Interface ILcdEarthRasterTileSetCoverage

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public interface ILcdEarthRasterTileSetCoverage extends ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage
An ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage with properties specific to raster data. Raster data is any data which is of a regularly gridded nature. There is no restriction on the coverage type of a raster layer; in particular it is not required to be IMAGE. A 3D terrain geometry coverage, for instance, would typically use the GEOMETRY coverage type, but could still be an ILcdEarthRasterTileSetCoverage because the geometry consists of regularly spaced points.
  • Method Details

    • getPixelDensity

      double getPixelDensity(int aLevel)
      Returns the pixel density of the raster data at the specified detail level. The pixel density is the number of raster elements per unit of surface area, i.e. (tile width) x (tile height) / (tile surface area), where the tile surface area is in the tileset reference of the tileset to which the coverage belongs.
      aLevel - the requested detail level
      the pixel density of the raster data at the specified detail level
      See Also:
    • getTileWidth

      int getTileWidth(int aLevel)
      Returns the width, in pixels, of the tiles at the specified detail level. All tiles are assumed to have the same resolution.
      aLevel - the requested detail level
      the width of the tiles at the specified detail level
    • getTileHeight

      int getTileHeight(int aLevel)
      Returns the height, in pixels, of the tiles at the specified detail level. All tiles are assumed to have the same resolution.
      aLevel - the requested detail level
      the height of the tiles at the specified detail level