take-offs and landings of seaplanes
Ramps specifically designed to transit seaplanes from land to water and vice versa
The performance of distress monitoring, communication, coordination and search and rescue functions, initial medical assistance or medical evacuation, through the use of public and private resources, including cooperating aircraft, vessels and other craft and installations.
Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR aka Secondary Radar (SECRA)) is a radar system in which the object to be detected is fitted with the cooperative equipment in the form of a radio receiver/transmitter (transponder).
Design criteria used for the NavigationAreaSector.
Service operational status.
A significant point's use and relative location to an airspace.
This time slice provider returns a snapshot time slice for a given Date.
A calendar date that has a special meaning for a particular State/organisation and which may be referred to in the description of the schedules associated with various aeronautical features.
Special Navigation Station Status information.
A land based station of a special navigation system.
A wide area (worldwide) navigation system based on a chain of land stations or a satellite constellation providing radio frequency signals which can be used by airborne equipment to determine at least, the aircrafts two-dimensional position or, depending on the capability of the system, the three-dimensional position.
A designated instrument flight rule (IFR) arrival route linking a significant point, normally on an ATS route, with a point from which a published instrument approach procedure can be commenced.
A designated instrument flight rule (IFR) departure route linking the aerodrome or a specific runway of the aerodrome with a specified significant point, normally on a designated ATS route, at which the en-route phase of a flight commences.
A specified cruising level, part of a column within a table of discrete cruising levels used by General Air Traffic.
A column of consecutive cruising levels within a standard level table.
The general rule by which standard level columns are used in a national airspace or within a region.
A table of consecutive cruising levels described under vertical separation criteria limited by an upper and lower level and used by General Air Traffic.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the Aircraft Stand.
A class that represents an AIXM 5.1 surface.
An entity grouping together the attributes that model characteristics of an airport surface, such as strength, material, etc.
An operationally significant contaminant of homogeneous type such as snow, ice, slush, water, sand, etc., which is present on a large surface of the airport/heliport area.
Characterizes the ground station where the Radar Scope is utilized.
A monumented survey control point
This class returns, for a set of AIXM 5.1 objects, the symbol used to paint the object on a map according to ICAO guidelines.
A UHF Tactical Air Navigation beacon.
Lighting system for a taxiway hold position.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of a Taxiway indicating the location of the TaxiHoldingPosition.
A designated position intended for traffic control at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall stop and hold until further cleared to proceed, when so instructed by the aerodrome control tower.
The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc.
Part of a Taxiway
The lighting system provided for a taxiway at an aerodrome/heliport.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the taxiway.
A defined path at an aerodrome/heliport established for the taxiing of aircraft/helicopters and intended to provide a link between one part of the aerodrome and another, including aircraft/helicopter stand taxi-lines, apron taxiways, rapid exit taxiways, air taxiways etc..
Telephone numbers at which the organisation or individual may be contacted.
Subdivision of the TAA to allow for lower altitudes.
The lowest altitude that will provide a minimum clearance of 300 metres (1000 feet) above all objects located in an arc of a circle defined by a 46 kilometre (25 nautical mile) radius centred on the initial approach fix (IAF), or where there is no IAF then centred on the intermediate approach fix (IF), delimited by straight lines joining the extremity of the arc to the IAF/IF.
Indicates a point or a condition associated with a defined segment leg.
This class represents an AIXM 5.1 TextNote.
The definition of a single time interval, that occurs repeatedly as part of a schedule.
A default time slice provider implementation that will always return one of the original time slices of the feature.
The presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, water, etc.
The lighting system provided for a TLOF surface at an aerodrome/heliport.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the touch down and lift-off area.
An obstacle free zone area situated i