This article details how to disable and enable the LTS service type and how to configure other properties of LTS services.

Disable and enable the LTS service type

You can disable the LTS service type. This means that the LTS service endpoint is no longer available and that you can no longer create LTS services.

To disable the LTS service type, change the enabled property under fusion.lts to false in the config/fusion.common.yml file:

  # Allows to enable/disable the LTS service. The default is true.
  enabled: false

Restart LuciadFusion for the change to take effect.

To enable the LTS service type again, change the enabled property to true and restart LuciadFusion.

Configure the LTS service properties

You can configure several other properties of LTS services. You can find those properties under fusion.lts in the config/fusion.common.yml file.