
This article describes the LuciadLightspeed WFS Server API, which provides its users with an easy framework for setting up a Web Feature Service. The WFS API provides a lot of core features out-of-the-box. The framework offers a WFS servlet complete with all required request handling facilities, GML format support, and an implementation of the OGC Filter specification.

The main configuration task that remains for the user of the API is to implement the server-side data store for the WFS. The user may choose to read geographic data from files, retrieve it from a database, or use any other method to get data.

Configuring a WFS

To get started with the configuration of a WFS, the main entry point in the API is the class ALcdOGCWFSCommandDispatcherFactory. This abstract class serves to initialize the WFS during server startup. You must implement the abstract methods that:

  • Set up the server-side data store

  • Determine the formats of the data that the server can send to the client

  • Initialize the filtering support

You can also override some protected methods to customize how the server handles transactions and locking. You may need to do so if a server wants to use capabilities provided by its data store to guarantee persistent and atomic updates.

The following paragraphs describe each of the command dispatcher factory methods. For implementation details, see the API reference documentation or the included samples.

Reading data


The WFS server uses the ILcdOGCModelDecoderFactory interface to load data. A model decoder factory uses a given data source name and returns an ILcdModelDecoder that can read data from that source. The command dispatcher factory must provide a valid model decoder factory, or the WFS won’t provide any data.

The default implementation of this method uses the service lookup mechanism ((TLcdServiceLoader)) to pick up model decoders.


Once it has a model decoder factory, the server is ready to load data. To tell the server which data to load, you must also implement ILcdWFSCapabilitiesProvider. The capabilities provider exposes a list of feature types that the WFS offers. Each feature type corresponds to an ILcdModel internally. You invoke the model decoder factory to decode these models. A typical implementation of a capabilities provider reads a list of data file names from the server configuration files and returns those.

The list of feature types consists of ILcdWFSFeatureType objects. An ILcdWFSFeatureType has the following information:

  • The name of the feature type. The name serves as the identifier of the feature type in WFS requests, and so must be unique.

  • The source name, which is used with the model decoder obtained from the model decoder factory to create an ILcdModel for the feature type.

  • A spatial reference system (SRS) identifier, for instance an EPSG code.

  • An ILcdOGCFeatureIDRetriever. The feature ID retriever returns a unique identifier for every feature of the feature type in question.

  • Optionally, an ILcdBounds, exposed using the ILcdBounded interface.

Sending data to the client


A WFS server responds to requests by sending geographic data back to the client. An ILcdModelEncoder generates that data, because it’s capable of encoding a model to the format specified by the WFS client. The interface ILcdWFSClientModelEncoderFactory defines the available model encoders. This factory receives the desired output format parameter from a WFS request, and returns a corresponding ILcdWFSModelEncoder. By default, the WFS server uses TLcdWFSClientModelEncoderFactory, which supports encoding a model to a GML application schema according to GML version 2, 3.1 or 3.2. or to GeoJSON.

It’s possible to expose more output formats by implementing a custom ILcdWFSClientModelEncoderFactory or by extending from TLcdWFSClientModelEncoderFactory. All output formats supported by the factory are automatically listed in the WFS capabilities.


The capabilities document also specifies the SRS for every available feature type. By default, references are formatted as an EPSG code. You can override this behavior by registering extra ILcdModelReferenceFormatter implementations.

You can register more reference formatters by having the registerModelReferenceFormatters() method call addModelReferenceFormatter() for each new reference formatter you wish to register. If more formatters are available, the server tries the last registered format first, then the next to last, and continues until it finds a formatter that can successfully format the model reference. If none of the user-specified formatters are successful, the server falls back to the default EPSG reference formatter.

Transaction processing

A request handler, created for the "Transaction" request name, handles incoming transactions. Figure 1, “An overview of the classes involved in transaction handling.” shows how it interacts with the ALcdWFSTransactionHandler class. It also shows how the default implementation of ALcdWFSTransactionHandler can retrieve locked features from an ALcdWFSLock, or unlocked features from the ILcdWFSFilteredModelFactory. When a transaction is committed, it requests a model encoder from the ILcdWFSServerModelEncoderFactory and saves the modified model using that encoder.

Incoming GML data is automatically decoded and converted to the original format if possible. The elements of the original format must implement ILcdDataObject for that, and must all have the same TLcdDataType. The WFS-T implementation supports GML-based input formats only.

Figure 1. An overview of the classes involved in transaction handling.


To support transaction handling, a Web Feature Service must be able to commit changes to the data back to its data store. You implement this capability in the WFS Server API through the ILcdWFSServerModelEncoderFactory interface. This interface accepts an ILcdModel and returns an ILcdModelEncoder capable of saving this model back to its original location. If you want more control over transaction handling, you can override the createTransactionHandlerFactory method.


If you want your server to have more control over transaction handling, you may want to create your own ALcdWFSTransactionHandler implementation. For each transaction request received by the server, you create an ALcdWFSTransactionHandler instance that handles all parts of the transaction request. Once it has processed all parts of the transaction, it can be committed.


WFS-T transactions can provide data with custom SRS names. To support your own SRS names, you must register a parser to convert the SRS name to an ILcdModelReference.

You can register reference parsers in the same way as you register reference formatters. See registerModelReferenceFormatters() for a full explanation.



A Web Feature Service supports filtering based on spatial and non-spatial constraints. LuciadLightspeed WFS performs this filtering via the ILcdWFSFilteredModelFactory interface. Implementations of this interface can take an ILcdModel and, based on some constraints, produce a filtered model. The contents of the filtered model are a subset of the original model. The command dispatcher factory creates an ILcdWFSFilteredModelFactory by calling the createFilteredModelFactory() method. The default implementation of ILcdWFSFilteredModelFactory is TLcdWFSFilteredModelFactory. This class uses the com.luciad.ogc.filter package to perform filtering. For more information about using this package, see the Using OGC Filters article in the LuciadLightspeed developer’s guide.

In your applications, you can extend TLcdWFSFilteredModelFactory and override the createFilterEvaluator() method to extend the filtering support with user-defined capabilities. See the API documentation of the com.luciad.ogc.filter package for more details.



Web Feature Services that support transactions might also require support for locking. The default implementation locks the features within the WFS server process. This means that other processes that might access the same data don’t see the lock. To implement a different locking approach, you can override the createLockFactory() method.