LTS services can only serve LuciadFusion coverages. If you want to serve other data formats from an LTS service, you must pre-process the data into a LuciadFusion Coverage first.

You can add these data types to an LTS service:

  • LuciadFusion Coverage

    Because LTS services map a coverage to a product, you can have only 1 LuciadFusion Coverage per product in an LTS service.

  • DEM

  • DMED

  • DTED


  • GeoTIFF

    The GeoTIFF file must contain elevation data. Pre-processing will fail if the GeoTIFF files does not contain elevation data.

  • GDAL

    The GDAL file must contain elevation data. Pre-processing will fail if the GDAL files does not contain elevation data.

  • SwissDHM

For an example of pre-processing and serving SwissDHM elevation data as a LuciadFusion coverage, see Setting up an LTS service with elevation data.