Class TLcdKML22Parameters

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdMap<String,String>, Cloneable, Map<String,String>

public class TLcdKML22Parameters extends Object implements ILcdMap<String,String>, Cloneable
Map of KML parameters. For each parameter, a corresponding value is stored in this map. Listeners can be registered to this map to get notified of any changes to the parameters contained in it.

Note that properties don't update themselves. To update dynamic properties, use a parameter updater such as TLcdKML22GXYViewParametersUpdater for GXY views and TLspKML22ViewParametersUpdater for Lightspeed views.

The following parameter keys are part of the KML2.2 spec:
Static parameters:

  • clientVersion
  • kmlVersion
  • clientName
  • language
Dynamic parameters:
  • lookatLon
  • lookatLat
  • lookatRange
  • lookatTilt
  • lookatHeading
  • lookatTerrainLon
  • lookatTerrainLat
  • lookatTerrainAlt
  • cameraLon
  • cameraLat
  • cameraAlt
  • horizFov
  • vertFov
  • horizPixels
  • vertPixels
  • terrainEnabled

The following parameter keys are not part of the KML 2.2 specification:

  • asynchronousAllowed

The "asynchronousAllowed" parameter can be set directly by invoking setAsynchronousAllowed(boolean). It has impact on how resources are handled by a dynamic KML model.
See Also: