By definition, a WMS service advertises the list of supported coordinate reference systems in the WMS capabilities response. LuciadFusion uses a default list, but you can change that to suit your needs.

Changing the advertised list of supported coordinate reference systems

You can configure the list in the fusion.common.yml configuration file under the fusion.ogc property: the properties wms.crsReferences, wms.epsgReferences, wms.autoReferences and wms.auto2References define the list of advertised codes in the reference systems CRS, EPSG, AUTO and AUTO2 respectively. For each reference system, you can either define a wildcard to list all supported reference codes, or define individual reference codes.

Adding a custom coordinate reference

If you would like to add a custom coordinate reference that is not identified by a code in one of the supported reference systems:

  1. First register it using a custom EPSG code. You need the OGC WKT representation for your reference; if you don’t have this yet, you can rely on TLcdWKTReferenceFormatter.

  2. Add your WKT representation and a chosen EPSG code, EPSG:10001 for instance, to the file epsg/epsg_coord_ref.txt inside the library lcd_epsg_resources.jar.

  3. List the chosen EPSG code in the fusion.common.yml configuration file file as explained in Changing the advertised list of supported coordinate reference systems.