Class ALcdVVXAxisRendererJ2D

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class ALcdVVXAxisRendererJ2D extends Object implements ILcdVVXAxisRenderer
This class is an abstract implementation of the ILcdVVXAxisRenderer. It paints icons on the XAxis and paints labels underneath the icons. The labels can be displayed in a specific rotation angle.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdVVXAxisRendererJ2D

      public ALcdVVXAxisRendererJ2D()
  • Method Details

    • setClassTraceOn

      public static void setClassTraceOn(boolean aClassTraceOn)
      This method has been deprecated. It is recommended to use the standard Java logging framework directly.
      Enables tracing for all instances of this class. If the argument is true then all log messages are recorded, otherwise only the informative, warning and error messages are recorded.
      aClassTraceOn - if true then all log messages are recorded, otherwise only the informative, warning and error messages are recorded.
    • setTraceOn

      public void setTraceOn(boolean aTraceOn)
      This method has been deprecated. It is recommended to use the standard Java logging framework directly.
      Enables tracing for this class instance. Calling this method with either true or false as argument automatically turns off tracing for all other class instances for which setTraceOn has not been called. If the argument is false then only the informative, warning and error log messages are recorded.
      aTraceOn - if true then all log messages are recorded for this instance. If false, then only the informative, warning and error log messages are recorded.
    • isTraceOn

      public boolean isTraceOn()
      This method has been deprecated. It is recommended to use the standard Java logging framework directly.
      Returns true if tracing is enabled for this class.
      true if tracing is enabled for this class, false otherwise.
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight(Graphics aGraphics, TLcdVVJPanel aVV)
      Specified by:
      getHeight in interface ILcdVVXAxisRenderer
      aGraphics - the graphics involved
      the amount of pixels required by this renderer
    • paintOnXAxis

      public void paintOnXAxis(int[] aXLabelPositionArray, int aStartPointIndex, int aLength, Rectangle aBounds, Graphics aGraphics, TLcdVVJPanel aVV)
      Specified by:
      paintOnXAxis in interface ILcdVVXAxisRenderer
      aXLabelPositionArray - an array containing all the X-coordinates of the visible main profile points.
      aStartPointIndex - the index of the first visible main profile point.
      aLength - the number of visible main profile points, note here that aXLabelPositionArray.length must not be used. aLength should be used instead!
      aBounds - 1) the location of this rectangle (x,y) corresponds to the most left point on the lowest visible grid-line line. 2) the width corresponds to the whole width of the x-axis 3) the height corresponds to the distance between x-axis and the bottom of the graphics
    • getXAxisLabelBackground

      public abstract Color getXAxisLabelBackground(int aPointIndex)
      aPointIndex - the relative to the first point visible point-index of the main profile point
      the background of the label painted for the point with the given relative index at the X-axis. Return null if you do not want a label with a background.
      See Also:
    • getXAxisIcon

      public abstract ILcdIcon getXAxisIcon(int aPointIndex)
      aPointIndex - the relative to the first point visible point-index of the main profile point
      the icon to paint for the point with the given relative index at the X-axis. Return null if you don't want an icon painted on the X-axis.
      See Also:
    • isLabeled

      public abstract boolean isLabeled(int aPointIndex)
      aPointIndex - the relative to the first point visible point-index of the main profile point
      whether a label should be painted for the point with the given relative index.
      See Also:
    • getXAxisLabel

      public abstract String getXAxisLabel(int aPointIndex)
      aPointIndex - the relative to the first point visible point-index of the main profile point
      the text of the label painted for the point with the given relative index at the X-axis.
      See Also:
    • getXAxisLabelRotationDegrees

      public abstract double getXAxisLabelRotationDegrees(int aPointIndex)
      aPointIndex - the relative to the first point visible point-index of the main profile point
      the rotation of the label painted for the point with the given relative index at the X-axis.
      See Also:
    • getXAxisLabelFont

      public abstract Font getXAxisLabelFont(int aPointIndex)
      aPointIndex - the relative to the first point visible point-index of the main profile point
      the font of the label painted for the point with the given relative index at the X-axis.
      See Also:
    • getXAxisLabelColor

      public abstract Color getXAxisLabelColor(int aPointIndex)
      aPointIndex - the relative to the first point visible point-index of the main profile point
      the color of the label text painted for the point with the given relative index at the X-axis.
      See Also: