This article provides an overview of the major UI elements in the Lucy interface, and briefly describes how the code behind those UI elements works. It also offers pointers to more extended documentation.

Its aim is to point the reader in the right direction by listing the main classes involved in the functionality, and touching upon the most commonly used customization options.

The majority of the Lucy functionality relies on the services mechanism. It is strongly recommended to gain a basic understanding of the service mechanism before reading this article.

We’ll point out these UI elements on two important frontends: the dockable frontend and the map centric frontend.

Figure 1. The dockable Lucy UI
Figure 2. The map-centric Lucy UI
Table 1. The different UI elements in Lucy

UI element

Described in

The object properties panel

The object properties panel

The layer control panel

The layer control panel

The layer properties panel

The layer properties panel

The menu bar and status bar

The menu bar, status bar, popup menus, and tool bars

The map panel

The map panel

The table view

The table view

The search box

The global search box

The format bar

The format bar

The object properties panel

The object properties panel shows the properties of an object selected on the map. Each time the selection on the map changes, the object properties panel will be updated to match the selection state on the map.

How does it work?

The TLcySelectionEditorAddOn is responsible for showing the object properties panel, an ILcyApplicationPane, in the UI. It adds the necessary actions to the UI to allow the user to open the object properties panel.

The TLcySelectionEditorAddOn is also responsible for keeping track of the current selection on the map. Each time the selection is updated, the contents of the object properties application pane must be updated as well.

The actual content of the ILcyApplicationPane is not created by the add-on: the properties of the selected objects are retrieved by querying the ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instances available at the Lucy back-end with a TLcyDomainObjectContext. The TLcyDomainObjectContext contains the selected object.

For most of the supported data formats, Lucy displays objects properties by relying on a generic ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory implementation provided by the TLcyTreeTableViewAddOn. The customizer panel factory creates a customizer panel that contains a tree structure of the object properties, and bases itself on ILcdDataObject and TLcdDataModel to do so. The panel and its factory are registered by the TLcyTreeTableViewAddOn. Only a few formats like drawing and the military symbology formats plug in their own ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory.

How to customize it?

  • Customize UI position The configuration file of the TLcySelectionEditorAddOn allows you to configure where the different actions to open the UI are located, and in which location the object properties panel should be opened.

  • Allow users to edit the object data in the panel If you want to allow users to make changes to the data through the object properties panel, you can create editors by registering ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instances for TLcdDataPropertyValueContext objects. The customizer panels created by that factory will be used as editor components in the panel, which is based on ILcdDataObject. See the samples.lucy.editabletables.Main sample and Value editing in the tree table view for more information.

  • Replace the object properties panel with your own If you want to replace a panel, you can remove the add-on from your addons.xml file and register your own ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instance for TLcyDomainObjectContext objects as a Lucy service with new TLcyCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory(aLucyEnv).addCustomizerPanelFactory.

    The whole TLcyTreeTableViewAddOn is available as sample code, including the customizer panel factory implementation. See the TreeTableViewAddOn sample class. If your custom version only requires a few modifications to our implementation, you can use the sample code as a starting point for your own ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory implementation.

  • Customize panel content for an existing data format If you want to customize the contents of the object properties panel for the domain objects of an existing data format only, you need to override the ALcyFormat.createDomainObjectCustomizerPanelFactories method of that format. The Javadoc of ALcyFormatAddOn.createBaseFormat illustrates how you can customize the ALcyFormat of an existing add-on.

  • Customize panel content for your own data format If you want to customize the contents of the object properties panel for the domain objects of your own data format, you can return your ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory from the ALcyFormat.createDomainObjectCustomizerPanelFactories method in your ALcyFormat implementation. You can find an example in the Adding support for custom editable data to a Lightspeed view article.

  • Customize the military symbology properties panel If you want to customize the object properties panel for the military symbology domain objects, you can follow the instructions in the class Javadoc of the TLcyMS2525bAddOn or the TLcyAPP6AAddOn.

The layer control panel

The layer control panel shows the layers that are loaded on the current map, and allows users to perform layer operations such as adjusting the layer ordering, removing layers, showing and changing the layer properties, and so on. Each time a new map is opened or receives the focus, the contents of the layer control panel are updated to match the active map.

How does it work?

The TLcyLayerControlAddOn is responsible for the creation of the layer control panel, an ILcyApplicationPane. It adds the necessary actions to the UI to allow the user to open the layer control panel.

The TLcyLayerControlAddOn is also responsible for keeping track of the currently active map. Each time the active map is updated, the contents of the layer control application pane must be updated as well.

The actual content of the ILcyApplicationPane is created by retrieving the layer control component from the currently active map. Each map component has its own layer control component. The TLcyLayerControlAddOn ensures that the one from the currently active map is shown.See ILcyGenericMapComponent.getLayerControlComponent() for more information.

How to customize it?

The layer properties panel

The layer properties panel shows the settings of layer properties, and allows users to modify them. The panel is opened when the Layer Properties action in the layer control component is triggered.

Figure 3. The layer properties panel in Lucy

How does it work?

The Layer Properties action is created in the TLcyLspMapLayerControlFactory. See The layer control panel for more information. When the action is triggered, it shows a dialog.

The content of the layer properties dialog is not created by the action. It is retrieved by querying the ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instances available at the Lucy back-end with a TLcyLayerContext. This TLcyLayerContext contains the layer for which the properties must be shown.

For Lightspeed layers, the TLcyLspLayerCustomizerAddOn provides the ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instance used for the majority of the layers. Only a few data formats plug in a custom ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory for their own layers.

How to customize it?

  • Customizing UI position The configuration file of the TLcyLspMapAddOn allows you to configure where the different actions to open the layer properties panel are located.

  • Customizing the layer properties panel Most of the data formats do not plug in their own ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instances for their layer properties. Instead, they rely on a general ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory implementation provided by the TLcyLspLayerCustomizerAddOn. Styling Lightspeed layers explains how this panel is constructed, and what the different customization options are.

  • Customizing the panel content for existing data formats If you want to customize the contents of the layer properties panel for an existing data format, you must override the ALcyLspFormat.createLayerCustomizerPanelFactories method of that format.

    The Javadoc of ALcyLspFormatAddOn.createBaseFormat illustrates how you can customize the ALcyLspFormat of an existing add-on.

  • Customizing the panel content for your own data format If you want to customize the contents of the layer properties panel for a layer of your own data format, you can return your ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory from the createLayerCustomizerPanelFactories method in your ALcyLspFormat implementation.

The menu bar, status bar, popup menus, and tool bars

Lucy contains many UI elements holding actions that the user can trigger:

  • The menu bar

  • The status bar

  • The pop-up menus, opened by right-clicking the map or the layer control, for example

  • The tool bars are all UI elements containing actions that the user can trigger, such as the map tool bar.

An example of an action triggered by a user is exiting Lucy, which the user can trigger under File→ Exit in the menu bar.

You can add similar actions to all those UI elements, referred to as action bars.

How does it work?

The UI elements listed in this section are ILcyActionBar instances. The Lucy configuration files allow you to make all kinds of modifications to such action bars. For example, you can remove certain actions, add your own actions, or move existing actions to a different location.

How to customize it?

Consult the action bars documentation for information and examples of each of the customization options for action bars.

The map panel

The map panel shows the map and its toolbar, and allows users to interact with the map.

How does it work?

The TLcyLspMapAddOn is responsible for the creation of the panel, an ILcyApplicationPane, and for the creation of the map content of the panel.

The TLcyLspMapAddOn also adds the UI elements that allow a user to create a new map.

How to customize it?

The table view

This panel shows a tabular view of the data visualized on the map. The panel also allows the user select data set elements in the table and fit the map on them, or to filter the data set in the table.

Each time the user selects another layer in the layer control, the contents of the table view panel are updated to show the data of the selected layer.

How does it work?

The TLcyModelCustomizerAddOn is responsible for showing the table view panel, an ILcyApplicationPane, in the UI. It adds the necessary actions to the UI to allow the user to open the table view.

The TLcyModelCustomizerAddOn is also responsible for keeping track of the currently selected layer in the layer control. Each time the user select another layer, the contents of the table view panel must be updated for the new layer.

However, the add-on does not create the actual content of the table view panel, including the table view and the toolbar with all the actions. The table view content is created by querying the ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instances available at the Lucy back-end with a TLcyModelContext. This TLcyModelContext contains the model of the selected layer.

The default ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory is provided by the TLcyLspToteAddOn for Lightspeed maps, or by the TLcyToteAddOn for GXY maps.

How to customize it?

  • Customize UI position The configuration file of the TLcyModelCustomizerAddOn allows you to configure where the different actions to open the table view are located, and in which location the table view panel should be opened.

  • Customize the user procedure for opening the table view If you want to customize the steps that the user needs to take to open a table view, you can replace the TLcyModelCustomizerAddOn with a custom version.

    The Lucy MapCentric version demonstrates such a customization to obtain a table view panel that is always open, and cannot be closed by the user. See the sample class MapCentricModelCustomizerAddOn for more information. The custom add-on also ensures that the user cannot open multiple table views at the same time. There is always exactly one table view panel available to the user in Lucy MapCentric.

  • Customize panel content for existing data formats By default, none of the data formats plug in their own ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instances for their models. Instead, they rely on the table view customizer panel factory provided by the TLcyLspToteAddOn for Lightspeed maps, or by the TLcyToteAddOn for GXY maps.

    If you want to replace the table view panel, you can remove those add-ons from your addons.xml file, and register your own ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory instance for TLcyModelContext objects with new TLcyCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory(aLucyEnv).addCustomizerPanelFactory.

    The whole TLcyLspToteAddOn is available as sample code, including the customizer panel factory implementation(see the LspTableViewAddOn and TableViewAddOn sample classes). If your custom version only requires a few modifications to our implementation, you can use the sample code as starting point for your own ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory implementation.

  • Customize panel content for existing data formats If you want to customize the content of the table view panel for the models of an existing data format, and for that format only, you must override the ALcyFormat.createModelCustomizerPanelFactories method of that format.

    The Javadoc of ALcyFormatAddOn.createBaseFormat illustrates how you can customize the ALcyFormat of an existing add-on.

  • Customize panel content for your own format If you want to customize the contents of the table view panel for the models of your own format, you can return your ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory from the ALcyFormat.createModelCustomizerPanelFactories method in your ALcyFormat implementation.

The search box allows the Lucy user to search through all data loaded on the map, search for coordinates, and search through a geo-coding service.

How does it work?

The TLcySearchAddOn is responsible for the creation of the search UI.

The TLcySearchAddOn also provides the actual search logic.

How to customize it?

The only available customization options for the TLcySearchAddOn are the ones defined in the configuration file. It does not offer any API for customizations.

  • Configure or remove search services For example, the configuration file allows you to disable certain search services and configure the account details for the geo-coding service.

  • Modify search functionality The code of the TLcySearchAddOn is also available as sample code in the SearchAddOn sample class. If you replace our add-on with the sample SearchAddOn, you can start from the sample code to modify search functionality. This allows you to add your own search services, for example

    The package Javadoc of the package is a good starting point for getting familiar with the search add-on code, and the different concepts it uses.

The format bar

The content of a format bar depends on the currently selected layer. For example, the format bar displayed for a drawing layer contains actions to create new shapes on the map, or to modify the style of existing shapes. However, it swaps the drawing content for military symbology content when a military symbology layer is selected.

How does it work?

The TLcyFormatBarAddOn is responsible for showing the format bar, an ALcyFormatBar, on the map. It adds the necessary active settables to the UI so that a user can open and close the format bar.

Active settables represent toggle actions in Lucy, with two states: active and inactive. Triggering an active settable action results in a toggle between the active and inactive states. It is usually represented by a toggle button or a radio button in a menu bar or a tool bar.

The format bar add-on is also responsible for keeping the format bar in-sync with the currently selected layer on the map.

The actual format bar component is not created by the add-on itself. Instead, it is created by querying the ALcyFormatBarFactory instances available at the Lucy back-end with the current view and selected layer. Those ALcyFormatBarFactory instances are typically provided by the format add-ons, such as the TLcyDrawingAddOn or the TLcyMS2525bAddOn.

How to customize it?

  • Customize the UI position of the active settable The configuration file of the TLcyFormatBarAddOn allows you to configure the UI location of the active settable that opens the format bar.

  • Customize the format bar position on the map The configuration file of the TLcyFormatBarAddOn allows you to configure the map location of the format bar.

  • Get full format bar control with your own add-on You can replace the TLcyFormatBarAddOn with your own add-on if you want to control when the format bars are displayed, or where they are positioned in the UI. An example of such a replacement add-on is used in Lucy MapCentric. The SideBarFormatBarAddOn keeps the format bars permanently visible, and adds them in the side bar.

  • Display a format bar for your own data format If you want to show a format bar for the layers of your own data format, you must return an ALcyFormatBarFactory from the ALcyFormat.createFormatBarFactory method on GXY maps, or from the ALcyLspFormat.createFormatBarFactory method on Lightspeed maps.

  • Changing the format bar for the drawing addon You can customize the format bar of the drawing add-on. The class Javadoc of the TLcyDrawingAddOn explains how to do that for a GXY map, and the class Javadoc of the TLcyLspDrawingAddOn how to do it for a Lightspeed map.

  • Changing the format bar for the military symbology addon You can customize the format bar of the military symbology add-ons. The class Javadoc of the TLcyMS2525bAddOn and TLcyLspMS2525bAddOn explains how to do that for MS2525 layers, and the class Javadoc of the TLcyAPP6AAddOn and TLcyLspAPP6AAddOn explain how to do it for APP6 layers.