Interface ILcdVPFFACCFeature

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public interface ILcdVPFFACCFeature
Represents a DIGEST FACC feature (typically is a real world object), having a feature code that describes the type of the feature, and an ordered set of attributes describing the properties of the feature.

FACC (Feature and Attribute Coding Catalogue) is a dictionary of features, attributes and attribute values organized in a standardized coding system. FACC is part of the DIGEST standard (Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard). It is mainly used by the GeoSym symbology, which uses FACC to retrieve feature and attributes codes for an object to be visualized.

FACC attributes can be accessed sequentially, using an index, or using their three-character alphanumeric attribute code, as defined in the FACC specification. The Java class used to represent the attributes depends on the attribute definition, see TLcdVPFFeatureClass for an overview of how VPF types are mapped on Java classes.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getAttributeCode(int aIndex)
    Returns the FACC attribute code at the specified index.
    Returns the number of FACC attributes available for this feature.
    getAttributeValue(int aIndex)
    Returns the DIGEST attribute value of the attribute at the given index.
    getAttributeValue(String aAttributeCode)
    Returns the DIGEST attribute value of the attribute with the specified code.
    Returns the FACC feature code of this feature, defining the type of this object (for example, a road, a buoy, ...).
  • Method Details

    • getFeatureCode

      String getFeatureCode()
      Returns the FACC feature code of this feature, defining the type of this object (for example, a road, a buoy, ...).

      The feature code is a five-character code, starting with two letters indicating the category and subcategory, followed by a three-digit number indicating the type within the given subcategory.

      the FACC feature code of this feature.
    • getAttributeCount

      int getAttributeCount()
      Returns the number of FACC attributes available for this feature.
      the number of FACC attributes available for this feature.
    • getAttributeCode

      String getAttributeCode(int aIndex)
      Returns the FACC attribute code at the specified index.

      The attribute code is a three-character alphanumeric code.

      aIndex - the index of the attribute whose code is to be returned.
      the FACC attribute code of the attribute at the specified index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= getAttributeCount.
    • getAttributeValue

      Object getAttributeValue(int aIndex)
      Returns the DIGEST attribute value of the attribute at the given index. The Java class of the returned object depends on the attribute definition, see TLcdVPFFeatureClass for an overview of how VPF types are mapped on Java classes.
      aIndex - the index of the attribute whose value is to be returned.
      the DIGEST attribute value of the attribute at the specified index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= getAttributeCount.
    • getAttributeValue

      Object getAttributeValue(String aAttributeCode)
      Returns the DIGEST attribute value of the attribute with the specified code. The Java class of the returned object depends on the attribute definition, see TLcdVPFFeatureClass for an overview of how VPF types are mapped on Java classes.
      aAttributeCode - the attribute code of the attribute whose value is to be returned.
      the DIGEST attribute value of the attribute at the specified index, or null if no attribute is available with the given attribute code.