Deployment prerequisites

To help developers set up a build system to deploy their LuciadLightspeed application, the build folder in the root directory of your installation provides example configuration files and scripts for deployment.

Most scripts are written in Ant, a Java-based build tool. It’s included in the distribution, so you don’t need to install it yourself.

You can choose to obfuscate the application code when you deploy it. The deployment build scripts include obfuscation with ProGuard as a deployment step. The distribution also offers ProGuard configuration files that demonstrate how to obfuscate your application. The obfuscation tool ProGuard isn’t re-distributed within the LuciadLightspeed distribution, though. You can install ProGuard by following the instructions in this article.

Deployment steps

The deployment process consists of these steps:

  1. Build: compile and package the source code into JAR files.

  2. Obfuscate: obfuscate the compiled code and all Luciad JAR files. This is an optional step. For more information about obfuscation and its benefits, see Obfuscating your application.

  3. Deploy: copy all resources required to create a fully functional application.

  4. Package: create a ZIP archive to distribute your application. This is a recommended step for larger applications.

You can find details about the assumptions the deployment script makes — for example, the location of custom written source code — and how you can adapt it in the top comments of the deploy XML configuration files in the build folder.


Before you can run your deployed application, you must add the end user license file deployment_license.jar to the licenses folder of the application. Replace the developer license file, development_license.jar, in your class path with the end user license file, deployment_license.jar.