Interface ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility extends ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility
An ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility extension to support multiple model references for the input points and rasters.
  • Method Details

    • getFromPointGeoReference

      ILcdGeoReference getFromPointGeoReference()
      Returns the reference in which the first point is expressed.
      the reference in which the first point is expressed.
    • getToPointGeoReference

      ILcdGeoReference getToPointGeoReference()
      Returns the reference in which the second point is expressed.
      the reference in which the second point is expressed.
    • getTerrainElevationProvider

      ALcdTerrainElevationProvider getTerrainElevationProvider()
      Returns the terrain elevation provider on whose data the intervisibility is computed.
      the terrain elevation provider on whose data the intervisibility is computed.