An OGC 3D Tiles service can serve OGC 3D Tiles data directly.

You can add other 3D data formats to an OGC 3D Tiles service, but those are pre-processed to the OGC 3D Tiles format before you can serve them.

If you want to serve 3D mesh or point cloud formats, you can activate Draco compression for the pre-processing of these formats. In the case of 3D mesh data, for instance, Draco mesh compression techniques reduce the size of the GLTF part in each B3DM file. For more information about Draco, see

Because an OGC 3D Tiles service can only serve one root tileset, a service can only contain 1 product.

Table 1. Overview of data types supported by a LuciadFusion OGC 3D Tiles service
3D Data format Type Notes

Autodesk Revit


Converted into 3D mesh format and pre-processed before serving. Draco mesh compression is possible.
The Revit data can be georeferenced or non-georeferenced.
To pre-process Revit files, you need the optional Infrastructure Standards component.



Converted into 3D mesh format and pre-processed before serving. Draco mesh compression is possible.
The Binz data can be georeferenced or non-georeferenced.
To pre-process Binz files, you need the optional Infrastructure Standards component.


Point cloud

Pre-processed before serving. Draco point cloud compression is possible.
The E57 data needs to be georeferenced.


3D mesh

Pre-processed before serving. Draco mesh compression is possible.
The GLB data can be georeferenced or non-georeferenced.
To pre-process GLB files, you need the optional Infrastructure Standards component.



Converted into 3D mesh format and pre-processed before serving. Draco mesh compression is possible.
The IFC data can be georeferenced or non-georeferenced.
To pre-process IFC files, you need the optional Infrastructure Standards component.


Point cloud

Pre-processed before serving. Draco point cloud compression is possible.
The LAS data needs to be georeferenced.


Point cloud

Pre-processed before serving. Draco point cloud compression is possible.
The LAZ data needs to be georeferenced.


3D mesh

Pre-processed before serving. Draco mesh compression is possible.
The OBJ data can be georeferenced or non-georeferenced.
To pre-process OBJ files, you need the optional Infrastructure Standards component.

OGC 3D Tiles 1.0

3D Tiles

Served directly.
You can choose to turn mesh compression (Draco or None) on or off for OGC 3D Tiles with mesh content. LuciadFusion will re-process the data before serving if the chosen compression deviates from the current compression of your input data. If you don’t know the compression and you don’t want to change it, you can choose "same as source". For OGC 3D Tiles with point cloud content, re-processing is not yet available.

OGC 3D Tiles 1.1

3D Tiles

Served directly.
Re-processing to turn compression on or off is not available.


3D mesh

Pre-processed before serving. Draco mesh compression possible.
The OSGB data needs to be georeferenced.