Interface ILcdS57Attribute

All Known Implementing Classes:
com.luciad.internal.format.s57.ALcdS57Attribute, TLcdS57Attribute, TLcdS57EnumeratedAttribute, TLcdS57FloatAttribute, TLcdS57IntAttribute, TLcdS57ListAttribute

public interface ILcdS57Attribute
This class represents an S-57 attribute. It is composed of a code and a value. The user should know the type of the attribute value to call the correct value retrieval method. In any case, the getStringValue() method will work as well.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the S-57 code for this attribute.
    Returns the value of this attribute as a float.
    Returns the value of this attribute as an int.
    Returns the value of this attribute as a String.
  • Method Details

    • getCode

      int getCode()
      Returns the S-57 code for this attribute.
      the S-57 code for this attribute.
    • getStringValue

      String getStringValue()
      Returns the value of this attribute as a String.
      the value of this attribute as a String.
    • getIntValue

      int getIntValue()
      Returns the value of this attribute as an int. This method should only be used when the attribute value is parsable.
      the value of this attribute as an int.
    • getFloatValue

      float getFloatValue()
      Returns the value of this attribute as a float. This method should only be used when the attribute value is parsable.
      the value of this attribute as a float.