You can give anonymous users access to service endpoints in two ways:

  • Add the service endpoint to the endpoint patterns defined in authenticatedEndpoints with authenticated set to false.

  • Remove the service endpoint from the endpoint patterns defined in authenticatedEndpoints with authenticated set to true.

The following examples illustrate how to configure specific use cases. In each case we will modify the fusion.accessControl section that can be found in application-fusion.development.yml and application-fusion.production-template.yml.

Our starting point is a configuration with access control enabled and authentication required for all services.

# Enables access control
  enabled: true
  #  The value for property 'adminRole' automatically defaults to 'ADMIN' when access control is enabled and this property is undefined.
  #  An empty value for the 'adminRole' property is not allowed.
  adminRole: ADMIN
  #  Configures all service endpoints to be authenticated using Platform's authentication system
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wms.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wmts.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wfs.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.csw.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogctilesservice.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wcs.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ecwp.erdasIws.path}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.fileserver.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.hspc.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.lts.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.panoramics.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true

Enabling anonymous access for all services

To enable anonymous access for all services we remove all endpoint patterns defined in authenticatedEndpoints. This results in the following configuration.

# Enables access control
  enabled: true
  #  The value for property 'adminRole' automatically defaults to 'ADMIN' when access control is enabled and this property is undefined.
  #  An empty value for the 'adminRole' property is not allowed.
  adminRole: ADMIN
  #  Configures all service endpoints to be authenticated using Platform's authentication system

Enabling anonymous access for all services of a specific type

To enable anonymous access for all services of a specific type we remove the endpoint patterns defined in authenticatedEndpoints that match the specific type. If we remove anonymous access for the WMS service type (The endpointPattern ${fusion.ogc.wms.basePath}/**), this results in the following configuration:

# Enables access control
  enabled: true
  #  The value for property 'adminRole' automatically defaults to 'ADMIN' when access control is enabled and this property is undefined.
  #  An empty value for the 'adminRole' property is not allowed.
  adminRole: ADMIN
  #  Configures all service endpoints to be authenticated using Platform's authentication system
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wmts.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wfs.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.csw.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogctilesservice.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wcs.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ecwp.erdasIws.path}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.fileserver.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.hspc.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.lts.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.panoramics.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true

Enabling anonymous access for services of a specific type and with a specific name

To enable anonymous access for all services of a specific type and with a name that starts with a certain value, we add an endpoint pattern to authenticatedEndpoints that matches the endpoint and with authenticated set to false. To enable anonymous access for the WMS service type with a name that starts with public we added a new endpointPattern at the start, this results in the following configuration:

# Enables access control
  enabled: true
  #  The value for property 'adminRole' automatically defaults to 'ADMIN' when access control is enabled and this property is undefined.
  #  An empty value for the 'adminRole' property is not allowed.
  adminRole: ADMIN
  #  Configures all service endpoints to be authenticated using Platform's authentication system
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wms.basePath}/public*/**"
        authenticated: false
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wms.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wmts.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wfs.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.csw.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogctilesservice.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ogc.wcs.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.ecwp.erdasIws.path}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.fileserver.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.hspc.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.lts.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
      - endpointPattern: "${fusion.panoramics.basePath}/**"
        authenticated: true
You need to grant permissions to the LFN_ANONYMOUS role for the Data resources to which the anonymous users must have access. See Access Control in LuciadFusion for more information.