Class TLcdEarthObjectMappedIndexedVertexArray

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdEarthObjectMappedIndexedVertexArray extends TLcdEarthIndexedVertexArray
An indexed vertex array that has an object mapped to each element of the vertex array. If a vertex array contains the visual representation of more than one domain object, for instance, then this class can be used to map parts of the vertex array back to their originating domain object. This in turn makes it possible to visualize this vertex array in parts rather than as a whole, and to apply different styling to different parts of the array.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdEarthObjectMappedIndexedVertexArray

      public TLcdEarthObjectMappedIndexedVertexArray()
      Creates a new TLcdEarthObjectMappedIndexedVertexArray. Object mapping information must be set before this vertex array can be used.
      See Also:
  • Method Details