Class Camera.LookFrom

Enclosing class:

public static final class Camera.LookFrom extends Object
Structure describing the position and orientation of the camera.
  • Constructor Summary

    LookFrom(Coordinate eye, Azimuth yaw, double pitch, double roll)
    Constructs the LookFrom.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The location of the camera, expressed in the map reference.
    The pitch angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.
    The roll angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.
    The yaw angle of the viewer, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • LookFrom

      public LookFrom(@NotNull Coordinate eye, @NotNull Azimuth yaw, double pitch, double roll)
      Constructs the LookFrom.
      eye - The location of the camera, expressed in the map reference.
      yaw - The yaw angle of the viewer, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.
      pitch - The pitch angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.
      roll - The roll angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.
  • Method Details

    • getEye

      @NotNull public Coordinate getEye()
      The location of the camera, expressed in the map reference.

      This location maps to the center of the camera plane.

    • getYaw

      @NotNull public Azimuth getYaw()
      The yaw angle of the viewer, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.

      It represents the viewing angle with respect to the north. I.e. a value of 0 means that the camera is faced to the north.

    • getPitch

      public double getPitch()
      The pitch angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.

      A value of zero represents a horizontal viewer (i.e. looking towards the horizon). Positive angles look up and negative angles look down.

    • getRoll

      public double getRoll()
      The roll angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respected to a local coordinate system based on the eye point.

      Positive angles bank the viewer to the right; negative angles bank to the left. This value is typically 0.