Interface ILcdSubtiledTile

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdBufferedTile, TLcdByteArrayTile, TLcdCADRGTile, TLcdDTEDTile, TLcdECRGTile, TLcdIntArrayTile, TLcdRenderedImageTile, TLcdShortArrayTile, TLcdUSRPTile

public interface ILcdSubtiledTile extends ILcdTile
This interface defines an ILcdTile which is further subdivided into subtiles. The interface is intentionally minimalistic: the only information required about the subtiles is their pixel resolution.

Implementations are expected to perform various optimizations based on subtiles (the most likely being caching of the data). Therefore, clients are encouraged to access the tile's data in a coherent fashion. This applies to both the retrieveValue() and createImage() methods.

As an example, an application might read values out of an ILcdTile without taking subtiling into account, by reading the values scanline by scanline. Such an application could possibly perform better if it took subtile boundaries into account, and following a scanline access pattern only within each subtile.

  • Method Details

    • getSubTileWidth

      int getSubTileWidth()
      Returns the width of a subtile in pixels. May be equal to the width of the parent tile (as returned by the getWidth() method), in which case the tile is not subdivided.
    • getSubTileHeight

      int getSubTileHeight()
      Returns the height of a subtile in pixels. May be equal to the height of the parent tile (as returned by the getHeight() method), in which case the tile is not subdivided.