Class TLcdOGCFilterCapabilitiesElementNameProvider11

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Deprecated public class TLcdOGCFilterCapabilitiesElementNameProvider11 extends Object implements ILcdXMLElementNameProvider
Element name provider necessary for encoding filter capabilities according to the OGC Filter 1.1.0 specification.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOGCFilterCapabilitiesElementNameProvider11

      public TLcdOGCFilterCapabilitiesElementNameProvider11()
  • Method Details

    • getElementNameForObject

      public TLcdXMLName getElementNameForObject(ILcdXMLNameStack aILcdXMLNameStack, ILcdXMLObjectStack aILcdXMLObjectStack, TLcdXMLName aTLcdXMLName)
    • getElementNameForObject

      public TLcdXMLName getElementNameForObject(ILcdXMLNameStack aNameStack, ILcdXMLObjectStack aObjectStack, TLcdXMLName aXMLName, Object aObject, TLcdXMLName aXMLName1)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdXMLElementNameProvider
      Returns the TLcdXMLName that best matches the object, specified by the given name/object stack, substitution group and object.

      Note that in some cases, more than one name can be returned. E.g., the object for which to return a name can implement multiple interfaces, each having a corresponding XML element name. It is up to the implementation to decide which name is most suited for the current situation, taking into account the name and object stack, the available element names and the XML type and substitution group that are provided.

      Specified by:
      getElementNameForObject in interface ILcdXMLElementNameProvider
      aNameStack - the XML name stack, containing all XML names from the root element up to the parent element name
      aObjectStack - the XML object stack, containing all XML objects from the root element up to the parent element
      aXMLName - the substitution group the returned element should belong to, if there is one (null otherwise).
      aObject - the element for which to return a name.
      aXMLName1 - the name of the global type from which the type of the returned element name should inherit, or null if the element has an anonymous type.
      the element name that best matches the specified element.