Interface ILcdWMSDescribeLayerRequestEncoder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdWMSDescribeLayerRequestEncoder
This interface specifies methods to encode the result of a DescribeLayer request.
The type of encoding is defined by the actual implementations.
Each ILcdWMSDescribeLayerEncoder has a contenttype that identifies the type of data encoded by the implementation. This is usually the MIME - TYPE of the encoded result.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    encode(ALcdWMSLayer[] aWMSLayers, OutputStream aOutputStream, TLcdWMSRequestContext aWMSRequestContext)
    Encodes the describe layer response a given layer and sends it to the given OutputStream.
    Returns the content MIME type of the encoder.
  • Method Details

    • getContentType

      String getContentType()
      Returns the content MIME type of the encoder.
      the MIME-type as String.
    • encode

      void encode(ALcdWMSLayer[] aWMSLayers, OutputStream aOutputStream, TLcdWMSRequestContext aWMSRequestContext) throws IOException
      Encodes the describe layer response a given layer and sends it to the given OutputStream.
      aWMSLayers - the named Web Map Server layers for which a description is needed.
      aOutputStream - the OutputStream to write the output to.
      aWMSRequestContext - a container for the original request and other related request parameters.
      IOException - for any I/O Exceptions.