Interface ILcdEarthEditableTileSet

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, ILcdBounded, ILcdDisposable, ILcdEarthTileSet
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdEarthThreadSafeEditableTileSet, TLcdEarthTileRepository

public interface ILcdEarthEditableTileSet extends ILcdEarthTileSet
An ILcdEarthTileSet which represents its tiles as a collection that can be both queried and edited. Typical implementations are expected to write tiles to disk, as tilesets will routinely grow too large to keep in memory. Hence, ILcdEarthEditableTileSet is also the basic mechanism to provide persistence for an ILcdEarthTileSet.
  • Method Details

    • commit

      void commit() throws IOException
      Flushes any pending changes to the tileset.
      IOException - if the commit fails
    • addTileSetCoverage

      void addTileSetCoverage(ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage aCoverage) throws IOException
      Adds a coverage to the tileset.
      aCoverage - the coverage to be added to the tileset
      IOException - if the coverage cannot be added
    • addTileSetCoverage

      void addTileSetCoverage(ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage aCoverage, String aTargetName, ILcdGeoReference aTargetReference) throws IOException
      Adds a coverage to the tileset, overriding the coverage's native georeference and name.
      aCoverage - the coverage to be added to the tileset
      aTargetName - the name of the new coverage
      aTargetReference - the georeference into which the coverage should be encoded
      IOException - if the coverage cannot be added
    • removeTileSetCoverage

      void removeTileSetCoverage(ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage aCoverage) throws IOException
      Removes the specified coverage from the tileset. If the specified coverage does not exist in this tileset, this method does nothing. If it exists but cannot be removed for some reason, an IOException is thrown.
      aCoverage - the coverage to be removed
      IOException - if the coverage cannot be removed
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the operation is not supported
    • addTile

      void addTile(ALcdEarthTile aEarthTile, Object aContext) throws IOException
      Adds a tile to the tileset.
      aEarthTile - the tile to be added to the tileset
      aContext - application-specific data to be used by the tileset, if any
      IOException - if the tile cannot be added to the tileset
    • removeTile

      void removeTile(ALcdEarthTile aTile, Object aContext) throws IOException
      Removes the specified tile from the tileset. If the specified tile does not exist in this tileset, this method does nothing. If it exists but cannot be removed for some reason, an IOException is thrown.
      aTile - the tile to be removed
      aContext - application-specific data to be used by the tileset, if any
      IOException - if the tile cannot be removed
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the operation is not supported