Interface ILcdServletContext

public interface ILcdServletContext

An interface for a servlet context configuration. ILcdInitializationConfig contains the configuration for one specific instance, while this interface contains the configuration for a group of instances. For example: when starting a web app with 3 servlets, and all servlets use a common cache, the configuration parameters, and the cache itself, can be stored in the ILcdServletContext.

  • Method Details

    • getParameter

      String getParameter(String aName)
      Returns the value of the parameter with the given name.
      aName - a parameter name
      the value of the parameter with the given name.
    • getParameterNames

      Enumeration<String> getParameterNames()
      Returns an enumeration of all available parameter names.
      an enumeration of all available parameter names.
    • getAttribute

      Object getAttribute(String aName)

      Returns the attribute with the given name, or null if there is no attribute by that name.

      An attribute allows to give additional information not already provided by the parameters. A list of supported attributes can be retrieved using getAttributeNames().

      aName - the attribute name
      the attribute with the given name, or null if there is no attribute by that name.
    • getAttributeNames

      Enumeration<String> getAttributeNames()
      Returns an enumeration of all available attribute names.
      an enumeration of all available attribute names.
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String aName, Object aObject)
      Sets an attribute with the given name.
      aName - the attribute name
      aObject - the attribute object
    • removeAttribute

      void removeAttribute(String aName)
      Removes the attribute with the given name.
      aName - the attribute name