Interface ILcdPOLGeometry

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdAltitudeBounded, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDataObject, ILcdFeatured, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ILcdPOLGeometry extends ILcdFeatured, ILcdShape, ILcdAltitudeBounded, ILcdDataObject
This interface represents the shape elements that can be present in POL files. These elements have:
  • a name
  • a type
  • an altitude unit
  • a minimum altitude
  • a maximum altitude
  • a color index
An element can be closed or not and can indicate whether its color differs from the default color for that type of element.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      the name for this object.
    • getType

      String getType()
      the type of the object. This enables to distinguish between objects on their specific properties.
    • getAltitudeUnit

      String getAltitudeUnit()
      The unit the altitude is expressed in.
      unit the altitude is expressed in.
    • getMinAltitudeAsString

      String getMinAltitudeAsString()
      the minimum altitude of the object as a string.
    • getMaxAltitudeAsString

      String getMaxAltitudeAsString()
      the maximum altitude of the object as a string.
    • getColorIndex

      int getColorIndex()
      the index in the color table for the color to use to display this object.
    • isClosed

      boolean isClosed()
      whether this object is a closed polygon or an open polyline.
    • isSetColor

      boolean isSetColor()
      whether the color for this object is set.