Interface ILcdS57DepthAreaEdge

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdPointList, ILcdPolyline, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdS57DepthAreaEdge extends ILcdPolyline
Interface providing access to properties of edges that are part of a DEPARE/DRGARE area object. The properties provided are required by the S-52 conditional symbology.

This interface is subject to changes and should not be implemented by users.

  • Method Details

    • getValueOfDepthContour

      float getValueOfDepthContour()
      Returns the value of the depth contour (VALDCO), if the edge is shared by a DEPCNT object, Float.NaN otherwise.
      the value of the depth contour, if the edge is shared by a DEPCNT object, Float.NaN otherwise.
    • getMinimumAdjacentDepth

      float getMinimumAdjacentDepth()
      Returns the minimum depth (DRVAL1) of the DEPARE/DRGARE object(s) this edge is part of.
      the minimum depth (DRVAL1) of the DEPARE/DRGARE object(s) this edge is part of.
    • getMaximumAdjacentDepth

      float getMaximumAdjacentDepth()
      Returns the maximum depth (DRVAL1) of the DEPARE/DRGARE object(s) this edge is part of.
      the maximum depth (DRVAL1) of the DEPARE/DRGARE object(s) this edge is part of.
    • isSharedByUnsafeArea

      boolean isSharedByUnsafeArea()
      Returns true if this edge is shared by another group 1 object with object class LNDARE or UNSARE but not by a SLCONS object (see the DEPARE02 procedure in the Presentation Library documentation for more information).
      true if this edge is shared by another group 1 object with object class LNDARE or UNSARE but not by a SLCONS object