Class TLcdXMLCompositeElementAdapterProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdXMLElementAdapterProvider, ILcdXMLTypedElementAdapterProvider

public class TLcdXMLCompositeElementAdapterProvider extends Object implements ILcdXMLTypedElementAdapterProvider
Use of the com.format.xml.schema API has been deprecated. Instead, use the com.format.xml.bind.schema API.
An implementation of ILcdXMLTypedElementAdapterProvider that can be used to group different element adapter providers into one composite provider.

Adapter providers can be registered with the composite adapter provider together with the namespace for which they provide element adapters. The composite adapter provider will delegate adapter requests to one of the adapter providers, based on the namespace of the type or substitution group for which to return an adapter.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdXMLCompositeElementAdapterProvider

      public TLcdXMLCompositeElementAdapterProvider(ILcdXMLSchemaProvider aSchemaProvider)
      Creates a new, empty composite adapter provider.
      aSchemaProvider - the schema provider to be used by this provider. The schema provider will be used to look up the type and possible supertypes of an element.
  • Method Details

    • registerElementAdapterProvider

      public void registerElementAdapterProvider(String aNamespaceURI, ILcdXMLElementAdapterProvider aElementAdapterProvider)
      Registers an element adapter provider that can provide element adapters for the given namespace.
      aNamespaceURI - the namespace for which to register the given adapter provider.
      aElementAdapterProvider - the adapter provider containing adapters for the given namespace.
    • getElementAdapterProvider

      public ILcdXMLElementAdapterProvider getElementAdapterProvider(String aNamespaceURI)
      Returns the element adapter provider that is registered for the given namespace, or null if none was registered yet.
      aNamespaceURI - the namespace of the element adapter provider to be returned.
      the element adapter provider that is registered for the given namespace, or null if none was registered yet.
    • getAdapterForType

      public ILcdXMLElementAdapter getAdapterForType(TLcdXMLName aTypeName, Object aObject, boolean aRecursiveSearch)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdXMLTypedElementAdapterProvider
      Returns a ILcdXMLElementAdapter for the given XML name and Java object. If no reader is available for the XML given type, and aSearchRecursive == true , the provider will recursively look at the XML base types of the given type, until a base type is found for which a reader is available.

      Specified by:
      getAdapterForType in interface ILcdXMLTypedElementAdapterProvider
      aTypeName -
      aObject -
      aRecursiveSearch -
      a element adapter that can handle the given (XML Type, Java object) combination.
    • getAdapterForObject

      public ILcdXMLElementAdapter getAdapterForObject(ILcdXMLNameStack aParentElementNameStack, ILcdXMLObjectStack aParentObjectStack, TLcdXMLName aSubstitutionGroup, Object aObject)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdXMLElementAdapterProvider
      Returns the ILcdXMLElementAdapter that is most suitable to handle the object, specified by the given name/object stack, substitution group and object.

      Specified by:
      getAdapterForObject in interface ILcdXMLElementAdapterProvider
      aParentElementNameStack - the XML name stack, containing all XML names from the root element up to the parent element name
      aParentObjectStack - the XML object stack, containing all XML objects from the root element up to the parent element
      aSubstitutionGroup - the substitution group the element belongs to, if there is one (null otherwise).
      aObject - the element for which to return an adapter.
      the element adapter that is most suitable to handle the specified object.