Interface ILcdGLRunnable

public interface ILcdGLRunnable
Runnable that can be scheduled on an ILcdGLDrawable to be executed when the drawable's OpenGL context is current. This interface can be used to schedule OpenGL calls outside of the drawable's regular painting loop (e.g. to destroy texture objects or perform similar non-rendering tasks).
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • run

      boolean run(ILcdGLDrawable aGLDrawable)
      This method is called by ILcdGLDrawable.invokeAndWait(ILcdGLRunnable) or ILcdGLDrawable.invokeLater(ILcdGLRunnable). The OpenGL context is always current when this method is invoked. The return value of this method indicates whether the contents of the framebuffer are still valid after the runnable has been executed. If this method returns false, the drawable will perform an additional repaint to restore the framebuffer.
      aGLDrawable - the drawable which is invoking the runnable
      true if an additional repaint is needeed to restore the framebuffer after executing the runnable