LuciadFusion Platform makes use of services. This is an overview of these services:

  • ILcdModelDecoder: used by most services to decode files as models. Add a new model decoder to plug in your own data format. For more information, see How to plug in your own data format. By default, model decoders are available for all supported formats. Beware that certain formats are part of an optional component, and not included by default. To support them, you need to install the relevant optional component.

  • ILcdGXYLayerFactory: used by the OGC WMS and WMTS services to create layers for models. It can be used to customize the styling of a model or to plug in your own data format. See How to customize the data styling and How to plug in your own data format. By default, layer factories are available for all supported formats.

  • ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory: used by the OGC WMS service to create layer factories for a WMS layer. It can be used to add custom non-SLD styling for a WMS layer. This service provides access to WMS-specific parameters. Unless you need those, use a regular ILcdGXYLayerFactory or ILcdSLDGXYLayerFactory instead, because it will be picked up for the WMTS service as well.

  • ILcdWMTSGXYLayerFactory: used by the OGC WMTS service to create layer factories for a WMTS layer. It can be used to add custom non-SLD styling for a WMTS layer. This service provides access to WMTS-specific parameters. Unless you need those, use a regular ILcdGXYLayerFactory or ILcdSLDGXYLayerFactory instead, because it will be picked up for the WMS service as well.

  • ILcdGXYViewEncoder: used by the OGC WMS and WMTS services to encode views as images. It can be used to plug in an additional image format, for example Tiff. The PNG and JPEG image formats are available by default.

  • ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder: used by the OGC WMS service to export features with a specific encoding. It can be used to plug in additional encoding types. GeoJSON feature info encoding is available by default.

  • ILcdWFSClientModelEncoderFactory: used by the OGC WFS service to encode features. Only the factory with the highest priority is used. By default, a factory with support for GML 2 / 3.1 / 3.2 and GeoJSON is used.

  • ILcdModelReferenceDecoder: used by the model decoders to decode the geographic reference of the model. Typically, this information is available as a .prj or .ref file.

  • ILcdMetadataDecoder: used by LuciadFusion to decode additional metadata files into ISO 19115 metadata to describe the crawled or uploaded data. It can be used to add custom metadata decoders. For more information, see How to plug in your own metadata format. By default, a decoder for the ISO 19139 XML format is available.

  • ILcdWFSServerModelEncoderFactory: used by LuciadFusion to add extra data formats that can be used in Transactional WFS (WFS-T) services.

You can also plug in services to extend the application server. For more information about how the services mechanism works, see here.