Class TLcdDWGLayer


public class TLcdDWGLayer extends Object
This class represents the display information of the objects present in DWG files.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDWGLayer

      public TLcdDWGLayer()
    • TLcdDWGLayer

      public TLcdDWGLayer(String aName, boolean aIsReferencedXref, int aXrefIndex, boolean aIsDependentOnXref, boolean aIsOn, boolean aIsFrozen, boolean aIsFrozenByDefault, boolean aIsLocked, boolean aIsPlotted, int aColor, int aColorTransparency, Color aColorValue, int aLineWeight, TLcdDWGLineType aLineType)
  • Method Details

    • setName

      public void setName(String aName)
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setReferencedXref

      public void setReferencedXref(boolean aIsReferencedXref)
    • isReferencedXref

      public boolean isReferencedXref()
    • setXrefIndex

      public void setXrefIndex(int aXrefIndex)
    • getXrefIndex

      public int getXrefIndex()
    • setDependentOnXref

      public void setDependentOnXref(boolean aIsDependentOnXref)
    • isDependentOnXref

      public boolean isDependentOnXref()
    • setFrozen

      public void setFrozen(boolean aIsFrozen)
    • isFrozen

      public boolean isFrozen()
    • setOn

      public void setOn(boolean aIsOn)
    • isOn

      public boolean isOn()
    • setFrozenByDefault

      public void setFrozenByDefault(boolean aIsFrozenByDefault)
    • isFrozenByDefault

      public boolean isFrozenByDefault()
    • setLocked

      public void setLocked(boolean aIsLocked)
    • isLocked

      public boolean isLocked()
    • setPlotted

      public void setPlotted(boolean aIsPlotted)
    • isPlotted

      public boolean isPlotted()
    • setColor

      public void setColor(int aColor)
    • getColor

      public int getColor()
    • getColorTransparency

      public int getColorTransparency()
      Retrieves the transparency to be used for elements in this layer.
      a value between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (fully opaque).
    • setColorTransparency

      public void setColorTransparency(int aColorTransparency)
      Sets the transparency to be used for elements in this layer.
      aColorTransparency - a value between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (fully opaque).
    • getColorValue

      public Color getColorValue()
      The color to be used for elements in this layer.
    • setColorValue

      public void setColorValue(Color aColorValue)
      Sets the color to be used for elements in this layer.
      aColorValue - The color to be used.
    • setLineWeight

      public void setLineWeight(int aLineWeight)
    • getLineWeight

      public int getLineWeight()
    • setLineType

      public void setLineType(TLcdDWGLineType aLineType)
    • getLineType

      public TLcdDWGLineType getLineType()