Class ALspDirectionalLight

Direct Known Subclasses:
TLspDirectionalLight, TLspHeadLight

public abstract class ALspDirectionalLight extends ALspLight
Base class for directional light sources. A directional light is defined by a vector in world coordinates.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALspDirectionalLight

      protected ALspDirectionalLight(Color aColor)
      Creates a directional light with the given color.
      aColor - the light's color
    • ALspDirectionalLight

      protected ALspDirectionalLight()
      Creates a directional light with the default color, which is white.
  • Method Details

    • getDirectionVector

      public abstract ILcdPoint getDirectionVector()
      Returns the vector pointing towards the light source. The vector is defined in world coordinates and does not have to be normalized.
      a vector towards the light