Package com.luciad.fusion.platform.resource

package com.luciad.fusion.platform.resource
LuciadFusion Platform represents all resources in its content roots as ILfnResourceLocation. You can plug in your own method of accessing resources using a ILfnResourceConnector, which acts as a factory for resource locations. Out of the box, a resource connector is available that supports file system locations.

Resource connectors and locations are only used by LuciadFusion Platform during discovery and access of resources. When a model needs to be decoded, the resource location is encoded as a string and handed to the model decoder's decode method. It is still up to the model decoder to support the transfer protocol for the encoded location. In practice, non-filesystem locations are only supported for specific model decoders, or model decoders that are ILcdInputStreamFactoryCapable. Make sure to register an appropriate input stream factory if your resource location is not accessible by TLcdInputStreamFactory.

See the developer guide for more information.

See Also: