Class TLcdNetCDFMultiBandDataSource

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdNetCDFMultiBandDataSource extends Object implements ILcdDataSource

A data source to create NetCDF images with multiple bands. It is composed of multiple TLcdNetCDFDataSource instances, which can be retrieved from the model decoder.

Note that the data sources in this TLcdNetCDFMultiBandDataSource should be compatible. If not, the model decoder will throw an exception when trying to decode the data source. Compatible in this case means that the different data sources should represent data with the same bounds, dimensions (x/y/vertical/time), resolution, etc...

Multi-band images are useful for visualizing data as an icon grid. For example: wind data can be represented by an image with 2 bands, one for the x-direction and one for the y-direction. This image can then be painted using ILcdParameterizedIcon objects like TLcdEarthWindIcon, which converts the values in the x-direction and y-direction to a wind-barb on the screen.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdNetCDFMultiBandDataSource

      public TLcdNetCDFMultiBandDataSource(List<TLcdNetCDFDataSource> aDataSources)
      Creates a new multi band data source from the given data sources. A description will be generated from the given data sources.
      aDataSources - a list of TLcdNetCDFDataSource objects.
    • TLcdNetCDFMultiBandDataSource

      public TLcdNetCDFMultiBandDataSource(List<TLcdNetCDFDataSource> aDataSources, String aDescription)
      Creates a new multi band data source from the given data sources. The given description will be ignored, a description will be generated from the data sources in all cases.
      aDataSources - a list of TLcdNetCDFDataSource objects.
      aDescription - this parameter is ignored, the description is generated from the data sources in all cases.
  • Method Details

    • getDataSources

      public List<TLcdNetCDFDataSource> getDataSources()
      Returns the data sources of which this multi band data source is composed. The returned list is unmodifiable.
      the data sources of which this multi band data source is composed.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns the description of this data source. The description looks like this:
      • "source[name1, name2]" for a dual-band data source with a common source.
      • "[source1[name1], source2[name2]]" for two single-band data sources with different source.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface ILcdDataSource
      the description of this data source, never null.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObject)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object