
Sometimes, a BIM dataset contains more elements than you are interested in.

Typically, this problem arises when a CAD model erroneously contains a copy of a building element, that is located far away from the actual data. (This can be in the orders of magnitude of hundreds of kilometers.)

schematic representation of a CAD model content
Figure 1. Schematic representation of a BIM dataset containing a model of a building (green) and some erroneous objects (red). The bounding box of the dataset (shown in blue), spans a much larger area than the actual area of interest.

While the actual data is of course present in the dataset, the erroneous objects cause problems when converting the geometry to an OGC 3D Tiles dataset: because the bounds of the dataset do not match the actual area of interest, it is impossible to automatically create a good tile structure. This can result in poor quality and unresponsive behaviour of a client application that consumes the 3D Tiles.

If possible, it is always better to change the source data in the original (CAD) application.

OGC Filter

If changing the source data is not possible, then you can create an XML file, containing an OGC filter that describes the area of interest as a BBOX element.

File name

  • The model decoders for BIM data will look for a *.filter.xml file next to the dataset.

  • Similar rules apply to the detection of model reference files:

    • the same prefix as the entry point dataset

    • the prefix directory

    • the parent folder name as prefix

As an example, if your dataset is called building.ifc and is located in a directory named /projects/office, then any of the following files would be recognized: building.filter.xml, directory.filter.xml, office.filter.xml.

File content

The file must describe an XML encoded OGC Filter. Please refer to the OGC Filters documentation for the full reference information.

An area of interest filter can be defined by using an Envelope inside a BBOX element.

Example of a filter defining an area of interest
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<fes:Filter xmlns:fes="" xmlns:gml=""
        xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
    <gml:Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4979">
      <gml:lowerCorner>50.86448490 4.66901090 45.00</gml:lowerCorner>
      <gml:upperCorner>50.86519135 4.66990819 70.00</gml:upperCorner>
schematic representation of a filtered CAD model content
Figure 2. Visualisation of the BBOX filter (yellow), effectively excluding the erroneous objects.

Important notes

  • If you provide a model reference (srsName attribute) that is defined in 3D (for instance, EPSG:4979), then the filter will be applied in 3D. If the reference is a 2D reference (for instance, EPSG:4326), then the height of the model elements will not be taken into account when filtering.

  • The filter uses the interacts with logic of the requested BBOX with the bounding box of each BIM element. This means that elements near the edges of the BBOX can be retained even if the element itself doesn’t interact with it, as illustrated in the image below.

Figure 3. Example of how a filter might retain an unexpected element: the red object does not intersect the BBOX, but its bounding box does.