Graphics drivers
Bugs in graphics drivers can have a serious impact on the performance and/or stability of your LuciadLightspeed application. If you experience problems, it is therefore always strongly advisable to install the most recent available drivers for your graphics card.
Known issues
The following are known issues that may be encountered when using LuciadLightspeed applications on specific hardware platforms.
You can generate a report of the hardware and OpenGL specifications of your development platform on which a view is running.
ATI/AMD or Intel on Linux
The use of ATI/AMD or Intel graphics hardware on Linux is not recommended, due to driver issues.
NVIDIA Optimus
Notebooks equipped with NVIDIA Optimus technology actually contain both a dedicated NVidia graphics card and an integrated Intel graphics chip. The system switches back and forth between these at runtime to preserve battery power. To prevent your application from running on the Intel graphics chip and achieving sub-optimal performance, it may be necessary to disable the Optimus technology. You can do this in the system’s BIOS settings.
Some graphics chips do not perform line smoothing if the lines are drawn during the view’s transparency rendering phase, which results in reduced quality. Notably NVIDIA GeForce cards have this problem, whereas the Quadro line does not. To overcome this problem, you can use multi-sample buffers, although this will lead to an increase in memory consumption. For more information about this topic, see Boost the performance of Lightspeed views.