ARINC data model

The basic information unit in an ARINC dataset is a data record. A record corresponds to a real object in the aeronautical environment, such as an aerodrome, runway, navaid, route, etc. Each record contains a set of fields, that further define its properties and relationships with other records. For example, a route can have various fields that define its classification, required navigation performance, etc.; it is also related to navaids and waypoints, which define the geometry of the route.

LuciadLightspeed AIS API

To represent the aeronautical objects available in ARINC, the domain model from the LuciadLightspeed AIS API is used. This API defines domain objects for common aeronautical objects like aerodromes, airspaces, navaids, etc. These domain objects define the geometry and the relationships with other domain objects. For example, an aerodrome is modeled as an ILcdAerodrome object: this interface extends from ILcdPoint to define the geometry, and relates to ILcdAerodrome objects to define collocated aerodromes.

For each domain object, a common data type is defined that contains only very basic properties that have to be available for every object of that type. One example of such a property is the location of an aerodrome. These common data types are also used by the domain classes to retrieve those basic properties, so you should extend from these base types in case you want to use the domain classes.

See AIS domain object modeling for more information.

ARINC data type extensions

The ARINC format adds a variety of specific fields or properties to the available aeronautical objects. This is done by creating extensions of the AIS base types, which can be found in the TLcdARINCDataTypes class.

The properties of these extensions can be retrieved through the ILcdDataObject interface. For ease of use, all of the available ARINC properties are listed as constants in dedicated classes. For instance, the properties of an ARINC aerodrome can be found in the TLcdARINCAerodromeDataProperties class.

The package com.luciad.format.arinc.model is organized in a similar way as the package com.luciad.ais.model. It contains additional classes to support the ARINC data model.