Class Camera.LookAt

Enclosing class:

public static final class Camera.LookAt extends Object
Structure to orient a camera based on a specific target point.
  • Constructor Summary

    LookAt(Coordinate target, double distance, Azimuth yaw, double pitch, double roll)
    Constructs the LookAt.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The distance between the camera location (eye) and the reference point.
    The pitch angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.
    The roll angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.
    The point to which the camera is looking, expressed in the map reference.
    The yaw angle of the viewer, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • LookAt

      public LookAt(@NotNull Coordinate target, double distance, @NotNull Azimuth yaw, double pitch, double roll)
      Constructs the LookAt.
      target - The point to which the camera is looking, expressed in the map reference.
      distance - The distance between the camera location (eye) and the reference point.
      yaw - The yaw angle of the viewer, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.
      pitch - The pitch angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.
      roll - The roll angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.
  • Method Details

    • getTarget

      @NotNull public Coordinate getTarget()
      The point to which the camera is looking, expressed in the map reference.

      This location maps to the center of the camera plane.

    • getDistance

      public double getDistance()
      The distance between the camera location (eye) and the reference point.
    • getYaw

      @NotNull public Azimuth getYaw()
      The yaw angle of the viewer, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.

      It represents the viewing angle with respect to the north. I.e. a value of 0 means that the camera is faced to the north.

    • getPitch

      public double getPitch()
      The pitch angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.

      A value of zero represents a horizontal viewer (i.e. looking towards the horizon). Positive angles look up and negative angles look down.

    • getRoll

      public double getRoll()
      The roll angle of the viewer in degrees, defined with respect to a local coordinate system based on the reference point.

      Positive angles bank the viewer to the right; negative angles bank to the left. This value is typically 0.