If you know the URL of the server and the feature type name to which you want to connect, you can use the model decoder to create a WFS model:

static ILcdModel createWFSModelFromString(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) throws IOException {
  String serverName = "https://sampleservices.luciad.com/wfs";
  String featureTypeName = "t_rivers__c__1212";
  //The source name passed to the model decoder should include the server
  //and the feature type name name
  String sourceName = serverName + "?data=" + featureTypeName;

  //Create a composite model decoder based on the decoders registered on the back-end
  TLcyCompositeModelDecoder modelDecoder = new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv);
  if (modelDecoder.canDecodeSource(sourceName)) {
    return modelDecoder.decode(sourceName);
  return null;

or using an ILcdDataSource:

static ILcdModel createWFSModelFromDataSource(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv) throws IOException {
  String serverName = "https://sampleservices.luciad.com/wfs";
  String featureTypeName = "t_rivers__c__1212";
  //Create a data source
  TLcdWFSDataSource dataSource = TLcdWFSDataSource.newBuilder()

  //Create a composite model decoder based on the decoders registered on the back-end
  TLcyCompositeModelDecoder modelDecoder = new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv);
  if (modelDecoder.canDecodeSource(dataSource)) {
    return modelDecoder.decodeSource(dataSource);
  return null;