Class TLcdTimeBounds

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdEditableTimeBounds, ILcdTimeBounds

public class TLcdTimeBounds extends Object implements ILcdTimeBounds, ILcdEditableTimeBounds
This class provides an implementation of ILcdTimeBounds.

This class is thread-safe for concurrent read-only access of its contents. For read-write access, external locking must be used. Such locking is typically done at the model level.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdTimeBounds

      public TLcdTimeBounds()
      Creates an undefined time bounds:
      • Begin time: 0
      • Begin time boundedness: Boundedness.UNDEFINED
      • End time: 0
      • End time boundedness: Boundedness.UNDEFINED
    • TLcdTimeBounds

      public TLcdTimeBounds(long aBeginTime, long aEndTime)
      Creates a bounded time bounds:
      • Begin time: aBeginTime
      • Begin time boundedness: Boundedness.BOUNDED
      • End time: aEndTime
      • End time boundedness: Boundedness.BOUNDED
      aBeginTime - The begin time
      aEndTime - The end time
    • TLcdTimeBounds

      public TLcdTimeBounds(long aBeginTime, ILcdTimeBounds.Boundedness aBeginTimeBoundedness, long aEndTime, ILcdTimeBounds.Boundedness aEndTimeBoundedness)
      Creates a time bounds with the specified arguments.
      aBeginTime - The begin time
      aBeginTimeBoundedness - The begin time boundedness
      aEndTime - The end time
      aEndTimeBoundedness - The end time boundedness
    • TLcdTimeBounds

      public TLcdTimeBounds(ILcdTimeBounds aTimeBounds)
      Creates a time bounds with the same arguments as the given ILcdTimeBounds
      aTimeBounds - A time bounds
  • Method Details